1 Post – 263 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Doesn't he have pets with psychic powers? Why didn't they bark anything?

And the world is a slightly better place, momentarily.

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That is not a very good circle, to be fair.

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Is it possible that maybe he's a piece of shit?

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And here I thought that she would happily go to jail over her bigotry:

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What? Better working conditions and pay make employees happy? That just seems.... so radical.

But have they considered the tried-and-true methods? Daily happiness meetings, of course! And don't forget the "anonymous" surveys everyone knows are totally trustworthy. We can even measure happiness with fancy KPIs and build a whole dashboard to discuss at even more meetings! Consultants? Absolutely! Let's throw a whole workshop extravaganza at this "happiness" problem!

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Why is he being so weird about it?

And yet they back him.

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Good. The "gig-economy" is a framework in which working poor hustle for peanuts for the benefit of the richest. Fuck everything about it.

So trump was definitely high as a kite during his state of the union.

We should stop rewarding sociopathic behaviour.

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"Any time, anywhere", except it has to be over there and at that particular time.

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This is not how you raise an issue on Github.

That sounds like something someone who has never tried to use reddit's own search would say.

Jethro Tull doesn't romanticize Aqualung (the old man that sits on a park bench and eyes little girls with bad intents). Quite the contrary actually.

It's actually quite small.

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That was unrealistic from the start. If the shrimp was truly unlimited it would lead to the eventual collapse of the universe.

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You may laugh now, but wait till the apocalypse and see how much you miss potato salad.

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It's not actually a fracture, it's just a sprain^kle^.

I'm so sorry about that, I'll see myself out.

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He (putin) said that his family were learning Mandarin

I hope he atleast got a breathmint after kissing that much ass.

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russia now embraces gender equality, feminism and general wokeness.

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russia wasn't even ready for war when they invaded Ukraine.

Finally, a white guy's take on the black experience.

A whitesplanation of the whole thing, so to speak.

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So, any concerns about the murders and rapes they do in Ukraine at all?

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Then you're working in an idiotic repo. You could just as well have have a master and an actual_master branch. Similar idiocy.

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Drinking "raw milk" puts everyone at risk and should be illegal.

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Same reason they bomb hospitals. Can't genocide properly if the kids keep getting stitched up.

Sounds like spam to me.

Then it does nothing.

It sources (includes) any file found in ~/.bashrc.d/ so check that directory.

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To be fair, the same voters were also mislead by dumb memes.

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dickti... discu... disjona... wordbook woke.

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I've seen most of the movies mentioned here 🫠

IMHO, A Serbian Film and Human Centipede 2 have some of the most disturbing scenes I've ever seen. Realizing that they are made for shock value kind of make them laughable though.

SALO is often mentioned in lists of fucked up movies, but it's really not much. There's some poop eating, light rape and someone's tongue is pulled/cut out. It might have been shocking back in the day.

Irreversible made me feel nauseous and had an unsettling feeling from start to end. (Made me vary about Climax, which kind of have a similar feel, but is only fucked up to a much smaller degree). That one for too long scene that just foes on forever makes it the most disturbing film I have ever watched.

Heriditary has some fucked up scenes too and truly scared me. (But Midsommar bearly made an impression on me. Bearly).

Requiem for a Dream made me feel bad about drugs.

Bone Tomahawk kind of seems like an average action/adventurish movie in a western setting until... stuff happens.

Also worth a mention are Martyrs, Ôdishon, The Woman, Inside, The Girl Next Door (not the comedy) and either versions of Funny Games.

May have forgotten some.

(I have no plans to watch any of the Terrifier movies).

Edit: Totally forgot The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things somehow. Man, that is one fucked up movie. "Play with me Daddy".

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The "RandomUnremarkableName + Number" username format is a clear indicator of the type of person that has very low morals and is quite possibly a scammer or worse. Stay clear of those at any cost.

Unless you want to do crime or hook up. (DM me).

How dare you? trump has never scored even a single touchdown, let alone four in one game!

Cut-scenes that can be paused, skipped and replayed later.

trump would never stand up for the smallest in a fight. That is cowardice.

If you can fit at least two people inside a thing, that thing will be fucked in.

"These fries taste like used motor oil?!"

"Thanks for noticing. I took a class."

I'd sacrifice a couple of my daily hours of slacking off for a 4-day work week.

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