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Joined 1 years ago

This is the main issue I have with Linus. Doubling down on dumb takes.

But they do fuel polarization in general. I'm sure of it.

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I don't think I really have a reason to use it.

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This got dark fast.

R.I.P. mother and son.

This reminds me of the nightmare of those laptops with intel and nvidia gpu so you could switch to nvidia if you wanted to game. And what a nightmare it was to even get the nvidia gpu working in linux.

When I'm buying new hardware I'll make sure never to buy nvidia again. However sometimes I am gifted things and it would be rude to refuse to accept.

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And then you find out they were mainly working from the cloud.

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The fact that some of us own land and others the rest of us have to pay them to live on it.

Or the fact that we have to pay to have a roof over our heads. Like how is that not essential to living? Why are there people making money out of essential things like housing, schools, electricity, water, etc?

[Edit] Whoops, I did not intend this to be a comment to you.

Time for me to jump ship too. I've just realized that I was mainly on twitter just to follow one person, and they have jumped ship already.

I am looking at r/place now and it is kind of making me lose hope in how many people actually care about what spez is doing.

But more likely this is just my depression talking.

I'm wondering why they would think one would pay to (still) see ads or have a lower resolution stream.

I'm pirating since I want to have a copy I can use without an internet connection without weird compression, ads, or low resolution. And not even everything is released on blu-ray these days.

I agree. Not all these forums are about the same content nor do they all involve the nazi stuff.

I liked the point and click games when they were 2d hand drawn and not (3d) rendered. It seems to be a thing that has now been lost to time.

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I feel like I'm a kid in an adult body trying to pass off as an adult. Always walking on my toes mentally. Being expected to know and do things way beyond what I'm able to.

I feel like aging only makes it worse.

The actual problem is that they think they should just force one or the other on us. Give us a choice to sort our feed and we'll figure out what we like best.

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YouTube ReVanced for me.

All I csn say right now is respect. This might be the best idea considering the current issues in the world.

What that reasoning we should install sauerbraten because most people have plenty of hdd space and broadband internet. Better yet, just install all the games so we can relax every now and then between the hard work.

Good on you. I was still watching cartoons in 1996. To be fair I matured very late (if ever).

Driver support for (older) graphics cards.

The screen tearing issue (may be related to above)

Dependency hell.

How a program or game used to work fine on an older version but doesn't work anymore. Basically lack of backwards compatibility for software.

How you can't always do everything you want in the gui and have to use the terminal sometimes and know some of the basic commands.

How a lot of the gui programs don't have (usefull) error messages so it just leaves you confused when a program you installed doesn't want to run.

I'd rather not waste my time reading an article about a program I'm not currently using to find out if I should use it our not. I'd rather see a post that has bulletpoints with pre's and cons. My time is limited enough as it is.

[edit] I realise that my comment will probably come across as unfriendly so I will add some explaining to it.

I am currently in a western country using a fibre landline and I trust my internet provider to not intercept my data or use things like a man in the middle attack. Am I right for assuming that and if so, would tor prevent that? Will tor slow down my internet? I mostly watch youtube videos and read/post on lemmy/mastodon. I am not against using tor at all, but my energy and time are limited so I don't feel like reading a whole article just for an app I do not feel the need to use. I am currently very happy with my firefox browser and all the add-ons I use. And with all the modifications I have put into it to make it work just the way I like. Would I loose all that by switching to tor? I am prepared to change to tor but I am not in the camp of "protect privacy at all costs, even if it greatly inconveniences me". Especially if the risks of not using tor seem quite low in my situation.

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Oh unskippable cutscenes really are my pet peeve!

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While I agree with you, I'm wondering what the benefit is of watching youtube and posting/reading lemmy/mastodon through a tor network. Because those are the main things I do. While I do understand that in some countries and also in public wifi networks the chances of traffic being intercepted and man in the middle attacks are higher, I do not expect that to happen to my fibre connection in my western country.

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I removed the snap version of firefox as soon as snap started whining it couldn't update because I was using firefox. And it even seems to start a little faster now that it's installed through a ppa.

How about Spookie's House of Jumpscares?

At least I think that's what it's called?

If money was no object I would go all in on open source hardware. Open source everything for me. Sadly I cannot. And so I am still stuck with decades old closed source hardware. But at least I'm running Linux on it.

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I'm fine with just using the .deb .

I don't dislike flatpak and it's good that it exists but I prefer not using it if I don't have to.

I was expecting someone to mention all the bugs and crashing of the game, hehe. That is something I would not miss allright.

If they give it fair weather, I'm in.


And reintroduce features from Daggerfall that have since been removed.

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Lack of backwards compatibility for older versions of software/games requiring older libs. All I see it lots of pointing back and forwards but it doesn't get solved.

Lack of legacy drivers for graphics cards. I want to run a new distribution on my old hardware, using graphics acceleration and no screen-tearing. Is that too much to ask?

If a program is executed through a wm, have it submit errors to the wm as well so I can see why it's not running, instead of seeing a loading cursor for 2 seconds and then nothing.

I want to be able to do 99-100% of what I want to do using a GUI. Even installing drivers and changing settings. I don't want to have to change things in a text editor just so I can have a simple shortcut on the desktop. I've learned how to do it and I can do it in my dreams now, but that doesn't mean I like doing it.

This is what kept me off fediverse for a while. Reading about another incident like this.

If your admins are adults about things and don't overreact to every little thing, then that's great. But sadly not everyone is mature like that.

I think they know what it means, but they just wanna complain about quasi-related stuff.

When you say it like that... it does make sense yeah.

no, it was the power LED

The problem I have with this is that if he's known for these things and he knows it, why not hire someone to do the communication for him instead of making the same mistakes every time. Or is he too stubborn or not smart enough to realise the damage he is doing to his brand?

Good idea. i'll do the same.

Doesn't matter, because I already predicted it.

Removing things others tell you not to do. Yes, that sounds familiar. Maybe I should try Arch sometime.

I've just finished my current version of my script to change ubuntu around to my liking. At 4:23 in the night/morning. I'm back on ubuntu because I can never seem to get the graphics working just right on other distro's. There's always that screen tearing happening whenever I play youtube videos in firefox. But in ubuntu it just works out of the box.

They have a nice discount on their games on their own webpage. Too bad it requires a credit card or paysafecard.

I'll probably be pirating for now.

Good work!