Remy Rose

8 Post – 196 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I like knitting, math, and uplifting the proletariat.

Makes Your Head A-Splode if you think about it too much.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one! 😅

This trope, like how the Addams Family does it, has always really bothered and confused me. Like if the characters followed it to it's logical conclusion, it wouldn't make any sense at all, and I just can't get over that. I don't know how to explain what's logically wrong with it, I wish someone would like write a tvtropes page about it

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Yeah that's definitely my problem, I just can't seem to resist overthinking it 😅

I'm usually all for fediverse folks shitting on big corporate social media platforms, they definitely all deserve it. But unless I'm mistaken, and I very well might be, TT seems like it gets wayyyy more vitriol than the other big bads. Hopefully that's not for "old man yells at cloud" type reasons.

Anyway, definitely looking forward to Loops when it's ready!!

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I'll have to take your word for it, but I have my doubts! Regardless, I feel like it's better to focus on whether you are doing or have done bad things, than to worry about whether you're an inherently bad person. You can always work to do better in the future, and to make amends.

lack of curiosity

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My opinion on them is the same as whatever opinion the sex workers have on them

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Whoaa, a fedi tumblr clone?! I had no idea anyone was working on that. You rock!

omg yes, with zero hesitation! that's a ludicrous sum of money, I could finally go back to the dentist! 😭

Actually I totally did! The terrible wreck happened on the way home. Real rollercoaster of emotions, that day was

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Where I live, back when I got my driver's license, there was always a several months long queue to take the driving test. When my turn came, there was a terrible blizzard. I knew I should just cancel it and wait several more months, but I didn't do that. It ended in several injuries and a totalled car.

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Might be a bit of a stretch, but start a paper mill company! They make a whole town smell REALLY REALLY BAD. During my childhood there was one in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, and it was not a tourist destination at all. Then the paper mill closed and suddenly it WAS a tourist destination.

Also, does Lemmy have an Unethical Pro Life Tips community yet? This question would be perfect there. Also also, don't rule out criminality so quick!

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I like getting "worked on", I guess you could say? Like... I like going to the dentist, for example. Anything that kinda hurts but is for my own good, and involves just staying still on a chair/table while somebody else takes care of it.

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It would be very ill advised, but SO MANY. Enough to organize them. There's a mall nearby that's slowly shutting down, it's like 99% empty now, and there are homeless encampments all outside it being hassled by cops. Instead of giving it to them, it's gonna wind up bulldozed and turned into rich people condos. I'd make enough clones to occupy it and turn it into adhoc co-op housing!

...And obviously like all the boning and other stuff one does with clones as well lol.

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All the people saying exercise... I swear that has to vary across people. I went to the gym thrice a week for two years and hated every gd second of it.

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One, it'll get smashed anyway. Two, if you manage to get away, they'll work with your provider or location based apps to prove you were there and arrest you. Or, force you to unlock it so they can arrest your contacts. Filming them barely helps, there's so many videos of cops beating the shit out of people with no justification, who have been identified and never faced any repercussions

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I've just had a ton of really friendly and amusing interactions with people here, that's my favorite thing. Not sure what feature Lemmy has that makes that happen though.

You should start a Civ community!

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There actually is a fediverse TikTok equivalent being developed! I'm not sure what the current status of it is, but it does already have rudimentary functionality. I bet the developer(s) might appreciate some help working on it, if anyone has the time/coding skills/money/etc to contribute. Somebody else mentioned Tumblr, and that exists too! So many cool projects being worked on, I regularly check this list to see what's new, and it's really heartwarming to see all the work people are putting into making the fediverse such a awesome place. There's even a Tinder-esque dating app!

Personally, equivalents I would love to see include:

  • Archive of Our Own
  • RPC/F-List/roleplay platform
    • (I'm actually trying to work on one of these myself, but I'm an amateur so don't get your hopes up lol)
  • Etsy
  • Ravelry
  • A search engine
    • (And not just a metasearch using the same index as Google/Bing/etc)
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I am very, very excited about it! I check for updates nearly every day lol

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I actually live like a couple hours from this real place in the pic, it's very surreal.

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One possibility is that, any of these jars that were vacuum sealed in the first place, they can easily be re-vacuum sealed with a cheap vacuum chamber/hand pump combo. it's not an appropriate preservation method for all the kinds of things that originally came in the jars, but will keep dry goods from oxidizing/etc.

Some parts of the Mastodon community are hostile towards VC Funding, AI, and cryptocurrency, particularly because of their entanglement with enshittification and hype cycles. These people are worried that this relationship will lead Mastodon down an unhealthy path that prioritizes the wrong things. It’s a totally understandable concern, but it’s important to remember the mission and purpose of Mastodon’s US entity: to manage and raise donations in the United States. This is not an executive department making decisions for the Mastodon project, and they aren’t shareholders expecting to make some kind of financial returns. A healthy board requires a diverse set of opinions and experiences that educate the real decision-makers so they can get multiple perspectives on problems they need to solve. It seems like this board’s variety of backgrounds has been set up to do exactly that.

...This really doesn't soothe my concerns at all! Actually, up until right now, I hadn't even been paying enough attention to have concerns. So... if anything, this article has inspired concerns I didn't already have.

It's like if the server at a restaurant came up to you and said "now I know what you're thinking... we did in fact recently hire some cannibals. But they only work in the business office, not the kitchen!"

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Zeno's Paradox, even though it's pretty much resolved. If you fire an arrow at an apple, before it can get all the way there, it must get halfway there. But before it can get halfway there, it's gotta get a quarter of the way there. But before it can get a fourth of the way, it's gotta get an eighth... etc, etc. The arrow never runs out of new subdivisions it must cross. Therefore motion is actually impossible QED lol.

Obviously motion is possible, but it's neat to see what ways people intuitively try to counter this, because it's not super obvious. The tortoise race one is better but seemed more tedious to try and get across.

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As an example of the problem, no one in my entire social circle has any hope of ever owning property, and many of us are just barely skirting homelessness. Unfortunately this is extremely common in the same world where some people own multiple homes. If you found yourself in that situation, I imagine the best course of action depends on where you live, but a good choice might be to convert your property into a non-equity low-income housing cooperative. There are lots of other options though, the main thing is just to get it into the hands of people who need it.

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A confederation of autonomous zones run horizontally under anarchist principles, a la Rojava, the Makhnovshchina, Catalonia, etc etc. Presumably for many types of collapse, there'd be a gradual period where the government just cuts off services to increasingly populated areas and abandons them. Autonomous zones like these could spring up to fill the void, and eventually be better than what they're replacing.

Yes, obviously.

It reminds me a bit of comic sans, and comic sans is easier to read for dyslexic people, so maybe this is a good feature to have

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Coconut and honey? Oh no, that one TikTok lady is gonna be so sad...

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I use it fairly frequently and enjoy it! My instance is Pxlmo but it hardly matters, federation doing its thing and all. The official app is quite buggy atm, but not unusably so, and it's fun to watch the updates slowly improve things. I do follow a lot of people who are actually on mastodon but only ones who mostly post pictures anyway, so they fit better in my pixelfed feed.

EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention! I also kinda use it as image hosting for other apps! Only for pictures worth posting though, not trying to clutter it up. All my picture posts on Lemmy are stored there. If you put the direct link to the pic in the Lemmy image field, it shows up just as if you'd uploaded it directly to the post, no click-through necessary.

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Tumblr! I only joined shortly before all the wildly terrible business decisions killed it lol. Great memes from there would get cross-posted to my various platforms often enough for me to want to go, but I procrastinated until it was almosssttt too late...

Now we got a fediverse version though 😈

I have zero training in that stuff, but I'm occasionally called upon to do it for my library's digitization service. It's kinda fun! Anyway, if you DO have some kinda certification in that, your local public library needs you.

Remember how many days are in each month. I mean, I guess maybe I could if I tried harder, but I refuse.

EDIT: ok I'm seeing everyone's tips here, and thank you, but I gotta say... None of these heuristics seem any amount easier to remember. 😭

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If you wanna stay in-fediverse, you could post the pics on a Pixelfed instance and use that as the host. Just post the pic there, copy the direct URL to it, put it in the URL bar in a post here and it will show up as a normal picture instead of a link. Also Pixelfed allows unlisted pics, like if it's stuff that would clutter up your profile.

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I've got one! Obscure textile crafts.

There are knitting/crochet communities of course, but all the super niche ones like ply-split braiding or smocking are too rare to warrant a whole community to themselves. On reddit there was a defunct sub called bistitchual, both for all obscure fibercrafts and for combinations of unrelated fibercrafts in one work. I wish we had it here.

I would really like to mess around with self-hosting someday, but I live in a residential area and those sort of shenanigans are explicitly banned by my ISP. Is there anything someone in that position can do?

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The only times you have an opportunity to deadname or misgender yourself is when you're referring to yourself in the third person. When you do that, it's usually because you're thinking from the perspective of someone else, right?

At least for myself, I've noticed a correlation between how other people (on average) are referring to me and how I am mentally referring to myself. I don't think misgendering/deadnaming yourself is reflective of how you see you, it's reflective of how you think the world sees you.

That's just my hypothesis though, could be wrong.

No, absolutely not. At least, certainly none of my own, even if I were capable of it... I don't really see the point in procreating with the world on such a catastrophic trajectory. On the other hand, if I find myself in a situation where I have a home and resources to share, and some unfortunate already-existing kids need those things, I'd certainly offer them a place. That would be just as true for non-kids though, so I dunno how much of a "parent" that'd really make me.

really? that's where i mostly use it, and to me it seems to work great! but on the other hand, i haven't really experienced it anywhere else

I'm loving the creativity here! To me though, "uncommon" implies that it's not like completely unheard of either. so, my choice would be "Midge"

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