1 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Glad you found a home here. FYI the spiritual successor for Infinity has a lemmy app called Eternity

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A friend of mine is a Doctor. This is what he suggests to anyone who is truly interested in stopping.

  1. Smoke as much as you need to
  2. Start rolling your own, unfiltered.
  3. Put the pack somewhere inconvenient, like car trunk or in a hard to reach box in the garage
  4. Only every smoke outside, under an open sky. No cars, no houses, no awnings, no umbrellas, etc. No matter the weather.

He says this makes it accessible but inconvenient and not as enjoyable. Eventually the inconvenience will start to outweigh the need until you end up quitting. He says he has like a 80-90% success rate with those who actually follow through

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Unsolicited nudes too.

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I recommend Vampire Survivors. It's kind of like a rougelite meets bullet hell.

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Seriously. A firmware I use only really uses discord to communicate. It's near impossible to find fixes for anything on there.

Knowing how things always tend to work out. The 4 day work week will be Monday through Thursday and not be helpful at all.

It uses the sounds it records and compares again the messages you send. So in theory it's layout agnostic.

It has what plants crave!

Cool! That fits so well. Does the steam deck overheat sitting like that in the case?

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This isn't the best example, but helped me a lot in understanding it (mostly) It works kind of like E-mail. Each instance is like an email provider., beehaw,, ect are kind of like gmail, yahoo mail, and outlook. So the instance you signed up for is your "lemmy provider" as if Google is your email provider. Now when you email people, you can email to any other provider (yahoo, outlook, etc) and vice versa. They are all similar services but different providers, but they all work together so any person can email any other person. They are federated - one big services, but each provider has its own autonomy in deciding rules, features, etc. So most instances can work with other instances to share information/posts. But not all. Some have deferdeated form others and don't share posts/information. As if yahoo said they we're no longer accepting emails from google. So gmail user's emails would not get sent to Yahoo mail users, but others, like outlook, would. You would say they defederated from google. Much like beehaw did from

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Wait! There's liquid electrical tape? Why am I just finding out about this now?!?!?!

I am in the same boat as you. I'm so happy a new Armored core game is here

I mean, one of the subreddits just gave all subscribers to it mod status. I think it was political humor. Something like 1 million people are now mods for that subreddit.

In the US SMS is still the standard, it's infuriating. Phones are starting to switch to RCS. I've tried a bunch of times to convert my core group of friends to Signal and it's like talking to a brick wall.

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You can see posts/conversations from other instances if the instances are federated(communicate with each other), which most are/do(?). You just have so subscribe to the communities that aren't on your instance to do so. But some instances aren't federated. For example, Beehaw defederated from (and another I forget which) early on due to the open sign ups and moderations issues. I'm on, I can go on a beehaw community, I can see the posts, and read through the conversations, but I don't think they can see if I reply to anything( so I don't). But this is where I start to lose my grasp on the technology too, so if anyone more knowledgeable than me wants to chime in...

I play for maybe an hour or 2 every couple of days. I recently docked it to the living room TV and now the wife plays a couple of hours a week now too.

So by that logic, .world should defederate from all other instances, just to be safe?

Seriously, it looks like it'll be boring but sinks it's teeth into you, (pun intended) then all of a sudden you've been sitting on the toilet for 40 minutes.