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Joined 9 months ago

Music composer, game designer and cybermancer.

Consent-o-matic !

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1 more... if you are looking for a public place.

If you are looking for private use, I would recommend taking a small/old PC and run Yunohost with Nextcloud.

Also all depend on the stuff you're talking about...

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You could try Cyberpunk 2077, Dishonored 1&2, Prey before giving any money to Ubisoft. + Half-Life 2, BioShock trilogy, Fear if you want more action.

If you aren't against rpgs go play Dragon Age:Origins, Mass Effect trilogy or Baldur's Gate 3. Or Alpha Protocol ?

If oldies doesn't scare you : Vampire Bloodlines, Deus Ex, Half-Life, Baldur's Gate 1&2, Planescape Torment, Thief 1&2, and some point'n click games also...

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Because anyone with a computer can host a peertube instance. Therefore is you want your videos on peertube it will cost you nothing more than what you already have : a computer running and an internet access.

The only real barrier is having the time and the knowledge to set it up.

Peertube is tech solution to host video, not a way to make money with videos. Monetisation can be done with peertube, but it's up to creators to set it up.

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Puppy linux (debian version), small, light, 32b.

Try puppy linux ?

Hosting cost money, so an host can setup a patreon to make money to host his peertube instance.

Monetisation like YouTube-monetisation means ads everywhere because, monetisation on YouTube comes from publicity.

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It is and I never have stability issues on PC. Bugs yes and the 3 years update have getting rid of the most annoying ones.

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Why would you want to be discovered?

Depending on the answer a lot of things can be done IMO.

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You should use Ardour, it's a DAW with native linux version. It's free for Linux users and it's a free software.

LMMS isn't really a DAW, as it can't really manipulate audio easily, only midi. Reaper and Bitweeg have native Linux version but aren't free softwares.

Windows Vst are running fine on linux these days, but on Linux there are a lot of audio plugins on Lv2 format you should try as well... Lastly, native vst for Linux do exist and work flawlessly.

Edit: as a general rule, audio in Linux is fairly different than on windows/macos, because it allows more flexible workflows, with the use of multiple softwares in sync to get the best of their abilities. For instance I make professional audio mainly with Ardour but I also use rosegarden, guitarix, luppp, non-daw, open stage control or pure data for some specific functions.

Because YouTube wants you to not think, but just provide content and shut up.

Peertube (libre softwares in generals) requires to think about things and to make choices by yourself. It doesn't try to be more than what it is = a tool for easily host videos.

Peertube isn't a platform.

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Well I'd say just use popular hastags related to your posts and reply to other people.

I'm on Mastodon since 2017 and it will build slowly as you will get much more favs than direct replies anyway.

Back up your data before hand.

You can use gparted on your mint live session to resize the windows partition to minimal size, leaving the biggest empty space possible. Leave 500mo to the windows partition as a safety net.

Then during the install process :

  • choose manual install (not install on a full drive),
  • create an ext4 partition for the system (30 to 50 go) with a "/" mount point. It's the system partition.
  • create a "swap" partition (size = your computer ram x 2). It's the physical memory partition.
  • last create an ext4 partition (all remaining space) with a "/home" mount point. It's the personal data partition.

Once the install completed you will be able to access your windows data from mint.

Son you didn't have class manuals?

Because I couldn't find any dev to help me make the game I wanted to make.

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Actually I did know the amount and kind of work it required, as I have being working on game projects before (I'm sound designer, music composer and game designer).

It's not really dumb yes, but a bit sad when you think about it.

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You should setup a yunohost server for her.

But you should be upfront about being a teacher for her not being a helper.

For the others in the topic, yes teaching people to be autonomous with the digital is a lot of work (and a lot of phone calls), but it's also really rewarding for both you and "the student".

It's being 2 people in front of the screen instead of one.

It's something related to the main advice I can give to someone wanting to try Linux = do not be alone and ask for help a lot.

You can have a closed source version on console and a libre or open version for PC.

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Just play games you like, you can play most multiplayer games with randoms without chatting or talking. You will probably miss some fun, but it's not a big deal I assure you.

Just play the game you want to play, you're not the only one who does it without talking online (like me).

You're right, but it wasn't how I took it a the time.

The underlying message I receive was that if you don't pay enough or you don't make people dream Steve jobs style, you won't get anyone to work with you.

I'm lucky, I do have the drive and I can take the time to learn news things and I get to meet some wonderful people along the way. But that's just me being lucky.

Sorry for venting, but I do think curiosity should be on both side.

I let you search them online : Osiris Saline, Pablo Hasel, Plagiat (songs in some kind of bizarre french), Sebkha-Chott (old band from Plagiat members), Circus Marcus (piano/emotional music). You can find them on Bandcamp or My own solo project called NT, although good luck to find it.

Mostly you should look for band that publish under libre/free licences, as they are often leftist, feminist and they are political by design.

From more 'conventional bands' : Godspeed You Black Emperor!, Laibach, The Residents, DJ Spooky.

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Why did you dont l'île Dota 2?

Default is garbage for me interface wise (weird app menu/panel made for touchpad not desktop), so I prefer Lubuntu or Xubuntu.

Kubuntu is... Well it's KDE.

You are a power user yourself, of course you dont see ads. But most of the people will see ones because they aren't power users.

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It's not the point.

People see an app marked as Microsoft, they are using Windows by Microsoft so they assume the app is part of the system. Therefore they won't even guess they can uninstall the app to begin with.

Ok, regarding to the assets you can release them under their initial licence with the code on another one. It's not a problem.

You can even publish things under multiple licences if they aren't exclusive (I've done this on my game).

Well, I'd say libre software comes with an activist approach on this kind of non-sense. It would be appropriate to make some kind of statement regarding this issue.

Hum it isn't I'll check it out thx.

Edit : fixed, thank you didn't pay attention and tick the box by mistake.

A port of the original can't be added because SH2 original source code was lost by Konami:

Indeed, that's why I talked about Yunohost. Nextcloud install is just one click button on Yunohost.

The goal is to limit one player carrying the others to much.

Yes this game isn't a game, it's a online working platform for kids in disguise. It should not be even legal in the first place.

You should (if you haven't already) do a little research about roblox before let your kids play on it.

I suggest these two videos :

Piracy isn't a libre licence.

Libre licence means sharing the source code and the game assets.

Here piracy means free to play.

And you're right free software doesn't mean the author doesn't get paid. But that's not the point here.

Lastly, in some legislations (author's right), a statement like this one don't work because the author himself cannot violate his own rights. Which mean that people can be sue for pirating a work even if the author stated that people can pirate it. To me, it's endangering the audience.

On the bright side, it's still nice to have an author acknowledging piracy doesn't steal sells and that culture is meant to be shared.

The Wreck

Maybe this: could be of some help ?

Thanks for your reply :)

I think the problem with roblox goes far beyond the individual freedom to access a program.

What we both say isn't mutually exclusive. But I do think that gaming Linux communities could take a stand on the kind of gaming world we want and the kind we don't want...

Looking at the downvotes I get here and setting aside people who don't like/understand irony, I feel either there are a bunch of roblox-fan (I sincerely hope it's not it) or there are people like you who took the individual freedom to use a computer and apply it with crushing dogmatism (but without taking the time to expend on it like you did). But do gnu/Linux communities have to be chain to this ? I'm not sure. When twitter was shit, do we just said 'never mind it runs on Linux, we're free.' ? Or reddit or Facebook ? No we discouraged actively to use those platforms and we build alternative that are better for people. Here what do we have ? A gaming platform with predatory practices toward children and we give it access to our computer without even the game studio had to lift a finger for it. A new (and small yes, but still) market of users for what you called yourself a 'asshole game studio'.