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Joined 6 months ago

I agree. The economy is shit right now and I would be amazed that anyone in their right mind would invest in a company whose already lost half their value in just a few years (at least, that's what I've heard. They supposedly went from 10B to 5.5B or something like that). And like you said, interest rates are a factor as well.

The mods are jumping ship or just straight up abandoning the site, and the slew of NSFW content, real or not, is damaging its advertisement potential. It's a lemon.

That's the nature of entropy in any system, especially one where anyone can freely engage with it. I think it should be recognized that anything good will inevitably change, and by being aware of it, we can take steps to slow down the inevitable descent into chaos.

If anything, I do think the fediverse itself is a good set-up for preventing the sort of issues that Reddit eventually faced. It's almost like the internet itself. There's no centralization, only various participating end-points sharing and receiving data.

So far it does feel like a re-imagining of traditional internet forum of the early 00s, but Reddit inspired. I actually had no idea about the whole "Fediverse" thing until today, but so far it seems really promising that there isn't any one central agency in control of the platform. Maybe that's a misunderstanding though.

Am I correct in thinking that Fediverse operates somewhat like the internet? Is it just a collection of end-points sharing data through a single protocol and if one shuts down, the rest aren't affected? Or is there a host that is technically in control of Lemmy as a whole?

Just abandoned ship myself. Saw a post on there this morning that they were headed for IPO. Decided it was time to finally start looking elsewhere.

2 more...

Driving someone to chicago and dropping them off isn't trafficking, but there is most definitely a slew of child-labor happening in this country, and the majority of the children involved are migrants who illegally crossed the border. There's a lot of coverage about this if you look for it. I imagine that Texas might be involved in some part of that process if they're the ones handling these people.
