2 Post – 189 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I agree that this is how it should be taught. I wasn't taught it until high school. And even then it was by a university student who came to our physics class to talk to us about the kinds of things we could expect in university. :p

I'm in Canada btw.

Below the frame looks like to me.

The effect on the local goth population will be devastating.

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Somehow I missed the word "Advocate" in the title and had a brief panic there.

I feel like you guys aren't really "explaining like I'm 5". Let me show you:
Sometimes, when a mommyboard and a daddy graphics card fall in love, the daddy graphics card puts his connector pins inside the mommyboard's expansion slot. Then when they both get turned on, millions of tiny electrons surge out of his connector pins and into her expansion slot, where they travel up through mommyboard's data bus, and into one of her memory cards. Meanwhile, there are thousands of image files inside mommy's storage drives waiting to come to life, and every once in a while one of them ventures out of the storage drive and into her memory card. And if the electrons and the image file happen to meet at the same time, then 9 milliseconds later, a picture of a baby appears on the monitor!

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"It's possible I did something wrong." 🤣
Like not read the warning that said that he was about to uninstall the desktop? Or to continue only if he knew what he was doing? He also earlier liked to talk about "red flags", but somehow needing to type in "Yes, do as I say!" wasn't one to him. I'm supposed to be getting Linux tips from this guy?

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Yes, you should totally do that. DO IT.

You don't need humanoid robots for that, just an economic system that is not based on trading labor for income. That is what has been holding us back for a long time.

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You wouldn't download a car.

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Make a Linux app, not war.

That depends; do you mean good for the user, or good for the company? 😉

Yeah, when I saw "Chief Privacy Officer", my first thought was "Ministry of Truth", "Ministry of Peace", etc.

This is called a Deceptive Pattern (or dark pattern). This feature worked exactly as intended in your case.

Richmond! 🖤


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I hope this practice never dies.
(Also has "the artist formerly known as Prince vibes".)

Assuming they don't own them already as a sort of pressure valve. Yeah I'm getting that cynical.

Tbf, lots of things in Windows are a pain when you're used to Linux.

Correction: Lots more things are a pain...

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So you're saying it would rely on each person to stay objective and use good critical thinking, instead of accepting the first thing they read and fall down an echo-chamber rabbit hole? Wikipedia definitely doesn't always get it right, but it does try to use a form of institutionalized objectivity.

First time in a long time I’ve seen "literally" used right. Have an upvote.

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Slashdot's become too corporate, it doesn't deserve the verbizing. It is a sad thing though, that was a fun era.

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Yeah; seeing this pop up on my feed so close to another story about the increasing concentration of wealth to landlords in Canada made me both chuckle and then sigh.

For as long as everyone is using a virus checker, maybe you could try an open source relationship.

Umm, does that include Lemmy?

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Don't be silly, that's just ridiculous. He's not that powerful. But he is on the secret syndicate boards with the people that do. 😳

Neither does Jerboa. 👍

While the system is designed to be entirely local, it is also possible to easily connect it to some external APIs or services if you want to enhance the conversation

labor is necessary for many things regardless of the economic system.

I wasn't talking about getting rid of all labor, but we can with the vast majority of it.

The microsoft strategy.

Yes, I usually watch tv or a movie in bed and it also has to be something I've seen before so I'm not kept awake wanting to see what happens next. Also it has to be not too funny, not too sad, or make me just too happy to see, etc. Interesting enough for me to want to watch it at all, boring enough for me to fall asleep quickly. It can be tricky sometimes.

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Maybe he just likes the game Xcom.

Reminds me of the '90s when pizza places started putting an ever increasing number of 'A's in front of their names just so that they'd be first in the phone book. So you had pages of things like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Plus Pizza". I used to just skip those pages.

There's also so many fun things to do right now!

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I hate to be the one to break it to you, but Apple uses a ton of psychological manipulation in order to sell those phones.

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I'd settle for some ill-tempered sea bass.

I can totally picture this. Cutesy sound effects, characters pulling up/down menus, sparkle effects...
Where can I get it?

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Ever play Deus Ex: Invisible War? Yeah, they did that in there. A ubiquitous series of holoprojectors allowing you to seemingly interact with a particular pop star, who is super friendly and easily form a relationship with, turns out to be a sophisticated ai surveillance network doing exactly what you said. It even screws you over if you reveal too much to it.

Showing different viewpoints in order to not appear biased. It's the cornerstone of democracy after all.


Or how about... they each have their advantages and disadvantages, and therefore are each better suited to different uses and it doesn't have to be a competition?