Nemo Wuming

2 Post – 81 Comments
Joined 11 months ago


In the US, the 12-hour clock format is in widespread use, except in the military. That is why it's called like that.

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If you like to play chess, check out

It's free and open source, and it's very easy to find a game there, no matter what level you play.

It doesn't display annoying ads.

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Someone actually was once offered the opportunity to ask such a question. Here is the question that was asked:

  • What is the content of the pair in which the first half is the best question I can ask, and the second half is the answer to that question?

Here is the answer received:

  • The best question you can ask is the question you just asked, and the answer to that question is the one you are receiving now.
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Don't worry, things have been falling apart since at least the beginning of written history, and most certainly longer. At the same time, wonderful things have also been happening during all that time.

Just make sure you take good care of yourself and of the people around you.

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Playing and studying chess, on It's a free open source alternative to the heavily commercial chess dot com.

Learning a new language. Tons of free resources all over the internet

Learning card magic. You can go a long way with just a pack of cards and the 52Kards YouTube channel

Learning to play music. Tons of free resources all over the internet

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I like Boost because when I revisit a post, all the new comments are highlighted.

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The off light reminds me to unplug the device when I don't need to use it.

Compare with yt-dlp from GitHub. It works from the command line and you can control the quality level you want.

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Going to the bathroom in the middle of the night sounds like a negative

Don't forget that back in 1998, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms reached a Trade Agreement with the Food & Drug Administration

WASHINGTON, DC—The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms and the Food & Drug Administration reached a formal trade agreement Monday. Under the terms of the deal, the ATF will provide the FDA with alcohol, tobacco and firearms in exchange for equal value in food and drugs.

"My administrative assistants and I were enjoying some of our food the other day when it hit us," FDA Commissioner Michael Friedman said. "We have tons of food lying around, and tons of drugs, but nothing to drink, smoke or shoot. Then, someone—I think it was [deputy commissioner] Phil [Royce]—suggested we call up those guys at the ATF across town and see what we could get. Turns out, they were ready to deal."


For several years, I wasn't getting enough sleep (too busy, like most people).

During the COVID years, I was able to sleep 8 hours a day. After a few months of that, I had already noticed my memory improved a lot.

Now it's been years and I can recall various random things in much higher resolution levels than before (faces details, conversations details, chess patterns, second language rules, my own ideas, etc.).

So much so that I have now made it a top priority to get my 8 hours of sleep every day, because I now remember how much of a time saver it ends up being.

From Star Trek TNG, I would pick Q's power

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Panache is the ability to show off in a more or less entertaining way, depending on talent. It's a fine line between panache and cringe, and what counts as panache in one social circle might be worthless in another.

Charisma is the ability to stand out and capture people's attention, and eventually their respect, admiration and devotion, just by the way you move, speak, act and present yourself and your ideas. If you think you have it, and you actually do, you can influence a lot. However, if you think you have it but it's not true, then you are probably a narcissist surrounded by yes men.

Samsung is an industry leader when it comes to Android OS and security updates.

Great on them for considering doing the right thing, but they are not much of a leader if they only react after Google announced 7 years of support for the Pixel 8 😂

... Unless they top that with 12 years...

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You could reset your monitor to 640x480 while you play the game

The original "ed" text editor, from 1969 Unix. Everyone should spend a few days trying to get some work done with it, if only to appreciate how we have nicer things now.

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Pong is still unmatched, even after all these years

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Boost can display new comments in a different color. I don't know how I lived without that feature for so long. Any other apps that can do that?

Last time I used Connect and Voyager (a few weeks ago) they couldn't do that. They were nice otherwise, but Boost seems to do everything they do and more.

When someone takes the time to write properly about it

Also the best way to eat Cheetos and keep your fingers clean

I wonder why glass back is so popular,

They are being hyped up by marketing because people easily fall for it. Even you:

Then I bought my $800 glass back Xiaomi 13T Pro in January

It works the same as with cigarettes: people think it's cool. Most don't care about the rest. Easy money for the suppliers.

Good for you for calling them out on their bullshit. Anyone else with a history of dropping their phones from their pockets (and yet buying a flashy glass back (and refusing to protect it with a case (and referring to it as a condom))) will benefit from reading about your awakening and they might go for something different.

Just remember, if you fell for this one, you might fall for another marketing gimmick unless you pay more attention.

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The way I see it, to understand what would happen to us if aliens with more advanced technology came to Earth,, we can simply read history books about the various waves of Europeans coming to the Americas a few centuries ago.

(Heads-up: we would be playing the parts of the various native societies)

Isn't that the plane that was grounded because it crashed itself a few times? The sales representatives from Boeing must be a lot better than their engineers.

2 more... is a great place to play chess, or to study it. Free, open source, run by a great team. Highly recommend.

"Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom."

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And how come we need to sleep?

And eat food?

And why not have wheels for feet?

And what would a chair look like if our knees bent the other way?

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Let the dog lick it clean because he is such a good boy

I also use Boost because of one nice feature: it highlights new comments in a different color.

I had to turn that feature on in the settings, and it's very convenient when revisiting an active post.

Look up "disemboweled"

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Are they going to finally sync the alarms on the phone and the watch? Can't be that hard to do...

The bank is actually looking out for you, this time, lol

A lot of people feel the ways you do at one point or another in their lives, and that means you probably end up in their 90%.

Colin Furze (inventor with crazy ideas)

Anna Cramling (chess streamer)

Try the Transit app, by Transit,inc..

It's a lot better than anything out there, as long as your area is supported.

The way I see it, that guy has strong vibes of someone who hangs around places where he's being told he is worthless unless he dominates a woman into becoming his servant.

The fact that he has had that idea for at least 2 years without any success shows he doesn't have what it takes to lead that kind of operation.

The fact that he keeps coming back to you, even though you don't share his religious views, shows he is led by his impulses more than by the values he has been told to embrace.

He will probably be running in a circle like that until he finally finds short-term contentment dating an AI chatbot.

Good for you that you are moving away.

Your message shows you can look clearly at the situation. You can gain a lot by discussing this with a counselor, a therapist or a life coach.

I was wondering the same thing and then I found Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon.

So the answer is yes, my perfect album exists.

And then I found Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here, and I realized two perfect albums exist for me, so far

A poster with pictures of airplanes, that you hang up on his playroom wall. And then you look at the planes together and name them every time you visit. That's awesome fun for a 3 year old.

Tldr: Why does anything cost money? Because someone will pay that amount to purchase it.

I bought a power bar with a timer on it, so I can leave my headset, laptop, old phone plugged in without overcharging them.

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Lifehack: when someone asks your age, just reply "I was born in 2001"

Let them calculate