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Joined 1 years ago

Am i prangent?

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I’ve been prepping for the typhoon that’s expected to hit us tomorrow, prepping, in my case, involving stocking up on snacks and ice cream, giving into temptation and eating said snacks and ice cream, and going out to the supermarket to buy more.

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Gromit deserves ALL the love!

I remember we used to say “like I could care less” sarcastically back in the late 80s. I moved to a non-English speaking country in ‘89 so I have no idea when “I could care less” shifted from sarcasm to incorrect grammar, but I was surprised the first time I encountered people online mention it as a grammatical pet peeve.

Kyoto, Japan. We’re pretty used to typhoons, but since this one’s headed straight for us, I’m expecting things to get a bit crazy. The last time a big typhoon hit my area back in 2018, my shed got blown across my yard. The cleanup was not fun. But at least this time, I’ll have ice cream.

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Over the past few months, I’ve canceled my subscriptions to Audible, Disney+, Netflix, and appleTV. I still have Amazon Prime since it’s an annual subscription, but that’s it. It’s been a surprise to realize how much pressure I was feeling to consume all this content and how freeing it felt to just get rid of it all. I have a lot of audiobooks I haven’t gotten around to listening, and books I haven’t read yet. I can still watch stuff on Amazon and ahem other places if I want. But really, there has to be more to life than just endlessly binging tv shows.

Nakano Sun Mall in Tokyo

Japan here. We don’t use WhatsApp at all. Line tends to be forced down our throats, though. I’ve so far managed to avoid using it but do get weird looks when people want to communicate over Line and I refuse.


Wow, that was amazing! My ears thank you.

I was expecting a Stephen King-type story development but was (un)pleasantly surprised by duck anus on a grill. Two thumbs up.