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Joined 12 months ago

đź…±abylon is đź…±urning

Looks like stating simple facts it not acceptable any more ...

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The boy hacked Rockstar using a TV, a fire stick and a phone! I think he deserves a medal, a scholarship and a high payed job as a security consultant, not punishment. Instead they destroy his life for ... being too smart and too talented?! Fuck capitalism!

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Back to piracy ...

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Not saying all these necessarily apply to Steve jobs but I really hate how capitalism gratifies liars, fakers, cheaters, egomaniacs, narcissists, psychopaths and selfish exploiters in general.

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Maybe it wasn't a particularly good idea to make firearms so easily available to everyone and especially to (neo)Nazis?

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To make their footwear, indigenous people tapped the gummy white sap of the rubber tree and dipped their bare feet into it before drying them by the fire. When the sap hardened, it formed a rubbery protective “sneaker” that made rough treks through the dense rainforest less damaging to their feet.

Uses of rubber date all the way back to the 1600’s when the Mesoamericans used it for (...) a type of temporary rubber shoe that was made by dipping their feet into a latex mixture.

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Before even clicking I guessed correctly -just from the unbelievable cruelty- that this has happened in India. Of course rape is a problem everywhere but Indian rape culture seems to be especially horrific.

Eat the rich!

The problem is not the use of copyrighted material. The problem is doing so without permission and without paying for it.

Are there any reports of him being violent outside of custody though? If not, he is obviously not a danger to the public and the primary problem is that he was put in custody.

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Well, fuck them, at this point indie games are often better than AAA titles anyway.

I know a person who has worked as an individual assistant of special needs pupils for many years and he thinks that specialized schools can provide better and more adequate care than the inclusive approach in common schools. Criticism of our education system is necessary and important but what Bernd Höcke has to say about it is of course irrelevant. Even if a part of his criticism might be accidentally valid, he -as always- is criticizing these things for the wrong reasons because of his neonazi background. Has this guy even worked with special needs pupils? From what I know he was just a generic history teacher before he went into right-wing populism so his competence in the matter is questionable at best.

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Please tell me this shit is illegal?!

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What a chad! I wish German politicians had such energy.

The fact that the biggest star trek sub on reddit has been censored to a degree that it drove away many trekkies might also be one of the reasons. I got a lifetime ban there simply for stating that I do not like DIS and PIC because in my opinion they oppose everything star trek stands for.

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"Workers of the world unite! You have nothing to loose but your chains!"

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Please post less about him, or at best ignore him. The constant Musk spam is really getting annoying.

Yet another another isolated incident?!

I blame Hindu-nationalism.

Only not buying games from such shameless companies can fix this. Stop buying from companies that try to make an ass out of you!

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German Conservative Party warns of 'complete loss of control' if cannabis is legalized

German government approves controlled legalization of cannabis use

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We are not talking about Tibetan butter tea salt levels here. In the article it is recommended to use just enough salt to tone down the bitterness by blocking the bitterness receptors on the tongue, not so much that the tea actually tastes salty.

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Colonialism intensifies

Muricans and science don´t mix ...

Just the cheap headline, which is obviously all about framing is enough for me to not read the article.

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Oh no! ... Anyway

Sadist pigs

It´s not only about the price. I also prefer to buy games after initial bugs and other issues have been patched.

Finally some relevant news.

A crude yet understandable statement from a person who was born, grew up and lived her whole life under such horrible circumstances of occupation and racism, especially now that the movement of ultra-racist, right-extremist, illegal settlers gets supplied with weapons by the government to murder Palestinians in the west bank to chase them out of their homes, in an attempt to expand Israel once again.

I do not support violence by either side but is it really so hard to understand her perspective?

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Stay with the facts please. He did not talk about responsibilities at all, only said the attack did not happen in a vacuum. Everyone bending the actual facts to fit their preferred narrative the way you do, is most counterproductive in any discussion.

Most of them will probably be arrested, tortured and killed. Fuck the UK!

I hate trump and I hate Fuentes but the headline suggesting that Fuentes said it at Trumps Dinner is cheap clickbait, which I also hate.

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  1. The right to self defense is universal

  2. Starving millions of innocent civilians is not a form of self defense

Drugs are medicine. The fact that drugs can be abused does not make them something bad in general. For many pain patients around the world opioids are simply a necessity.

The loss of income many afghan farmers will suffer from losing their most important cash crop will be significant. Add the fact that economically, Afghanistan is already a poor country. Obviously no more poppy farming will make people´s lives even worse.

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US teenagers have never been known for being particularly smart ...

I wanted to try all KitKat flavors until I found out about Nestlé.

Fuck Nestlé!