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It is so much more convienient. I had Disney+, Amazon and Netflix a year ago and it was too much to bother to open the apps and search if they have what i wanted to watch, only to find out it was on HBO or whatever.

The order sayes "on average"

Basicly every government

People would litterly send men to the moon just to one up each other.

Oh, i remember the drake takeover from 5 years ago.

That's the main opinion on reddit. This is pretty mainstream.

Capitalism isn't evil. It has no moral. It doesn't feel anything and doesn't care. There is only one golden rule "accumolate capital". That's it. It doesn't matter how. Abduct people to force them in to slavery. Sent kids in coalmines for 12 hours a day. Burn down villages. The logical end for capitalism is one person owning everything.

This isn't evil or greedy. It is just people playing by the rules of the system. People aren't bad people. It is the system that makes them act in evil or greedy ways. This is what capitalism wants us to act. This is how we are expacted to behave.

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Beer? I mean what?


You can focus on the music and maybe people don't like sex sounds. I guess 🤷‍♂️

Or it is a boring task and the music is the most entertaining part of it.

Nuclear isn't just benefits. There are major costs and risks. It's sad how both sides are so ignorant to the arguments of the other side. And no one is an idiot to came to different conclusions.

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The one with more money will most likely win. They have better marketing, lawers, and ereryting else to outcompete every upcoming buissnes. The moment the small competetor has a real chnce they wave with enough money to make you quit. And why wouldn't you? You work for moneyafter all. How can you determine the actuall demand if you don't have the numbers with no way to get them?

There is no free market and there has never been one.

He would have 10 hours a day to think for the rest of his life. We all changed over time. Not saying i know who he could become, just saying that some people change by 180°.

And i love it because there is so much to unpack and to interprete. I never heard or saw yout take on the story. It eaven changed what i got from the movie with me growing up.

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Why not give hime a life of regret, sitting behind bars for ever, knowing he thrown his life an freedome away because of a flag. Revange isn't the solution and killing people makes as as bad as them.

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For me death is what gives life a meaning. No game is fun if you have to play it forever, no quest can be finished no boss is ever defeted. Things need to end. That is how Evolution works things have to change or everything is just frozen in time. The difficulty of decissions comes from their finality. You cant go back to school. You can't go back and ask this person out. So your life might be meaningless in the grand scheme of it all but it metters in the short period of our existence. Does it really matter if you stand up each morning? It actually does.

Because it is actually bad or just because it is so tryhard edgy?

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Tough question. But i think it's "in fabric". It's just weird stuff happening.

Yes, 30

Nope. That's pretty save to say. Just the leagal chareges are dropped. It is proven that the castings happend and sex happend. How much the women knew what they are casted for may differ from each instance and how much they felt presured.

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He wasn't a typical prsident in anyway. He didn't want to be president, he wanted to win and people to fill his need for approval. He needs to get what he wants so he shills out for unbelivably cheep.

As i said there is no morality in capitalism. There is no evil way to act in capitalism because the only right way to act in capitalism is tu accumulate capital there is no morality norm to classify actions as evil. Slavery in capitalism isn't evil, it is a logical way zo act under capitalism. When we classify an action under capitalism as evil we do it with morality norms from outside the system. When we use the category "evil" we put value in how we treat living beeings. A question that ist part of capitalism. That's why actions under capitalism aren't evil under the view of capitalism but can be seen as evil from a not capitalistic point of view.

Reddit with Lemmy and WhatsApp with Signal. I still use Reddit and WhatsApp but i would miss out on to much if i cut the ties. I have LinkedIn but i'm not really using it. Does YouTube count as social media?

For those people all the problems come from beeing different and through that, having to discuss stuff wich should be allready clear. Weirdos make the world complicated and they want their life easy and what is an easy solution? Make the weirdows disappear. And you better stay in line or you are the next.

Is it Chatz in Schweizerdeutsch?

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How? There were enough women how felt presured and for some it was clear what's going to happen so they needn't to be "convinced".