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Joined 1 years ago

Sir/maam that is oregon

Kinda interesting, but I don’t think this is the right community for it

Disclaimer that I haven’t used Tor in a while, do your own research, etc

The US navy designed and open sourced the Tor network. If all the traffic meant to be anonymous was coming from the US navy it doesn’t work well as an anonymizer. There’s been various claims that they have backdoors over the years, but to my knowledge none have held water.

Unless you’re running an exit node (which requires different software than the Tor browser) other people’s traffic isn’t getting routed through you so you’re fine legally.

VPNs are not very good at protecting you from the websites or services you connect to. They’re best used to hide where you’re connecting to from your ISP. Modern fingerprinting using things like browsing habits, installed software, web browser size, cookies, etc is barely effected by VPNs and the Tor browser takes care of an minimizes lots of those tools.

The biggest issue for day to day use for me is how slow it is. Because your traffic is being routed through 3-5 nodes before getting to its destination overall speed and latency suffer a lot

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Private trackers often have rules requiring seeding that keeps all/most of the torrents with a healthier seeding pool.

So faster downloads and less dead torrents. Sometimes greater variety

This is horrendous. I love it

Kotaku article because I cant figure out how to link the tweet

tl:dr weird clipping after a rag doll made it look like there was balls jiggle physicals

I’m not on Twitter, what’s happening?

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Docker is professional software and because of that isn’t always the most intuitive thing to use.

The first big thing to get your head around is that there is no GUI. Everything you do to manage docker is through the command line. If you really want to, there’s some third party GUI software for managing Docker, but I haven’t used it in the 2 years I’ve been using Docker.

Once you’ve installed docker, there’s a little bit of setup required to make it run smoothly. The Docker Docs page on Linux post-installation steps has detailed instructions on how to do that and how to run a test container

Seeing the “natha” username is so vindicating. I thought I had typed my name wrong for so long

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What are your issues with Firefox? Been great for me

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They’re different projects with different goals. Graphene is more private & secure if that’s the thing that matters to you. Lineage supports far more devices

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A lot of these channels start by using equipment from their job, or losing money on a youtube channel as a hobby while doing other work. If you already have/work at a wood shop, there isn’t a startup cost to use a lathe. If you work in a lab, you can often use tools when they aren’t being used for work projects.

The vast majority of youtube channels don’t make any money. The majority of channels that do make money don’t make enough to live off of. The few that do usually make most of their money from brand deals, donations, and merch.

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Not when discord launched. Discord had far better audio quality, multiple text and voice channels, and some moderation tools. Skype was basically a group chat with a group call function

For those who don’t want to read the article, it’s a list of games. Each game gets a paragraph to summarize it and a paragraph of thoughts from a writer.

The games listed are:

  • Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor (PC)
  • Monster Prom (PC)
  • ValiDate: Struggling Singles in your Area (PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Switch)
  • The Sims (PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Switch)
  • A Summer's End - Hong Kong 1986 (PC)
  • Signalis (PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Switch)
  • Even Cowgirls Bleed (PC)
  • Heaven Will Be Mine (PC)
  • Ikenfell (PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Switch)
  • Gone Home (PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Switch)
  • Citzen Sleeper (PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Switch)
  • Tell Me Why (PC, Xbox)
  • Milky Way Prince - The Vampire Star (PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Switch)
  • Paradise Killer (PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Switch)
  • The Outer Worlds (PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Switch)
  • If Found... (PC, Switch, iOS)
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So many want “change” … Trump is “change”, right from his personal nature and demeanour.

Back in 2016 when Trump as sill "new" I fell very squarely into this. I was still too young to vote and had just started learning about politics. Looking at both major parties all I saw was people who didn't care about normal people, politicians that seemed too involved in the political game to actually get anything done. I remember seeing Trump as a kinda of wild card that would hopefully stir things up enough to hopefully get something done. That someone removed from the traditional nepotism in politics could make real changes.

Unfortunately that's not what happened, and not really how any of this works. It seems like his presidency just made new problems, and all the old ones still persist.

I’ve heard arguments that back in ye old days each row only had 80 characters and variable names were shortened so you didn’t have to scroll the page back and forth

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Here’s Empress’s NFO mentioned in the above NFO

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The IR blaster on my galaxy s6. Not the most used feature, but when the Air BnB didn’t have all the remotes it was a life saver.

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It varies from person to person. I personally like queer because it’s super “catch all” and I’m always confused asf.

That being said if you present yourself as an LGBT positive person I don’t think you’ll run into any trouble with it. I haven’t at least

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I definitely feel this happening for me as well. The weirdest/hardest part for me has been getting used to not being able to answer everyone’s questions. I’m less familiar with the facebook/twitter/amp webpages side of the internet now and having to learn to cope with not being my friends one stop shop for everything on the internet

Why is it better?

I don’t really have anything to add, other than I feel like I’m in the same, or a similar, boat. “I kinda think I’m trans but that’s a big commitment and what if I’m wrong” sums me up

I’ve been happy with AirVPN for the last year or so

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I haven’t seen anyone mention Mirror’s Edge yet! The free running (especially in the first game) is such a unique and rewarding experience. A little janky and frustrating sometimes but when it clicks it just feels so good

I feel like this works. “I was the only one to escape the disaster that was remote learning”

I can hear the sucking sound

nvidia drivers on linux is troublesome. They don’t support their own proprietary drivers well and don’t share with the devs working on open source ones. As expected, you end up with two different feature incomplete drivers and it’s a huge hassle.

iirc you should be fine with an intel or and cpu and it’s just the gpu you need to be careful with, but my experience is with an amd cpu and nvidia gpu so I may be wrong

If you’re using the lemmy website, you should only see crossposted posts once in your feed. App support varies IIRC

You can think of yas-bdsm eject as your safeword.

He definitely knows

I’ve had this exact video in my watch later for longer than I remember

As someone who has used both as my primary operating system the main reason I ended up on Arch is the Arch User Repository (AUR).

The AUR allows you to run installation scripts for apps that aren’t supported by the official repositories and pretty much everything you could ever want is there.

The other big thing I liked is the Arch Wiki documents everything really well, and I preferred the kinds of answers I found there and on the Arch forums to the Ubuntu/Mint forums.

At the time, operating system overhead was extremely important to me and a window manager like i3 or awesome was less resource intensive than Mint’s Cinnamon Desktop Environment (DE).

All of that being said though, because Arch doesn’t ship with a DE getting started will require a configuring a lot of things using old school text based configuration files. The Mint installed on the other hand leaves you with a very capable and functional system as soon as you finish installing it.

If you want something that works right out of the box, I would recommend Mint. If you want a project give Arch a shot!

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The main appeal of “everything apps” is the amount of control and influence they afford to whoever owns them.

The benefit to users is that various services should interact with each other better and single sign on


The channel you linked is in the top 2.5% youtube channels, uploaded a video a couple years ago that hit 9.5 million views, and had an ongoing sponsorship deal with square space and other large companies.

The person behind the channel also appears to work at a college doing this kind of thing as their job. The way you get access to neuron cultures is by having a job where you work with them, being passionate about teaching and sharing that with other people, and asking nicely.

In this particular case, the youtube channel seems to be a hobby. A side thing. It’s not the driving force behind the availability of their tools and equipment.

You aren’t hosting any of the images from federated instances, so legally you should be fine. I do agree that the clutter from them can be a huge pain though, and I don’t see many users from those instances involved in SFW conversion

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I refactored my project 3 times but still got a lot done

—-I haven’t used windows in a while, but for curiosity’s sake what are the best ways for registering windows now?—-

edit: i’m bad at reading, muses the relevant line

There’s a mall near me that converted into basically a strip mall a few years ago. The only store that’s still open and that has an indoor entrance is the movie theater and it feels like walking through a space that shouldn’t exist every time I try and get to it

You post this every week and it’s always on Wednesday my time and it confuses my sense of time constantly haha