3 Post – 123 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

So many interests, so little time and money. Always interested in talking to more like-minded people!

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Since I started using a privacy respecting browser and moved to GNU/Linux, my whole life is captchas.

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Beyond innumerable rules at home (no sneaking out of windows, no making potions out of toiletries, no growing mold in the bathroom, no snakes in the house, etc.) once as a kid I had $5 of birthday money burning a hole in my pocket, so at lunch I asked for as many $0.25 cinnamon rolls as I could get with a $5 bill. Although the cafeteria workers tried to talk me out of it, I spent the rest of the day parading around with a huge sack of cinnamon rolls which I didn't share with my classmates, as I was determined to bring my catch home to impress / share with my family. The same day, an announcement was made over the intercom to the entire school announcing a new two-per-person limit for cinnamon rolls. Details may be off as this was years ago, but that's what I remember!

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I've been playing for years; I even used to rank in the top 100 DM players. It's an outstanding game that doesn't get near the attention / credit it deserves. The graphics still look good, it'll run on a potato, fast, satisfying gameplay... it's the best.

Back when I lived in the UK, I'd play instagib on german servers that were so full and the matches so intense that you couldn't take a step after spawning before exploding if you hadn't learned how to move quickly yet. It became an ambition to be able to get off of the spawn point, and I began to use those intense matches to wake me up after work every day.

Eventually, when logging on during the wee hours, I'd get to chatting with one or two other players on an empty server and they'd give me tips, or show me the secret rooms and easter eggs in some of the weirder community-made maps.

I don't play much lately, but I do run a server to give a little back for all the fun. Anyway, yea, Xonotic is great.

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Authoritarian communists.

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To be honest, I think 'founders syndrome' vibes have been radiating from their content for years. Owner-operators are often some of the most toxic employers.

I have never had a single landlord where this isn't the case, except in instances where they are too cheap to even hire professionals to do things that they don't have the skill to do, and they get their dipshit son to "fix" the sink that fell clean out of the kitchen counter with a lumpy bead of clear silicone and a 1' piece of 2x4 wedged underneath.

I use Krita as an image editor and I prefer it.

OMG spoilers!

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Let me get this straight:

In the following scenario, the app developer is in the right?

  • App dev: Here's my new app! It's called F----T, for FAntastic Gnome Game On Terminal.
  • Me: Hey, that word is offensive to me and others like me, it's a word we hear before being beaten, bullied, killed, or discriminated against. Do you think you could change it?
  • App dev: No. My intent was not to discriminate. You're being unreasonable.
  • Me: The fact that you are unwilling to even entertain changing the app name from a well known slur used against people like me makes me feel completely unwelcome.
  • App dev: Sounds like your problem, sticks and stones.
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So bizarre; foods like this already exist everywhere. In india they're called far far, in UK chinese restaurants they call them prawn crackers, in Mexico they're chicharrones de harina or duritos, and if you don't have access to any of these options where you live, you can literally just fry rice noodles or spring roll wraps and they'll puff up. So why the toothpicks?!

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Initial setup can be hard, and then, because GNU/Linux lets you do whatever you want, It's not hard to bork the system if you're using commands you don't understand. The biggest realization for me was that if I want a stable system, I can't expect to experiment with it / customize it to the nth degree unless I have a robust rollback / recovery solution like timeshift in place. Feeling very empowered after leaving windows, I have destroyed many systems, but truly, if you set up your system and then leave it alone, these days it's not difficult to have a good experience.

But yea, you're totally right: the userbase can be toxic AF, and there's no one place you can go to learn the basics you really ought to know.

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Rooibos, mint, and chamomile for sure.

Why is it stupid to discuss whether the language we use could be harming people? If you're not interested in joining that discussion productively, you could simply scroll on.

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Tidal-dl ftw

I switched my design workflow to FLOSS tools exclusively. Krita is a perfectly competent photoshop replacement, Inkscape has been developed at a breakneck pace in the past year, the workflow is different, but it's every bit as good as illustrator, and Scribus is great once you get used to the workflow. If anything, Scribus' workflow helps you plan and structure your projects better. IMHO FLOSS tools are absolutely ready for professional work, but you cannot expect the workflow to match existing proprietary tools.

IDK about Lemmy devs, but point 2 is so, so common. Making a point about UX or accessibility in 99% of FLOSS project discussion spaces is incredibly stressful; you can have user research, industry best practice, and years of experience on your side, but you're inevitably met with dismissal and argument. Devs often treat designers as though they're a bunch of artsy crystal-healing crusties, despite the fact that good UX people base their work on actual research and theory grounded in human behavior and psychology. (Calling use of basic design principles "eye candy" for example) Of course, if a dev makes a decision on technical grounds, it must be treated as scripture as far as any remaining designers on the project are concerned. It's no wonder so many FLOSS projects have abominable UX.

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There are lots of older KDE apps that could use some TLC.

Oh yea, I'm very excited to give Plasma Mobile a go in earnest

I can't remember I'm afraid.

I remember feeling really limited on GNU/Linux; for me, it was the desktop environment. Switching to KDE Plasma gave me back the kind of power and usability I was used to from the GUI.

Besides that, always be sure you're following tutorials for your specific distro, and a recent version at that. In my early days, I borked my system many times by pasting commands I didn't understand meant for other distros or older versions of the distro I was running.

On software, I would recommend trying to find FLOSS replacements wherever possible. People often sell Linux as being able to run most windows software, and while that's true, you'll almost always have a better experience after taking the time to learn a FLOSS tool written for the platform. Even with proprietary native applications, companies often consider GNU/Linux an afterthought and the experience suffers. If you're using KDE Plasma, for example, try finding a KDE app at

For a distro billed as beginner friendly, I always had issues with Ubuntu too. The most trouble free distros I've ever used were Manjaro (which I still use to this day on machines I want to just work out of the box - ignore the hate), and Mint. Manjaro comes with an official KDE Plasma verson too.

Don’t use GUI package managers, but here, have some GUI package managers.

What GUI package managers are you referring to? EOS doesn't supply any.

AFAICT they made something more confusing than Arch, not less.

If I'm not mistaken, this is all stuff you should also be doing on Arch. The single difference is that EOS provides a button in their "Welcome" app that will helpfully run a command for you in a terminal for some of these tasks.

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What's the confusion? They're just like public ones, but pristinely organized, extremely well seeded, and you're less likely to get a letter from your ISP for torrenting with them.

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Krita has CMYK, and very good non-destructive editing these days. It's my preferred photo editor, including for the occasional magazine ad work I do. It also has great support for PS files, including smart layers, etc, plus it has layer effects, masking, filter layers, GPU accelerated canvas, and G'MIC support covers a lot of the fancier pbotoshop stuff like content-aware fill. IMO, for the workflow and interface alone, it's leagues ahead of G***.

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It is strongly implied until the last paragraph, where you advocate tipping as little as possible if you don't like their attitude. Horrible, cruel take.

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I was responding to the argument in the previous comment, not making a point about the term "rice."

It's still in pre-alpha, but I've been playing a lot of Veloren.

Seconding KDE. Imo new users will avoid a lot of frustration with Plasma.

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I feel so alone in my love for Manjaro :[

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With Yunohost being a thing, I'm down to nothing.

Easiest way to get started at the moment (imo) is to go through the interview to get into MAM, get VIP status, then use the invite threads in the forum to access other trackers.

Now maintaining your ratio however... I'm having a hard time at Orpheus, with a seedbox.

Yes. Unless there's clearly bigotry of some kind behind the behavior, yes. You never know what someone might be dealing with. They could have been denied that day off to attend a funeral for a family member (which absolutely happens in that industry), or they could just be completely burned out and unable to perform the emotional labor and / or masking to appear kind and respectful any more. I've been there personally. I've also had situations where guests thought I was being rude, when there was just a culture difference and I was trying to communicate. I've almost lost my job because I wouldn't give a customer free product. My "no" was interpreted as rude because I was completely burned out from working 12+ hours straight that day, with no overtime pay, and just couldn't fake a smile anymore. As a result, unless someone is being openly homophobic, etc, I never tip less than 20%, because my feelings and read on the situation shouldn't impact someone's ability to feed themselves.

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What’s a beginner to do

Well that's just it; Endeavour is not a beginner distro. It's not designed to be. Endeavour is Arch with a graphical installer and some modest quality of life improvements for users who are otherwise willing to trawl through the Arch wiki for answers. The welcome app really just seems to be there so that you don't have to memorize all the commands or set up aliases, etc, if you don't want to.

So when you ask "am I supposed to X," the answer is that there really isn't a set-in-stone workflow to accomplish anything on EOS or Arch; what you're supposed to do is read the manual, so to speak, and decide for yourself how you want to go about things.

Unlike some other Arch based distros like BlendOS and Manjaro, Endeavour is still very much a DIY distro.

Exactly. I once made a point about excessive indicators of visual / information hierarchy increasing cognitive load without additional benefit on a subreddit and got downvoted to oblivion. That was not my opinion; that's what industry research indicates!

Got to say though, I think GNOME is pretty, but a usability nightmare.

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This looks great! I've been using Dsub for ages because it supports streaming via DLNA to my Hifiberry device. I'd love to find a 100% FLOSS app that also has this feature.

I'm an EndeavourOS user and I love it, but I wouldn't call it beginner friendly

I can see that too. For me, coming to GNU/Linux as a windows power user, with Gnome, I just felt so limited and unempowered. Switching to Plasma helped me feel in control of my machine.

You could always use Yunohost - it makes things much easier.

Instagib is the only way to play!

Agreed. I've been designing professionally since 2009, and have switched my workflow to 100% FLOSS tools. Scribus, Inkscape, and Krita are suitable for professional work these days.

I just use plasma panels these days