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Joined 1 years ago

Accent colors are coming with GNOME 47.

I would have guessed that Ubuntu would install it by default since its a very common way to get stuff from the internet (when in the terminal), but apparently not (the other option is wget which is most likely installed, but that uses a different way to get the stuff).

You should be able to install curl with sudo apt install curl

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(I think that's their goal, either ads or no watch)

It's not ifn't

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The EU already has one for anyone interested

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The thing with Wayland and X11 is: this couldn't really be done because of how fundamentally broken incompatible X11 is (and there is XWayland for most clients that mostly works)

Lossless is pointless

I wouldn't say its pointless, but it really doesn't help much considering the quality of your average headset/earpieces.

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You misspelled "System and Service Manager"

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Wouldn't that need them to get the domain itself? I have a feeling that is already used by someone else, but there currently isn't any website at that domain (doesn't mean it isnt used)

This isn't exactly a "new" attack surface, so removing the attack surface that sudo (and alternatives) is, is probably a net positive.

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  1. SUSE is an in germany founded company (now in Luxembourg)
  3. Not having a government directly develop a "blessed OS" is probably for the better
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Apparently google doesn't even offer new registrations anymore

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This is a proposal by people funded by companies that would provide the services for this ( ).

A lot of actual politicians oppose this

NGL, I read it as "harass", which is kinda ironic.

I have NekkoDesktop, NekkoLaptop, NekkoLaptopJr (new laptop) and NekkoServer :) (Phones are just Nekko with release being S9 and S21 for Samsung or G6 for LG)

The BSOD really isn't something to be mad at, it actually in theory is good but there is only so much you can do when a kernel panics. What you should be mad at is shitty drivers causing BSODs

Fun fact: open source has a definition:

I don't know much about Grayjay, but how you are describing it, it at best is "source open"

I recently bought a gaming laptop. Specifically a Lenovo Legion 5 with a rx 6600. It has both the big powerbrick charger and can be charged via USB-PD, obv not at the same speed but it is an option that is available.

Do NOT associate Mastodon stuff with that shit

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The thing with AppImages is: it requires FUSE2 which doesn't really get packaged/included by default anymore in a lot of places and the recommendation is "build on the most old and crusty distro you want to support" which just sounds like a nightmare in multiple ways :)

And with snaps the sandboxing only really works on Ubuntu and nowhere else last time I looked into it (then there is also the entire problem if you want to host your own repository/"storefront").

So really the only universal sandboxing method that effectivly makes sense is Flatpak.

A friend sent me this image today...

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Those benchmarks under "Upstream" does not include esync/fsync from my understanding

The thing with this is: its just a symlink to the systemd-run binary, which talks to PID1 to spawn new processes (in separate cgroups IIRC). Its one of the most fundamental parts of systemd. Even the debian systemd package includes systemd-run.

I guess the other question is if some tools the distro provides might switch to supporting it by default. For example on Arch there is makepkg that should never be executed as root, but does internally call some things with elevated privileges (mostly pacman to install and remove packages). Currently it checks for sudo and if not falls back to su, but maybe it might be worth considering changing su for run0 if its guaranteed to be there.

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They should test this much more often and frequently. Unlike Gnome, KDE do actually care about their users, not just about themselves.

It's not like GNOME is the only outlier here (for the specific icon problem sure), someone on the linux subreddid also posted this screenshot It seems to really just be that KDE apps kinda struggle out side of KDE. And most of the GNOME devs do care about the users as well, just they also care that their apps look as intended.

This has already been possible, the patch modifying run.c to be able to do this is not even 400 lines long and was mostly just exposing its feature in a different way. (the entire patch was <1.5k lines, with most being docs, tests and a bit of plumbing for the colored terminal)

I suspect they skipped checking who controls that domain at the time and just saw that it would make for a good name. Not good practice but I can see how that happened.

You should see the comments on the Phoronix forums...

They arent suitable for gaming laptops while gaming. They are fine enough to just charge during light/no usage at somewhat reduced speeds.

It’s incredibly easy to fuck your partitions to hell and back, especially through Windows.

Fun fact: Windows won't allow you to delete any EFI partition (that is the only one I know of/tried) unless its through diskpart with a specific override/force option.

But then again, I somehow nuked my recovery partition by accident at some point as well.

Basically. systemd-run was already able to do it, all that really changed is the interface for it. The change to run.c in the patch itself was <400LOC, and the entire patch was <1.4k lines with most being docs, tests and utils for coloring the terminal.

I guess my interpretation was too charitable.

Nothing in the protocol prevents you from splitting the server from the window manager, just everyone implementing the wayland server protocol didn't see any benefit in splitting it out.

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homed isn't exactly a home directory replacement, more of an extension. You can mix and match homed and normal home directories like you want (on a per-user basis at least, not within a single user). It does have some nice things, such as user-password based encryption of the home directory, so the password is required to unlock it (no admin access) or automatically using subvolumes on btrfs.

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At this point it wouldn't even surprise me if they wanna end Xbox in its current form. To my knowledge it's very low margin if it's not a net negative, so using other platforms instead to host it would end up with them making more in the long run.

IIRC it's because they wait for the X.1 release of GNOME before actually updating

I genuinly hate NV as a company and their propriatary software, but I can say that the software they provide is decent/good. Like... good cards and software, terrible company and philosophy/moral

Just a minor clarification/correction: the "or later" part also depends on the license per se. There is a GPL-3.0-only and a GPL-3.0-or-later. Usually you'll find something like "or at your option any later version." if that is the case, but by default you should expect the GPL-3.0-only to apply.

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Generally the only groups I would maybe sign such a CLA in regard to the GPL is: the FSF and the Linux Foundation. Anybody else (especially individuals I don't know) I wouldn't sign any CLA unless my contribution is like a 1 off, trivial patch.

It's been a thing I personally have been wondering why this is how it is for a while. Personally I like most of the GNOME stuff, but this decision has always stood out as odd.

But then again I almost always use ctrl+w or alt-f4 to close apps, so I am mostly unaffected.

The actual reason is to hide the fact they’re probably not gonna have much if any pve content soonish

They literally out right said multiple times that PvE content is mostly shelved and to not expect anything. This isn't some sort of secret they are keeping