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Joined 1 years ago

Time you've spent enjoying yourself is absolutely not time wasted.

I know what you mean, but keep in mind that you're comparing yourself to everyone that made it. There's over 6 billion people on earth, and you compare yourself to, what, 5 people? 10? 15?

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Yeah, he has the right, sure. Nobody says he doesn't, nobody says he shouldn't. But right now it's in the media. It's stupid. Now there's more attention drawn to this, and if they lose (though Elon's musk will likely try to bleed them dry rather than try to straight up win) it's now not just a claim, it's a claim backed up by law. He has very little to gain with this stunt.

And I get to do what I want with my property. I don't want ads on my screen, so I block them.

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Ok thanks for sharing I guess? The shirt will apply to you as well.

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While I agree with your distaste, I hope you remain wary. Their incompetence seems to have the outcome of enriching them and their sponsors. Can you still attribute incompetence when they are benefitting?

Regarding dictatorship, the conservatives right now are setting up a lot of things like anti-protest laws that seem toothless because they haven't been used to the fullest extent, but the groundwork is there. It won't take long (likely one election cycle) and I'm sure we'll see them use it in the fullest extent.

I personally find Ur-Fascism by Umberto Eco a good read. Fascism is really hard to pin down because it's quite a wide category due to the different tendencies in history.

You want to enter a bidding war with one of the biggest global industries? Nations literally go to war for fossil fuels.

Is it hippie shit to want a pleasant community and easy way to get around?

Car centric infrastructure benefits nobody but car manufacturers and it's killing communities, climate and us.

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You're the one siding with them, nobody told you to hate climate activist but them.

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It doesn't benefit those with cars as much as it forces you to get a car to benefit. Cities that don't focus as much on car centric infrastructure are more pleasant to drive through.

You're conflating cars with transportation in general. When I say car infrastructure, I don't mean close every road off so nobody gets in or out. Nobody does.

Look at cities where they prioritize the pedestrian and public transport. They're so much better to live in and get around.

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That isn't what you said though, is it?

If you don't like it why don't you go start another for yourself?

What's the Minecraft thing? I'm not on Reddit any more so missed that bit.

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They haven't blocked me so I guess they're ok with it.

Nobody forces me, but I choose to. Just like I choose not to watch the ads.

This is a video game me and an old friend regularly nostalgia bind about, we never figured out the controls for the big robot. We rented the game for a week, had to return it when we were right at the end. Next time we rented it we went through the whole game in a day or two. getting to the final fight before his dad turned the N64 off (we didn't have a save cartridge). Lost all motivation after that.

Go go go!

Forgery is a specific type of fraud where the copy is presented as an original. I'd say it's closer, but it's definitely not a 1:1 accurate comparison

People using "honesty" as a veneer to be brutal aren't the same as people that are genuinely honest.

I don't know what's in my food now, I own nothing now, and I'm not happy. I know this is some scaremongering quote, but how is it meant to instil fear when the status quo is already shit?

By your own definition, if you TAKE it, you stole it. Nothing is taken.

I remember Nox, but I never "got" it. I was about 10 playing it, and so much went over my head. I remember seeing a friend of my mom get pretty far and liking Hecuba, seeing her made me feel like I wasn't supposed to be playing this game.

If you think the biggest obstacle when you're driving around isn't other cars you're delusional. You're the reason "just one more lane bro" memes exist

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I think most Lemmy clients right now are in Alpha stages. I'm not surprised I'm constantly getting errors, crashes etc.

Same, there's communities I don't want on my front page all the time, but still want to visit sometimes. It's good to have muktireddits for that.

Cool, then don't.

How does seeding work in this case?

I have a Firestick with VLC on it that can browse my PC where I've got all my downloads. Not the most straightforward, but sometimes I want to watch on my PC and this keeps everything central.

Omg those sweet eyes

I don't want to link to anything directly, but it's possible to use ReVanced to get YouTube Music for free.

Peaceful protests discredit peaceful protests. They get nothing done.

Layout is still being tweaked and you want the UI to be as easy to manage as possible for people doing the AMA (new reddit is likely a factor in more recent AMAs not being as good)

It's a bit of a chicken and egg situation regarding amount of people. More people will bring in more AMAs because it is largely a publicity thing. A low userbase means people may not want to do an AMA, or choose to do an AMA on a larger platform. But having AMAs brings people in. It's hard to get the ball rolling.

Maybe we can ask Spez to do an AMA on Lemmy?

Cato institute, lmao

Very strange comparison, those private copies are specifically private. If you want our comparison to work, I'd be selling these private documents to others... Making them not very private.

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I'm imposing that property on it because for the overwhelming majority of media that is absolutely the case.

  1. If it's for sale it's something you do not mind other people seeing. My documents I do not sell because I don't want people seeing it. If I were to sell them, clearly I don't mind people seeing it.

  2. Making it for sale means you intend to share it, even if conditionally. Also "taking it" doesn't apply, making a copy isn't taking anything.

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If you're talking about having family photos pirated, there's a privacy issue, not a property issue. Everyone talking about media in privacy talks about distributable media. If you want to include other things, that's on you, but you'll be yapping in the void as that isn't what the conversation is about. Not secrets, or private documents.

As for the term of taking, it's clear what taking means when you try to erroneously conflate piracy with stealing. It doesn't mean the same as taking a shit either, it has nothing to do with personal definitions, merely the accepted definitions when talking about either piracy, or stealing.

Fuck yeah! Fuckcars