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Joined 3 months ago

i stuck it out past the protest up until the day the company went public, and I can testify without any doubt that the downward spiral increased dramatically post protest. It got so bad that even though I go back to check my local sub, I haven't once felt tempted to create a new account. I began to dread any actual interaction with other accounts

tomato tomato

Wasn't the Hitachi Magic Wand initially sold as a "muscle massager"?

I can't wait to see how these laws get misused. My local municipality banned camping in various public places, and if I understand correctly the police used that law as justification to falsely arrest campus protesters back in March/April.

EEVBlog. The guy is a brilliant electrical engineer but his arrogance prevents him from realizing that his electrical engineering intelligence doesn't translate to other unrelated subjects. I tuned into a live-stream of his once and he started to discuss international geopolitics. His views were ill-informed and half-baked at best. When a couple of viewers (not including myself) simply requested he change subjects, he became indignant and started telling people not to tell him what to do on his own YouTube channel. He eventually told his viewers to leave if they don't like what he had to say. So I did. I have not watched one of his videos since. I did watch Adam Something's witty rebuttal to his video that reviewed and criticized one Adam Something's videos.

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The public dislikes Harris, for the same reasons I could see her becoming the de-facto president by remaining in her position. Big business interests and Donors would love to have an empty-suit like her to push around.

I found his video on FPTP Binary political systems video to be logically flawed and I think it ultimately caused more harm than good. It's irritating to see people reference it in political discussions today. That eventually convinced me to stop giving him views.

I like him but his mental health issues remind me why it's probably a bad idea to play around with mercury as much as he did.

This one was also pretty good.

Yes. Flatpak, not Snap.

[addedum] it has been my daily driver since I switched away from Kubuntu a few years back for the aforementioned reason.

shaving should come before haircuts.

There's no need to "restore democracy" when you don't overthrow it in the first place.

"A failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part." -Someone hopefully working on ffmpeg.

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I repeatedly wonder how much of our economy has been supported solely on a foundation of underpaid labor.

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I remind people that the fastest way to "create a job" is to take a full time position with benefits, cut the hours in half and divide them amongst two new positions after removing the benefits and now you have a 100% increase in the supply of jobs.

I thought It was a pretty solid critique of mainstream American culture of the moment. What didn't you like about it?

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a pain tolerance builds up fast and people like the endorphin high that comes with the intense heat.

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They are.

I don't think he knows what "anti-consumer" means

She really only had ONE job. She failed.

Got defibrillated in the back of an ambulance. I had 6 or 8 caffeinated beverages over an 8 hour period which also involved a 7+ mile walk across town on an 80+ degree Fahrenheit Saturday morning. I was feelin' pretty great and thought it could use the perfect compliment, so I drove across town and bought some gray-market d9-thc gummies. I believe i took a ~25mg dosage worth of gummies. An hour later my heart rate was very high and very noticeable. I couldnt catch my breath and i had begun to panic. That's when i called for paramedics. when they arrived my heart-rate was 160 bpm and still climbing. We got in the ambulance. They applied the the pads for the AED. I was still relatively conscious when i heard the AED call out "one-eigthy." A few moments later I heard it call out "two-hundred." That's when I very suddenly jerked forward and moaned from the shock and then I felt my heart rate begin to slow a little. In the hospital we learned I was deficient in potassium which made sense given the pathology. The shock was surprisingly painless and I would recommend it if ever needed. The panic attack and the residual albeit minor case of ptsd, those I would not...

I've since learned how both substances work physiologically and while they feel like psychological polar-opposites, they have compounding effects on the heart and circulatory system. I am religious about limiting my caffeine intake now, two years later. —No more hippie speed-balls either

Who knew that creating an ultra-nationalist theocracy would also facilitate a ripe environment for discrimination against the religious minorities?

Crash the 2004 hit movie not the 1996 Cronenberg Cult-classic.

to elaborate, it was insincere corporate virtue signalling designed specifically to bait the academy awards by using a multi-character parallel storytelling style that is only ever celebrated amongst industry snobs.

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I can tell you how. To put it simply there was a drive for short term profits that overrode the need for due dilligence in quality-control which pushed them to purchase untested materials from questionable sources. I Don't have any sources or documentation to back up this specific case but it's historically how these industrial failures and oversites always occur. —If this post sounds like a case of Libel or defamation to you then I encourage you to think of it merely as a postulated suspicion instead.

I'm definitely a news junkie and I used to spend many hours per day on that other Platform because it made for such an effective news-media aggregator. It sounds like your seeking out a replacement for that dopamine hit you used to get from checking the news all of the time. There are plenty of bad alternatives out there as others have already mentioned. Regardless of what you choose to do, I hope you periodically take stock of your own mental health. Personally speaking, this habit has sent me into major depression more than once in my life.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck....

—I just saw this story while creepin' on Reddit. That place has become completely overrun by astroturfing propogandists. It's depressing on one had and on the other it makes me glad I deleted my user accounts the day they wen't public.

I noticed votes related to political comments are suddenly shifting to the right which was different just 1 week ago.

it wouldn't be the first time the Democratic party underestimated American voter apathy. To wit the Hilary Clinton campaign had a lot of hubris, too.

I used to crash my Debian and eventual Ubuntu distros with regularity due to outdated PPAs. It was such a headache, and it’s why I still put my /home directory on a seperate partition just to make a reinstall safe for my personal files. I thought I didn’t like Appimages and their bloat until Snap came along. I hated Snap so much it convinced me switch distro’s again. Now I’m on Pop! and I love Flatpaks by comparison and now think Appimages are alright…

It’s 10+ years later and I still irrationally worry about crashing my system due to outdated & conflicting source dependencies. In hindsight the problems with PPAs clearly had a lasting impact on me.

in no particular order:

-Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun Firestorm

-Wolfenstein 3D

-Max Payne

-Railroad Tycoon 2



-Fallout 2

-Tropico 3

-Age of Empires II


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It was a product of it's time which is to say that even though it wasn't particularly good, it was representative of the schlocky action sci-fi films one might have seen just a few years earlier during the drive-in Grindhouse era.

I'd just like to add that a truly "free market" is not conducive to competition long-term

The U.S. has an infamous history of obstructing the ICC otherwise the previous 3 president's would be potentially facing war crimes charges.

Early last year I promised myself I would delete all of my accounts and leave reddit for good the day they launched their IPO. I'm a few hours early but both of my accounts are now officially deleted.

-fuck u/spez

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unless it's previously posted clearly to see before I order, I'd just walk out and not pay, because that is otherwise called "fraud."

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I guess my only takeaway is that if I want to protect my IP then anyone who has access to the software should be required to sign a terms & agreement that specifically written to prevent this kind of thing, regardless IANAL, but i'm pretty sure this is all legal according to copyright law. The engine and therefore the code is different, the assets are custom and slightly different. If this were a trademark or patent related case then there might be a something else to go on.

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So Apple became the first trillion dollar company and ~5 years later Google becomes the first A* 2 trillion dollar company. That rate of growth sounds inflated and unrealistic.

[edit] updated to reflect corrections based on u/ 's pedantry

Reddit continuously grew more toxic with astroturfers, bots, and other bad-faith actors after the protest. I deleted all of my accounts the day they went public since that was the previously planned line-in-the-sand for me. I only visit periodically every few days to check my local towns subreddit for news. It would be nice to have a bigger community with Lemmy but I certainly don't miss the constant arguments.

"diseases of despair" which includes but is not limited to suicides and overdoses has been steadily on the rise for over a decade in the U.S and so far as we know suicides reached an all-time high in 2022. -I'm betting they just haven't collected and presented the 2023 data yet.

well that article was exactly as awful as the headline sounds.