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Joined 4 years ago

Arch user here.

My recommendation to noobies is always Linux Mint even though I don't use it.

I use Arch, btw.

20 more...

Not sure if this counts, but one guy I knew would boast about how he never drinks water. It was a matter of pride for him that he only drank soda. I know he was lying because I'd seen him drink water, but better not tell him that.

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I work in the behavioral health field as an IT security admin and network with hospitals/health clinics all all the time. The amount of them using XP and 7 in some capacity should scare everyone. The other security admins know it's an issue, but they just laugh it off.

I tell them if I were an immoral man, their company would be compromised just based off of that information.

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I gave up arguing with people like you a long time ago, but I still want you to know actively telling people they're just as bad as cigarettes will keep people on cigarettes, which are 4000x worse than vaping. Your misguided views are extremely harmful.

I ate some raw ground beef in my sleep a few days ago and woke up dry heaving. That was not fun.

I'm not saying she shouldn't have complained about this. She has every right to, but complaining about it definitely made the problem a lot worse.

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Windows 11 finally made me tell my boss "i'm not using that anymore." I've used Linux exclusively at home and Windows at work, but got fed up just like you. I have a VM for testing purposes as the security admin and it's actually improved my workflow since I can tear down and bring up VMs instead of using my main OS for testing.

Glad to hear you've had a positive switch as well.

I have a really bad habit of never looking at anyone's names..

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Congratulations, LemmyIsFantastic. We have deposited $0.05 into your bank account. Please refrain from not continuing your campaign.

I tried this and the waiting list for anything remotely worth a damn was months long. I just went and pirated the thing instead.

Has your experience been different?

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I'm not a fan of him, but there's absolutely no evidence Biden has dementia. He's got a speech impediment and you're kinda a dick for calling that dementia.


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I bet I could beat that.

Specifically KVM since it's type-1. VirtualBox is nice, but it can't beat KVM in my experience. I run Windows VMs on my Linux work laptop all day to test end-user experiences and KVM is the smoothest experience I've found.

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I worked at a mental health inpatient facility. I ended up having a cig or two with a client. He'd casually tell me about the Bible and would ask if I've read it.

Eventually these talks turned into him casually mentioning that he was pretty sure he was Jesus.

Fast forward a few months and dude was outside in a Banana suit screaming at the top of his lungs that he was God. The cops came and hauled him away. Never saw him again. My office window faced the main parking lot, so I saw the whole thing.

Never did learn why he was in a banana suit. The story is stupid enough that I'd never expect anyone to believe me, but you asked...

I made it like half way through before realizing I'm reading the ramblings of a schizo. Dude needs medication.

I gave you 50 upvotes and downvotes to show support for this idea.

I'd disagree, but it's an interesting potential.

I personally see a world full of people that get mad for 10 minutes every time a giant corporation makes things worse and then relentlessly consumes just like they did before. I don't see that stopping any time soon. Netflix was wildly successful when they banned account sharing and then raised prices a few weeks later. Sure, a bunch of people removeded and moaned, but nothing really happened except positive profit margins.

I'll admit it. I'm one of them.

The report is in direct conflict with what I've seen and heard in the past about this method. It's impossible to find right now on Google, but there was a documentary where someone subjects themselves to this method and it was the complete opposite of what's being reported now.

I'm against the death penalty, btw, but if it has to be done, I believed this method was the most humane. I have to ask if it was 100% nitrogen or did they do what the justice system always does and run it through hundreds of iterations to actually make it worse, like 50% air, 50% nitrogen or something like that.

If your burrito doesn't stay closed, the person making your burrito had no idea what the hell they were doing. This is a Chipotle problem.

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He probably went to go buy his own ice cream for the first time in 3 years and said "holy shit."

Every conservative accusation is actually a confession.

Just a reminder, they are actively trying to steal this phrase right now.

My shit's been stolen like 50 times in the past two years. It's got to be worthless by this point.

This exactly. Everyone also thinks they're the best driver on the road and everyone else is an idiot. It's good to humble yourself everyone now n' then.

Yes, whoever you are.

Definitely the band "Heilung."

I refuse to listen to them outside of live at a concert. It's old Nordic style viking goodness and the live shows are more of a ritual than a concert. When I go, I want a full immersive experience and I feel listening to them in between the concerts takes away from the experience.

Unfortunately, anything non-perishable. I go into local shops and can search an item I want on the internet and it will always be way, way cheaper. Cheap enough to where I can't justify "supporting local business." I'd love to, but I'm just as broke as everyone else right now.

I believe in gun control but I pack appendix carry and have a 0.8 second draw. Too many lunatics are allowed to own guns these days.

Over 75 million people in this country are about to do that.

Don't like it? Get out and vote.

Dude! Same. Mine ended on the 30th (7 years). We still live together and there's a lot to do like selling the house etc. Luckily it's amicable for now...

Just know you have another random person out there going through the same struggle and he says "you'll make it."

Sober people are fuckin' crazy.

I think anyone close to losing it fucking lost it due to the pandemic. Everyone else just got a little worse.

It's never a bad idea to instance block them. They'll endlessly bully you and gang up like a bunch of school children. The only thing that stops it is to stop responding.

I last about 5 minutes when I go on there before the negativity starts hurting my head. That and I'm always under the impression it's a bunch of bots.

For instance, someone will ask a stupid question like "isn't that illegal?" and then a reply will follow stating the obvious but with an extremely negative tone. It's just weird there. I'm pretty sure it's mostly bots.

I'm atheist so my understanding may be slightly off, but from what I've gathered. Reincarnation is a bad thing. Reaching enlightenment is the end goal and breaks the process of Reincarnation. The goal is not a perfect life. It's breaking the cycle.

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I had to turn it off when that started. Noped out of there and the nieces and nephews came in from outside asking me what's wrong.

Gonna try again during a later, more private moment.

We might as well just start calling them "features." We all know Apple is about to.

My current state.

I'm going through a divorce and living in my mom's guest bedroom.

The only thing keeping me going is the dream of my very own apartment. I've got quite a few shitty months ahead of me before that happens. I'm losing my house, my wife, my stepkid, and my three favorite cats in the world. I hate this, but it has to happen.

The only thing you can know for sure is that you exist.

Absolutely nothing else can be proven to exist with 100% certainty.

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Yeah, it's not like making your life harder is going to kill Amazon, though. My lesbian co-worker and lesbian sister eat chik-fil-a sometimes for the same reason.

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As a man I'm so afraid of being a mansplainer that I just don't talk about much. Then women ask me why I'm so quiet all the time