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Joined 12 months ago

Growing cannabis (legal here in Canada)

anyone can grow weed. Growing GOOD weed is an art.

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Honest answer?

If you’ve lived through Canadian HC for a few decades, you’ll notice a few things:

  1. It’s no where near as good as it was in the past.

  2. It’s broken now after Covid and the apathetic response to the stress upon the system.

  3. The conservative governments (mostly provincial) are purposely not putting monies where needed (eg more staff), and underfunding everything in it so the system breaks. This way, their associates can swoop in and take over with “more efficient” and faster HC services - and they can then begin raking in the enormous profit margins seen in the private US system (many of whom are their ‘associates’).

Canadians in most provinces are currently being slow-walked into private, for profit HC.

If you don’t see this. You’re truly blinded by your comforting illusions of what Canada is now, compared to 20-30 years ago. Shit, even 10.

Two-tiered HC coning right up!

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I’d be happy to burn it for them!

A little bit at a time!

I’d be very curious how they are going to try and fuck over Firefox, or similar browsers.

It’s not “just business “, it’s personal. It’s all personal, Mike. You know who I learned that from? Your Father, the Godfather.

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Probably condoms.

“The purpose of your life is to make others happy”

Put that in the head of all the ‘players’.

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Why do I need a camera in the dash , focused on the driver, Toyota? (Eyes off the road for 5secs results in audio reminder to watch the road)

How long until Insurance or LE can access it?

Yaaaa, extra insurance (or none) for you! “You look away from the road too often, and you cry in your car on the way home from work. Both say you are a risk. “. Now insert your LE scenario….

Fuck everything to do with this shit!

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What’s that “Kids Online Safety Bill” thing in the USA right now?

More and better NSFW content isn’t the answer, but it certainly helps!

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Look, at this point Google could just drown puppies on live stream and it won’t matter. They’ll just keep on Googling anyway.

No one would ever willingly talk to me ever again.

…so pretty much no change.

“Labor Shortage”=“no cheap, or near slave- labor”

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Wow. I’m so underwhelmed.

Ungh, my family all uses it. So I’m kind of forced to use it only for one chat as were all far away. I seriously DON’T want it on my phone though.

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I just miss all the backwards comparability Jobs used to maintain. When he was driving the bus, he may have been a complete asshole, but he made sure a 12 year old mac computer could still work with the new tech, as best as it could.

Snow Leopard was the last, glorious OSX that was secure (enough), and very malleable.

Now? I want to dump their whole ecosystem.

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Still. That comment on Reddit where the guy talks dirty to his wife. Fails, miserably. So hilarious. Wish i could find it again. “You like that, you fucking …”.

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Get in there, you big furry oaf; I don’t car what you smell!

The point at which it could collaborate with others and fight back.

Until then, it looks like meat is back on the menu, Boys!

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Apes, actually. Stupid apes.

Ignore me.
Wake me up.

Knock my shit over.
Fit in the box.

My cat has mastered all these tricks.

Globe is a rag anyway. Whatever the article is about it’s either wrong, or just bullshit. …IMO

Kenji’s 3 ingredients Mac and cheese. As fast (almost faster), as KD. Way better.

Because they have sex with farm ani…. Wait, that’s Florida again.

"aspirin, cold Coca Cola, smoke a joint, eat some spicy Szechuan food."

Girls like it when you laugh.

Gotta subscribe though, don’t you?

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Another Canadian here. In the same club.

Turning it into the car parts/repair scam, business.

Home surgery is still saving me money.

A few minutes before the services started, the townspeople were sitting in their pews and talking. Suddenly, Satan appeared at the front of the church. Everyone started screaming and running for the front entrance, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away from evil incarnate.

Soon everyone had exited the church except for one elderly gentleman who sat calmly in his pew without moving, seeming oblivious to the fact that God's ultimate enemy was in his presence.

So Satan walked up to the old man and said, "Don't you know who I am?" The man replied, "Yep, sure do."

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Satan asked.

"Nope, sure ain't," said the man.

"Don't you realize I can kill you with a word?" asked Satan.

"Don't doubt it for a minute," returned the old man, in an even tone.

"Did you know that I could cause you profound, horrifying, physical AGONY... for all eternity?" persisted Satan.

"Yep," was the calm reply.

"And you're still not afraid?" asked Satan.


More than a little perturbed, Satan asked, "Well, why aren't you afraid of me?"

The man calmly replied, "Been married to your sister for the last 48 years!!..

Welcome to Canada.

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Right? When you grow, you really get an appreciation for what an amazing, and resilient plant it is.

I used to grow, but never smoked except to taste my harvest. My spouse smoked daily and heavily. I didn’t, but I LOVED coming home from work to my grow room. It was so therapeutic! Still is, but I miss my old HPS & MH lights.

“Chef At Home” was a stellar Canadian cooking show! It was on the Food network. He did another couple of shows, one online too. However, CAH was, IMHO the best of the best.

Very relaxed and educational.

It was Hosted by Chef Michael Smith from PEI.

I could cook well enough before watching him. I cook WAY better now, with thanks to him for teaching me how to THINK in the kitchen, and not just “do”.

Also, once and a while? I’d like to see an episode on ‘mistakes & failures’. We ALL have them, and watching an experienced chef “fuck it up” once and a while is inspiring in that it teaches you to learn, and move on from your fails. “If HE/SHE can fail, then I should not be discouraged!

Some guy at NASA: “We estimate that the cost of this part should cost 1.8Million dollars. “

Some guy in India: “You know, my cousin can make that part for 35 dollars”


The Bourdain method. Hands down.

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Grab some fruit, or salad, slam a quality protein shake (no/low sugar).

I put my head under the tap with the coldest water. Inlet it run over my the base of my skull for minutes at a time. Within an hour, it was gone. I was shivering, but didn’t give s shit.

It was a shit-kicker of a migraine too. Day and a half before I tried the cold water thing. Puking. Sight-loss. Bad!

Same thing as every year.

A day at the house by himself! No wife. No kids.

Thats growing weed.

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