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Joined 2 months ago

Andddd they don’t pay taxes!

4 real! Now challenge accepted!

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The 40hrs are for father supporting the mother not for both to do 40hrs. This is why shit like this happens , they are forcing us to live a life we were never built for. The less working for some one else my wife does the more energy she puts into our family specially my son.

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If he was convicted of raping her what would he get 7 months slap on the wrist? … we need change in this legal system cause its backwards designed that way.

Im so happy for the new game Delta Force which is in open beta right now and going to be a BF killer. EA and Dice can go to hell!

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They have lost the entire world!

Yes please keep going UK and bring Australia along. This sick relationship with Israel needs to stop.

Hammas lose rockets always land on schools and hospitals. So weird huh??!!!!

Ubisoft is behind it! I learned to walk away from these fuckers. They can release the perfect game and within 3 months it will be ruined.

I need to see this on c-span, So I know which congress people are bought.

Stop helping israel, if they want to start a fight with the middle east. Let em deal with the consequences alone!

Ranked #1…. Lol do they have eyes? I know a couple of highschool kids that can put her to shame. Did they see her olympic performance… it was a joke and now its a bad joke.

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It’s a fucked up world we live in!

This is why gamepass is mediocre. They fire the people that can create great games and then think AI can do what they did. Activision and blizzard were great when they had great people working there.

Who ever israel kills is a terrorist! Don’t you know that by now. The fact that neither nominee is willing to stand up to Israel is the reason we need to take our country back.

Ubisoft has been listening to their investors instead of their consumer.

Just watch the prime minister of israel talk to congress. All the congress fuckers in attendance are getting some type of compensation for their support. We send money to country committing genocide and israel has free education and free healthcare. Make this make sense???!

Yup just give it a few days,I just did the same earlier today.

You can always do a clean install from a USB and create 2 new registries and it will bypass the hardware check. I have installed windows 11 on various 6th gen machines and they run great.

Im not trying to fix you just my surroundings.

You start voting in local elections and changing what is easier to change and work your way up. I never voted in local elections before and I see now that this will have the biggest impact in my day to day life. Only 66% of eligible voters are doing so and so many are under the spell of fake news run by the billionaires. Vote for regulations no matter how bad the news paper paints it, the same for unions.

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I mean I would like to go back to hanging these fuckers but you know thats illegal.

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You are not alone. The only way to stop it is to go back to regulations. Regulations have been stripped since the 80s. We need to put them all back in place, there is no reason anyone should have that much money. They are going into space and moving bridges so they can fit their yatchs disturbing hard working peoples lives. Capitalism is great but only when it’s regulated. We dont need a formal investigation to know that these people have visions that align and they will fuck everyone for their gain. Also they have underground bunkers ready for anything.

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When you assume, you make an ass out of you and me.

Are you saying that you don't believe most women will leave men that does not provide for them? Cause thats not sexist it’s Facts! Also why was your take on my post only about sexist instead of the point I made that we are both over worked? -Here are women saying exactly my "SExISt" point.

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Kamala here, we couldn't get it done this term but we will next term. This is 100% what will happen! Biden promised the same, obama promised the same. When are we going to take this for the lie it is.

Let’s remember that the border was open for financial gains. Politicians don’t do anything out of the kindness of their hearts. Work force during the pandemic had the upper hand and it was a good time for Americans. This is how these companies pushed for an open border, so they can take power back they don't give a shit about these immigrants. They just want to give them a hand so they can vote for the party that let them in. Our leaders are the scum bags that should be jailed.

In general women will lose respect for a man that is not providing. Thats why I said it.

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