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Joined 12 months ago

A lot of Gen-Z, of Gen-Y and Millennials are re-adopting 1950's prudishness. That has the potential to really be horrible for a generation or two before the repression sparks another sexual revolution.

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There would be too much value in tracking that token for such a scheme to stay secure. Governments or shady corporations or illegal black markets or all of the above would be all over keeping tabs on what sites are visited by which tokens and matching them to identities.

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While I'll never vote Republican I don't see myself voting Biden this time. He got my vote to unseat the cheeto last time but his administration's antagonism towards financial markets along with his outdated stance on things like policing (more cops with no reform) and cannabis legalization (just no) along with him pushing a CBDC (programmable digital dollar that removes all privacy and places all control in the hands of the banking elite) have lost him my vote. I'll be wasting my vote on a third party since a worthy Dem primary challenge is highly unlikely.