5 Post – 198 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Based Count head admin.

Some of the tools I've created:

I speak: šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹ šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ šŸ‡«šŸ‡·

Troll / spam accounts posted CSAM in ! That spread with federation and every admin ended up involuntarily hosting such content.

Application based sign up means that if a user wants to subscribe they have to fill out a form and a .world admin gets to review it and approve or reject their sign up. It's a measure of controlling who gets in and limiting the amount of bots and possibly troll that join an instance.

Seeing as I am already Italian I suppose I will pick Chinese.

Also I guess I'm going to be that guy. "La vida es bella" is not Italian, it's Spanish lol.

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I don't really get all the "'all' is bad" discussion. Isn't that what the "subscribed" feed is for? Just sub to the communities that interest you and browse from there. Just like it was back on Reddit.

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Built by yours truly

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What's funny is that this is exactly what I feel like any time I have to use Linux.

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Iā€™m an instance administrator, what the fuck do I do?

There's one more option. The awesome has made this tool to detect and automatically remove CSAM content from a pict-rs object storage.

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No it cannot lmao. It's hilarious they think otherwise.

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Props to OP for making it clear in the post body, but the headline made it a bit more clickbate-y than it should have been. That article is about NPD, a very minor and actual neo nazi party. The anti-right protests that have been happening recently, instead, are about the AfD (alternative for Germany) party, which is set to gain a sizeable 23% of the votes for its far right coalition ID during the next European elections.

In other words yeah they are cutting funds from a far right party, but not from the far right party.

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Nah they call it pre-installed because you don't have to run an installation wizard yourself, which requires administrator permissions. So you could play those games on computers where you don't have admin access, like a school or work laptop

I think there's a positive coming from this competition, though. Apparently this infighting has re-lit the want for type annotations to be embedded in vanilla JS (ECMAScript proposal). I feel like this would be the ideal scenario: things working right out of the box without needing a compile step or additional tooling.

You can get as close as it gets to this experience by using alternative runtimes such as Deno or Bun, which have native TS support (meaning you can just execute a .ts file without having to transpile it), but of course as soon as you have to write code for a browser you are back in the middle ages.

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Flip side: imagine being a new Lemmy user, maybe coming from the algorithmically curated experience of Reddit, and having to learn what instance blocking is, how to do it and who to block. It would be quite overwhelming.

I'm all for user freedom but some users don't want freedom. They want something that works without having to spend 15 minutes configuring it.

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How is that related to TS? Aside from the fact that your comment might have just started a civil war (no, vanilla JS is not "good enough", they created libraries for a reason) this isn't about using libraries / frameworks. It's about needing some system to handle type annotations to avoid falling in the bottomless pit of:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property of undefined

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Uhh the price tag? I just bought a new phone after 6 years of honoured service from my old one, payed the new one a whopping 300ā‚¬ and it already felt like a rip off. Ain't no way I'm paying four digits for a phone.

Looking at the Mastodon and Lemmy documentations, yes it should work.

  • Lemmy accepts posts with the: Page, Article, Note, Video and Event activities.
  • Mastodon accepts toots with the Page, Article, Note, Video, Event, Image, Audio and Question activities.

As you can see there's a large overlap between the two, so I say it's likely that it will work. I could bring this even further by having a look at the plugin's code but unfortunately I'm alergic to both PHP and SVN and wordpress uses both.

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If you have a decent list from Reddit you can use to map Reddit to Lemmy / Kbin

If you just want to look for communities you can use

Takes some time to get everything set up but I honestly prefer having only stuff that interests me in my feed + no porn randomly popping up

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I'm not too familiar with the drama but any time I visit there's some error or outage going on. Also the documentation is pretty lackluster, developing 3rd party tools for kbin is pretty much impossible.

Mbin looks way more promising, if anything because of the better docs, new features and community-driven direction it's taking. I hope most kbin users jump ship.

Then I guess this is what you get for talking about something without knowing what it is lol.

As another user pointed out, TypeScript is a different language (.ts extension) that extends JavaScript, meaning JS code is valid TS code, but TS adds various language features for type checking. Your editor is then able to interpret your code according to these type structures and warn you if you are making any stupid type errors like this one:

The problem many people have with TS (such as the "big projects" mentioned by Fireship) is that sometimes you end up having code that works but still have to do some weird type gymnastics to please the TS compiler and have it remove any errors and warnings.

That being said, frameworks that "create really weird undecipherable minified JS" do have their place, as they allow you to seamlessy do things that would be either very inelegant and verbose or significantly more complex in vanilla JS, but I won't bore you with an excessively long wall of text.

PS: I love your Czech flag website. Had me jump on my chair when the music started blasting through my headphones.

Yes, I agree, person whose comments I see under literally every post

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constant automod rejections along with shadowbanning new users

Fuck that. I had that suggested as a feature and downright refused to implement it. It will never be a thing in my bot. This is entirely about reviewing content, not people.

There's no way to discriminate one based on their account age, instance, what communities they follow or other bullshit systems such as Reddit's karma.

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How would the incognito patch work? Not changing titles is pretty easy but what about the URLs? Is there a browser API for that?

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No, usually I remember that Georgia is a state in the USA because of comments like this

The thing I like the most of Lemmy over Reddit is how straightforward the way I see the content is. Plenty of ways to sort your feed (personally I'm a fan of "new comments") and no bullshit algorithm to try and understand.

That and the fact that the frontend has pages, so I don't end up doomscrolling for hours.

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Can you elaborate? Is that supposed to ber a good thing or a bad one?

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Rare French W.

If you wish buy plant based "meat" you should be free to do that, but calling "steak" what clearly isn't is just trying to fool the customer into buying something they're probably not interested in purchasing.

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I'm sorry but if the West / the USA aren't world powers in your book, then who is?

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Holy cow that is beyond impressive. Sure enough, sometimes it does hallucinate a bit, but it's already quite wild. Can't help but wonder where we'll be in the next 5-10 years.

Like said, can't query from the backend if there is no backend :)

It's all serverless, so this is as good as it gets.

You don't have to apologize for having done your job. You did everything right and we appreciate it a lot. I've spent the whole day trying to remove this shit from my own instance and understanding how purges, removals and pictrs work. I feel you, my man. The only ones at fault here are the sickos who shared that stuff, you keep holding on. has been defederated and has defederated some pretty large instances. On the othe hand is probably the instance with one of the most open fed lists

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Oh interesting. Now that you pointed it out I think I'm only checking instances' blocklists, not whether they are white list only. But I should fix that, thank you for reporting it.

Noted, adding a forced .toLowerCase(). I'm implementing all of the feedback I've received thus far right now.

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There's no real alternatives to JS "for websites" (meaning on the frontend, the part of your code that gets executed on your client's browser). That's what JS was invented for and what it does best.

I say "no real alternative" because technically we also have WebAssembly, which is a tool that allows you to run code written with any language on the web, but if you indeed are a beginner approaching to web development you should just forget about this for now and stick to JS as you learn.

Of course this doesn't mean that you can't use Python on your backend, your server.

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The backend is quite alright. The Rust backend makes it indimidating to approach, but I know it has many advantages.

The frontend could use LOTS of changes. I don't like Inferno, it's messy and confusing to work with. Instead, I would have opted for a Svelte+Tailwind stack for the UI.

Yeah it's Lemmy + Kbin. I'm not aware of any other federated link aggregators (read as Reddit clones), but if there are they would also fit.

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Lmao. This is the kind of drama I built this for, let's have a look at everyone's dirty laundry :)

Oh didn't know about that. It doesn't look too accurate though. My instance was defederated by some guy and it isn't showing. Anyway thank you, glad you like it!

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Uh yeah that is true. This was a one afternoon project, so I kinda threw the frontend together without thinking too much of it. I guess truncating the protocol instead of relying on the users doing it makes sense.

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Oh I forgot about this community. Thank you for spreading the word.

Adding support for Kbin is definitely a priority. When I built that tool Kbin didn't have public defederation lists (yet?) though a pull request to implement that was in the works. Idk what's the status on that is, but as soon as it's merged I'll also add Kbin.

For any other software it's a little trickier. Unless there some way to check for this through ActivityPub of which I'm not aware, I have to go through software specific steps to scan those instances. This means that for Lemmy I go through an API that only exists on Lemmy, when I'll add Kbin I'll have to write some new code that will only write for Kbin and so on. This isn't really sustainable for EVERY fedi platform out there, I won't do that.

Moreover, as you saw there was a progress bar. That's your computer querying each one of those 300 instances looking for their defed lists. The more software I add, the more instances you as a user have to query, the longer it takes to run a search. All in all I don't think I'll add support for any other software aside from Kbin and possibly Mastodon.

Yeah I just saw it. Good God, apparently people really enjoyed playing with it.

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