2 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Uh, no, because women are underrepresented in the software industry and there's a clear bias against non-males in this area. Only 5% of developers identify as female[1].

I only meant to celebrate diversity, and give a fuck you to this techbro society. I hope more non-males tune in to Asahi Lina's livestreams and realize to not give up an interest in programming because of their gender.


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Is the app seriously called NERV? 🤣

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Yep, why would the subreddit be safer inside their own app xD

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Here in Finland the Left Alliance increased votes by 10% while True Finns(hard right party) decreased support massively across the whole country. Only one true finn got voted in.

So at least we got that going for us...

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Yeah I thought RCS was going to be this platform-agnostic service à la SMS.

I'm trying out matrix with my close family and it's working great. Bonus points it doesn't require a phone number or even a phone at all.

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Def generated, the top text in the first panel is gibberish as is the T in "at".

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I use this for everything except driving. Organic Maps also makes it easy to add new new points to openstreetmaps :)

For driving I use Magic Earth. Not open source but their privacy policy states they don't sell your data or store PII.

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Why not buy a wattmeter and observe the real usage?

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Yeah not sure I trust blizzard with any new games... let alone starcraft.

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Yup lmao on my phone I got Malaysia as the first result while the others were nearby.

This is meant to work with the ActivityPub fediverse ie. Mastodon, Lemmy, Kbin, Pixelfed etc. and you would be able to use your current account for messaging.

Yeah I like jeans

There's so many flaws with a system like this, I can't imagine how you could make it economical. I'm just gonna list a few that have popped up in my mind over the years

  1. Thermal expansion. Steel contracts and expands a lot depending on the temperature, railroads have regular expansion joints to account for this. But having expansion joints which withstand a vacuum in a 500+ km tube in a reliable way would be amazing. Imagine the maintenance cost just for those. Expanding, contracting, shifting left, right, up and down.
  2. Maintaining a vacuum. Maintaining a continuous vacuum over 500+ kilometers. There's gotta be a lot of pumps using a lot of energy, considering it would be impossible to prevent leaks over such a humongous distance.
  3. Vacuum failure. With such a large distance, there's bound to be failures along the hyperloop. The train can probably slow down along these sections, but they would need to be prepared. Reparation means many hours of downtime, for people who chose a vacuum train presumably to save travel time.
  4. Capacity. A regular long-distance train can take on hundreds of people, which makes the costs tolerable. All of the concepts show very short vehicles, with maybe a couple seats side-by-side. That'd make the cost/person very high.
  5. Embarking/Disembarking. The people have to enter the train somehow, either through pressurizing a very long section, or having very precise door section which the train mounts to.
    • In the case of pressurizing, it would take a long time for pressurize -> passengers move -> depressurize, adding long wait times at the station.
    • In the case of entrance doors, this hampers flexibility. There can't be longer trains than what the station is designed for, the train design and length must always be the same, and any wear&tear on the train could potentially prohibit making a proper seal with the exit door.
  6. Related to the above point, long-distance railroads have many sub-destinations. Imagine having to pressurize->depressurize at every station, when a regular train just has to stop and open the doors.

I believe all of the above points would make a vacuum train economically stupid and impossible.

Just to escape the friction of air?

Potential geopolitical history and issues aside, 120k people changing nationality or having to migrate is fucking insane.

Yeah but the different platforms still have to implement translation between the different data structures if I understand correctly.

Like peertube federation became available in May 2022

It's not Organic Maps' fault, but that users haven't added those places to

Be the change you want to see, it's easy to add either through OM or the OSM website.

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Weird this line hasnt worked for me yet

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It will snow and get a bit cold in UK. Huuuge world news 😅

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Maybe your phone runs out of ram?

Or is it the 4 hour idle setting?:

Millions of people could afford this phone, they just don't care about ethics.

Instead the Samsung S's, Folds and iPhones sell by the tens of millions because they are trendy and give more "bang for the buck".

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So bras were the original source of the titans...

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I see. That does make sense.

This was just part 1 with probably the lowest hanging fruits :)

Why are we posting jeans?

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That phone isnt 6 years old, it was released in 2020. It wasnt $350 either but $800. Weird points youre trying to make...

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Sure ain't adfree. Lately they've been getting past ublock origin too.

can be should have been

No unfortunately I haven't had crashes during my 2 years of using it, running on LineageOS with and without microg.

Thanks for your opinion. But I don't think vanilla arch is aimed at inexperienced users.

I installed Arch for the first time a couple weeks ago, after 5 years of running linux, and found the experience fun and educating. I've got it all setup to my liking and managed to eliminate 1k packages from my previous install. Had I tried it without experience I wouldn't have had such a good time at all.

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Haven't had any troubles screensharing on wayland, so I guess?

+1 for logseq. It lowered my barrier to writing new notes.

Just add a hashtag of the topic and start writing to your daily journal.

All those are fair points. There's not much freedom of choice because common people are struggling to live as it is, to splurge on something with a bad camera and battery life makes no sense (I believe those are some main points people upgrade their phones).

I'm running a 4 year old phone and probably will be going on 5th year because of economical strain.

In your analogy, it also doesn't help that there's only one ethical restaurant among hundreds of unethical ones. It's expensive because nobody goes there and nobody goes there because it's expensive.

Thanks for the link, cool concept.

- daily comment contributing to the roastbeef end cutting

There's an option in your profile settings.

I don't think you've been using MicroG on GrapheneOS, since it requires signature spoofing and GOS specifically disable that because of security reasons. Or did you compile your own version of Graphene with the flag enabled?

You'd have been better off with CalyxOS which bakes in MicroG. Push notifications from eg. WhatsApp come in immediately and car parking/e-bike apps which expect Google Maps get the map automatically replaced with OpenStreetMaps without the app knowing any better.

But of course there is sacrifice, and the ideologies and mindset of the person decide if they are worth it. I'm just a bit triggered calling some FOSS app likely created on someone's freetime pathetically worse than a multimillion dollar one.

Well then the air molecules will also impale your whole body

They used to change the url which the user typed into the address bar to include a referral code. The article mentions going to, the browser appended a referral link to the url.

That's scummy as fuck.

I rocked a Casio F-91W for years, then a Huawei smartwatch a couple years before getting a Garmin Instinct 2.

Design is reminiscent of a casio digital, the display is always on and gets brighter if external light is shone on it, no touchscreen, contactless payment, a charge lasts me about 3 weeks.

320€ is expensive but is exactly what I need from a smartwatch :)