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Joined 1 years ago

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I took it to mean "it has increased to the point we can't deal with it all"

You should take another look at what the CPC is focusing on. At their convention this month they voted on what to focus on as a party; two anti-trans policies passed the policy for affordable housing did not. Is the CPC as far right as the US Republican party, no they're not, but Poilievre is happy to court people who are. Also he won't answer non-vetted questions which is a different issue but still rubs me the wrong way.

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In addition to this, the Internet is (mostly) anonymous, you don't know if you're talking to an edgy 14 year old saying things to get a reaction or if it is someone who actually thinks those terrible things. The former needs compassion and teaching while the latter needs to face consequences of some kind. Neither of those should be the job of a random person moderating a forum.

I feel you on the radio aspect, I cycle through all my presets on my 25 minute commute because so many of them are just ads for 5 minutes. And for some reason my rural area has 4 classic rock stations but I can't find one that plays anything modern but pop and pop-country.

But she doesn't have more moderate views than the rest of her party. The article mentions several of her policy ideas that are as or more extreme than what the party line is.

This is probably the best way to deal with someone in these situations. No insults, no arguments, just "I thought you were smarter than that". It might actually make them think about it rather than dismiss you out of hand.

If it exists I haven't found it

Up to 50% of homeless people in the states work full or part time.

The question has been answered.

Completely unrelated but brussel sprouts have been bred to be less bitter than you're used too. Not terrible raw, but so good fried in butter.

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