2 Post – 144 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Would it not be easier to outlaw deliberately running over animals? Would seem like the non-psychopathic thing to do.

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"The party was founded by former Nazis in the 1950s." Just in case anyone was wondering if it isn't as bad as it sounds.

Or AIEIAPALHE for short. Basically just yodelling into the void.

There you go, in case you were wondering.

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I'm still utterly disgusted that the western media present this as anything other than state-backed terrorism.

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Closest I can get is my server is hosted with a company called Mythic Beasts, who use mythological beast names for their hardware.

They really want a full on war, don't they?

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Missouri taking decisive action to be tough on the wrongly accused.

I have programmed by looking up op codes in a table on a sheet of paper and entering the hex codes into an EPROM programmer.

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Can Teams please fuck off and take Outlook with it?

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Trump is literally a foreign agent, working on behalf of China and Russia.

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Should have forked Conservepedia - it's already fucking stupid to start with.

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On behalf of the rest of the world, can I just say thank you to the democrats for getting themselves sorted out and getting into a state where they could beat the gibbering orange gibbon.

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You can't murder a room full of children with pgp.

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If he doesn't want xitter to be subject to European laws, then stop making it available in Europe.

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Brew beer, fix motorbikes, make bird boxes, travel, walk, read, volunteer, cycle, write software, build electronics, sit in the sun with a cat on me. I can't wait to retire.

They are war criminals. There's no other way of looking at this now. It's ethic cleansing by war criminals.

This is the entire quote:

"No, we're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you're not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected. Now, if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that's going to be the least of it, it's going to be a bloodbath for the country, that'll be the least of it. But they're not going to sell those cars, they're building massive factories."

The context is talking about Chinese cars, but the bit where he says "it's going to be a bloodbath for the country, that'll be the least of it." really looks to me like he's saying there will be a bloodbath in general if he doesn't get elected, the one in the car industry being small compared to it.

I don't know why I'm spending time and energy examining the idiotic ramblings of the orange gibbon.

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You can charge for FOSS software if you want.

I can't be bothered to read the article. Is it because capitalism is funneling all the money into the hands of the ultra rich, making everyone else poorer, but the ultra rich own the media and government, so they fool people into thinking that it's the immigrants who are taking their money, thereby getting the two poorest groups fighting each other rather than joining together and attacking the people who actually have all their money and choose to enrich themselves to obscene lengths to the detrement of literally everyone else on the planet?

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You don't need every post to have a comment basically saying "this source is ok". Just post that the source is unreliable on posts with unreliable sources. The definition of what is left or right is so subjective these days, that it's pretty useless. Just don't bother.

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The racists are getting louder because people like me are leaving Reddit. It's fast becoming a nazi bar.

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I'm 100% an idiot.

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"The Base" = Al-Qaeda in arabic. I don't know if he thinks he's being really clever or if he's so stupid he doesn't realise.

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Total coincidence that this "news" appears about a day after several articles saying the AI bubble is starting to burst.

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100% laser printer. My Brother laser paid for itself the first time I bought a set of cheap toner for it. I don't understand why people buy/rent inkjet ripoffs.

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Good luck with that. Have you ever met humans?

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I wish I could blame this one on Trump, but neo-Nazi crazies have been stoking this fire for a long time.

In case you forgot what you wrote. Hope that helps.

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In other words, sensible politician doesn't want to waste billions on an idiot's idiotic unworkable ego-stroking plan like Elon's mate will.

I wanted to help them out, so I sent in a report, even though I'm in the UK. Everyone should send in a report so they know how vital their work is.

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I wouldn't bet on it. They have just re-elected Modi, whose record is pretty sketchy.

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Presumably they appear as red lines because of the speed they are zooming away at.

The problem with Trump being a talentless orange idiot is that the only quality he had was being younger than Biden.

You are the one making the claim. You could at least have spent a few seconds finding out if it's true before you wrote it. Otherwise it's just bullshit that you have pulled out of your arse.

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You aren't giving Elon enough money. Sacrifice another 47 billion to your weird terfy god.

He's always promising shit that never happens. He's just a stupidly wealthy pub bore.

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I left Reddit to get away from all the racist wankers and their "legitimate concerns", and now they seem to be turning up here. Great.

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One of the most horrific massacres... so far.

You basically have to go behind the clitoris and stimulate it from the back while working it from the front with your tongue.

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