
25 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm using a Thrustmaster Eswap X Pro. The joystick and dpad modules are hot swappable and can be put in any orientation you prefer. They sell replacement joystick modules for $20, which is nice because you don't have to replace the whole controller if one gets stick drift.

Smells like lobbyists in here.

Wow! A port of a 13 year old game will soon run on 10 year old hardware? Keep on innovating R*!

I watched the whole video trying to keep an open mind, but what they showed off just looks so generic. Quick time events, very basic looking fps mechanics, flight looks like War Thunder arcade battles. At least the gfx and animations looked pretty cool, although imo this is the least important factor of a good video game. Will probably be a skip for me, if it ever releases that is.

I had audio issues too and fixed them by adding %command% -sdlaudiodriver pipewire to the launch options.

I hope most developers stay away from Denuvo on Switch. Devs already have to squeeze the thing for every fps they can get out of it, it really doesn't need anything else bogging it down.

Glad to finally see translation without the need for an extension. I need to translate pages semi regularly but I try not to install many extensions to avoid fingerprinting.

If I owned an EV I would be too worried about battery degradation caused by the extra charge cycles to participate in anything like this.

Finally getting into Outer Wilds, and it's fantastic. Truly one of the better single player experiences I've ever played.

I use Pop!_OS and have been happy with it for the last couple years or so.

I would not be in favor of this personally. The thing is, a lot of music doesn't fall into a cookie-cutter genre. I wouldn't like the idea of people restraining from posting because they don't know how to classify a piece. Now if it was more of a suggestion I think that would be fine.

Sounds better than my current setup. I have Swiss on a SD card plugged in with a memory card adapter, my roms on a micro SD card in the serial port using an SD2SP2. To boot into Swiss I have to use an Action Replay disc. It works but it's a pain.

Great write up, very informative. Thank you.

You're not the only one, it has something to do with anonymous login. I read that they use just a few sets of credentials for everyone using anonymous login, which on Google's end looks like the same user downloading the same app over and over again.

Here's a script from GPT4:


# Create a temporary file for storing file checksums

# Generate MD5 checksums for all files in the current directory and its sub-directories
find . -type f -exec md5sum '{}' \; | sort > $tempfile

# Detect and delete duplicates
awk 'BEGIN {
    lasthash = "";
    lastfile = "";
    if ($1 == lasthash) {
        print "Deleting duplicate file: " $2;
        system("rm -f \""$2"\"");
    } else {
        lasthash = $1;
        lastfile = $2;
}' $tempfile

# Clean up
rm -f $tempfile

This script can be run with Termux from the root of your internal storage. Usually /sdcard or /storage/emulated/0. Do not confuse this with running from root if you are rooted.

Before using a script that interacts with your files you should backup anything that is important just in case.

Furthermore, if you comment out:

system("rm -f \""$2"\"");

By adding a # in front of it like this:

# system("rm -f \""$2"\"");

You can run the script and see what files the script would delete without actually deleting them. I would recommend doing this as I have not tested this script.

I'm confused about what exactly you're asking. Are you asking what is the maximum we would spend on a piece of music, like an album or a song? Or are you asking what is the maximum we would spend to be the sole owner of a piece of music?

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No worries. Personally, the only reason I would want sole ownership of a piece of music would be to release it freely to as many people as possible.

Wu-Tang Clan made an album back in 2015, only one copy of the album was ever made and it isn't available digitally. The album was originally sold for $2 million, before it was seized by the US government and resold for $4 million to settle debt.

If I were to somehow come into ownership of something like this, I would work to somehow release it to the public (like the current owner is). I don't like the idea of hoarding art for myself.

I'm replaying Dark Souls 2 SOTFS with a couple buddies. Have also been playing Dark and Darker which is an incredible early access pvpve dungeon crawler.

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It isn't open source, though.

I'm waiting for patches, mods, and a sale before playing Starfield, but it did get me thinking about space games, which led me to purchase KSP. I'm really loving it. I used to play a game called Spaceflight Simulator until the dev fucked over the entire player base that supported him since his game released. That game was basically the same concept as KSP in sandbox mode but in 2D. Making the jump to 3D graphics/physics has been really cool, and I'm glad to have filled the hole in my heart SFS left.

That was pretty cool lol. I love how that random dude on snare just shows up.

Cool track, thanks for sharing.

Neat. My info was likely involved in this breach.

I did enjoy that, thanks for the recommendation! I especially liked Slow Jam 1 and Her And I (Slow Jam 2).

I use Sayonara. Not my screnshot, I usually have the spectogram open on the left cause I think it looks cool lol. Sometimes I use VLC if I just want to listen to a particular thing quickly.

On mobile I usually use Gelli to stream my music library from my Jellyfin server on my desktop.

Thanks for this suggestion. Saw it a couple days ago, and ended up making a little command line tool that outputs artists/groups similar to the one you give it using data from that site.

Spelunky 2 - $20. One of my all time favorites here. Over 200 hours in, don't regret any of them. I could easily double my playtime without seeing everything.

Dark Souls 1 - $30(?). Back in my teen years on the 360 I bought Dark Souls without knowing anything about it. I played through it with a buddy, passing the controller on death, and we had a blast. That first run transcends money for me, I would pay anything to keep that memory. Recently that same buddy and I replayed the game together and are now reworking our way through the series.

Racingmaybe - $3. This game is amazing. It's a turn based drag racing game with an upgrade system. This is the best driving game I have ever played, far and away. It's a hobby project by a solo developer. At it's $3 price point this game is well worth the money. Seriously, if you're reading this, buy it. Or drop your Steam name and I will gift it to you.

Mount & Blade: Warband - $20. This game is really starting to show its age but I still love it. Endless mod potential gives it tons of replayability.

I could go on forever but these ones came to mind first.

I've been having the same issue on Pop!_OS.

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Interesting watch, thanks for sharing.

Peaches En Regalia comes to mind.

Great song! I wasn't expecting the sick tempo change half way through. I really liked the rest of the EP, too, [2017] Just Cosmo for anyone curious.

Thanks for the suggestion!

My friends and I just started playing Last Train Outta' Wormtown last night and it's a blast with a group. One player plays a worm who can only detect players while they are standing on the ground. The goal of the worm is to kill all the players before they can fix a train and escape.

We've also just started playing Gangbeasts which is also a lot of fun with a group. I'm sure most have seen this one by now though.

Idk if you ever solved this but after switching back to Wayland I am able to launch games with Proton 8.

  • Firefox
  • Signal
  • FFUpdater
  • Red Moon

I will add add all these to my list, thank you!

I'll have to give that a listen!

I've been hooked on Live Vol. 1 by Parcels lately.

Been playing Foxhole with a buddy of mine. The game is pretty cool. An mmo with a persistent war that lasts until one side takes the entire map, which is pretty large. All the guns, ammo, vehicles, respawns, etc. are player made and need to be transported to fronts. It's a lot to take in but it's engaging even while you're learning.

I have a 3050, driver version 535.113.01.