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Joined 9 months ago

The air strike is in dispute, HAMAS claims Israel, Israel claims HAMAS was responsible.

A little too soon to be jumping to conclusions and I would recommend everyone practice skepticism and patience, especially with reporting is coming from extremely biased sources like al-Jazeera, or official spokespersons.

People are suffering through this from every side, and it's just so disgusting and frustrating that people are so quick to leverage the suffering of anyone in their own pointless bias confirmations. Especially so when those individuals have no ties at all to any of this and are vastly ignorant of the political/military complexities involved here.

Propaganda is designed specifically to illicit emotional reactions... So, "Don't react, wait for facts!"

53 more...

Day to day, yes... Decade to decade, very unlikely.

It would make for a very interesting biometric lock mechanism though...

"... Hold on boys, just need to unlock my phone real quick...."

6 more...

"press harder..." "Make sure sack is dry and try again"

In general this would depend on the state... In Minnesota the canvass following the general ballot is used to determine who the states electors are going to be. These individuals represent their districts and are then legally obligated to only vote for candidates that meet eligibility and are on the ballot. So there would need to be a certain threshold of write ins met before he could actually make it to the electors ballots and he would have to submit a proper write in registration form ahead of time.. Because those electors are casting votes in representation for their districts they would not be authorized to write in a candidate of their own choosing as they would basically be going completely against their electoral districts clearly defined intentions.

So it's possible he could even win a fair share of the popular vote but be unable to be even selected as a candidate by the electors as they are legally unable to vote for him unless he is a properly displayed candidate on their ballots.

Super unlikely, but it would depend on how the state's Supreme Court would decide to uphold its write in registration process following the decision... And also it would probably be petitioned to higher courts who would likely overturn it since it's extremely dangerous precedent.

Man, looks like they got the guy they were targeting and none of the civilians... This is way cleaner than when HAMAS dropped a bomb on a Palestinian hospital... they ended up killing hundreds of Palestinians...

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I really wish they would give at least a tiny bit of context to this summary. It would be nice to just know if it was purely malicious or if it was due to some sort of bureaucratic nonsense where they have some sort of strict rules in place that forces them to refuse grants of any kind or something.

Either way it would be ridiculous to refuse... But for fuck's sake at least offer a little bit of context... The summary here just reads like pure outrage porn...

Pitchforks and torches are fucking tiring to carry around all the damn time...

Edit: just read the full article and yeah that's fucked up... school board voted against the grant because of the organization it was coming from and clearly had no desire to evaluate the project on its own merits... The dissenting opinion from one member of the board is actually a really good one and would recommend anyone curious to go read it.

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Hey bud, neither do you... But go ahead and let your bias drive that confirmation. What I see is an insanely precise strike and a bunch of terrorist apologists who will never be happy no matter how insanely precise the IDF conducts it's operations.

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I have no clue what you are defending.

Also that's the silliest shit I've ever heard. A tamir interceptor is designed for the interception of rockets, artillery, and mortars. Just consider what the design of a rocket with such a task specific purpose would need to be designed to do. Think about how it would move, how it would sound, what the warhead is designed to do.

Really think this through please. Because most people here in Lemmy thought the rocket that hit the hospital (which ended up actually being the parking lot) and killed those 900 people (which actually ended up being ~300) was a US JDAM.

You actually believe that a low yield... Maybe 20lb NEW warhead designed for shrapnel dispersal fired at the sky and then malfunctioning and falling back to the ground... Would have the same devastation, velocity, and angle of attack as a missile people reasonably, but still mistakeningly thought was a 500lb NEW Air to Surface JDAM.

You could literally just use your own eyes and go look for videos of what it looks like for the tamir to explode in the air and compare that to the massive incendiary fireball that came from the HAMAS rocket and you would immediately know how insane that theory is.

And then I hope you walk away from that with just a little bit of skepticism and shame because you are guzzling the Kool aid bud.

Called a moonbow

Fuck... You're right, it did.

What the hell do you think war is guy? You new to this? Never seen someone's leg blown off before? Ever applied a tourniquet?

Guy this is the exact definition of precise. Literally hits one guy in a crowd. Assuming this asshole is in fact HAMAS, then they literally did it with 0 civilian casualties... So you really better ask yourself who you are cheering for here. HAMAS is literally by their own reports still holding completely innocent civilians hostage right now, and I assure you they aren't just playing Parcheesi with them.

HAMAS started this war by launching tens of thousands of missiles into crowded urban cities intentionally trying to kill civilians.

You can be pro-Palestinian without being pro-HAMAS... Please never forget this. In fact if you are pro Palestinian, you really have to be Anti-HAMAS. HAMAS has literally murdered Palestinians en masse.

Please for the love of all decency, find your way to the middle ground.

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It's been an extraordinary well documented tactic of the HAMAS... they teach children their highest calling they can achieve in life is to take the lives of Israelis through suicide attacks and to kill as many Israelis that they can by any violent means necessary. They push military caches into schools and hospitals that force civilian men, women, and children to risk their lives in order to gain access to essential humanitarian services which are already extremely limited. HAMAS literally will hold their own palestinians hostage in buildings that Israel intends to attack in order to intentionally maximize the civilian casualties.

They rape and torture their prisoners. They murder homosexuals.

All while constantly bombarding Israelis with rockets in order to force defensive counterstrikes from Israel. Randomly stabbing men, women, and children on the street with essentially no provocation.

Hamas' use of human shields in Gaza - NATO StratCom

Palestinian leadership was literally aligned and allied to the Nazi party during WW2.

So in truth, it's not just tough to hold a moral high ground... It's impossible when there is not even the faintest glimmer of conceptualizing what morality even is.

HAMAS must be excoriated from the face of the planet and never allowed to reoccur again. For the peace and stability of the Palestinian people and for the world.

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No chance... The taint stain wipe industry lobbyists are way to powerful and far to rich to let something like that slide...

For those of you who don't know... the caliber is usually known as 9mm Parabellum... so there is a joke in there too.

No no.. this is the dissenting opinion I was referring to...

“We as a board are making it more controversial than it has to be,” said board member Anthony Andrews, who complimented the kids for doing exactly what we want our young people to do: show leadership and initiative, identify problems and find solutions. “If we vote no on this, we send the message that we don’t trust the students."

Zordon approves...

There are many ways to decaffeinate a coffee bean... Some more gross than others... All of them blasphemy.

And yes most of them ruin the taste of coffee.

Also it's obvious you have seen this already.

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And several times throughout the story you are forced into making some "decisions" about how to deal with stale memory registers.

Many countries other than the US are comprised of a federation of states. And also those that aren't are generally considered nation states or sovereign states, which are still definitively states. The United States of America do not have an exclusive right on statehood.

Plus even though it may be implied that the original replier intended the context to mean the United States of America... it is a valid response with further implication that one should check their local jurisdiction's laws if they were so inclined to do so.

No dude... Nothing like that... Israel has made plenty of mistakes, especially in the past, and this is an extremely complex issue.

To answer your first question in terms of casualty counts. The very first thing is that casualty counts are very commonly over/under inflated, especially during times of conflict. There are many reasons you may want to over inflate or deflate your numbers. But honestly it is really difficult to take casualty rates at face value. Let's say we take it for what it is and its skewed. Now we run straight into a philosophical conundrum that is probably much to big to effectively argue through on the internet.

Your philosophical position on about a dozen or so moralistic arguments are going to shape your ultimate decision on where you stand in terms of casualty imbalances.

So I will skip all that and give you some of the things that I believe would bring me to your side.

  1. If HAMAS releases all of the remaining hostages and surrenders their leadership to stand trial in a neutral international court, and Israel continues to pursue it's offensive operations.
  2. If Israel remains present in gaza following the restoration of peace.

The bones are their money.

I understand where you are coming from, really... And I also appreciate the care that went into crafting your reply with the clear considerations to keep a neutral and rational tone, so I wish to extend the courtesy back.

The major contention I have with your position is that it is only easily justified if it were true that Israel is in fact indiscriminately bombing Palestinians. However the basis in reality to support the indiscriminate claim just doesn't exist at the current point. In fact the specific video posted here is explicitly contradictory to that argument. Israel has developed military technology beyond nearly every other country in the world in order to precisely and discriminatorily be able to target enemy combatants in civilian dense urban areas. The roof knock bombs that IDF use prior to levelling a structure so that citizens can have time to flee the scene is a prime example as well.

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I as well use a Anker powerconf camera and it's fantastic... But you will need a windows machine if you want to modify firmware settings on it as their control app runs in windows. It does seem that once you modify those settings they are persistent within the hardware itself though and once you move it back to the Linux machine it should all be preserved.

Of course it's possible someone has already closed that gap out already or maybe the app runs in wine.

1 more...

It's like you guys are just learning that war is terrible...

People die in wars. Combatants, non-combatants, men, women, children, bystanders, supporters, journalists, doctors, criminals, religious people, atheists.

We don't want war... It's bad.

So if you don't want war, you should conduct massive brutal attacks on civilian populations... Because that's how you get war.

HAMAS did this... They hold their own women and children at gun point inside of buildings they know Israel is about to strike to maximize the propaganda value out of the strike. The Arab nations refuse to allow Palestinian refugees to enter their countries in order to get them out of the conflict areas. Iran has purposefully financed HAMAS in order to allow it to disrupt the Palestinian Government and prevent any real opportunities for real sustainable peace. HAMAS build hospitals and schools with Iranian money... not to provide for the Palestinian people but to ensure they can wrap themselves in human body armor as they build caches and facilitation networks which is 100% in violation of international law and is not just criminal but utterly despicable.

Meanwhile these groups and countries have never been shy at announcing that their only stated goal is the genocidal ethnic cleansing of Israelis and the destruction of the state of Israel.

Who would have thought that all those years ago when Jordan and Egypt decided to take military action against a displaced refugee encampment all of those years ago that we would be at this point.

Or when they did it the second time..

Or the third time...

It's unreal that Egypt and Jordan just abandoned their own people in Israel and refuse to allow them to return to the nations they were originally citizens.

It's like you guys are just learning that war is terrible...

People die in wars. Combatants, non-combatants, men, women, children, bystanders, supporters, journalists, doctors, criminals, religious people, atheists.

We don't want war... It's bad.

So if you don't want war, you should conduct massive brutal attacks on civilian populations... Because that's how you get war.

HAMAS did this... They hold their own women and children at gun point inside of buildings they know Israel is about to strike to maximize the propaganda value out of the strike. The Arab nations refuse to allow Palestinian refugees to enter their countries in order to get them out of the conflict areas. Iran has purposefully financed HAMAS in order to allow it to disrupt the Palestinian Government and prevent any real opportunities for real sustainable peace. HAMAS build hospitals and schools with Iranian money... not to provide for the Palestinian people but to ensure they can wrap themselves in human body armor as they build caches and facilitation networks which is 100% in violation of international law and is not just criminal but utterly despicable.

Meanwhile these groups and countries have never been shy at announcing that their only stated goal is the genocidal ethnic cleansing of Israelis and the destruction of the state of Israel.

Who would have thought that all those years ago when Jordan and Egypt decided to take military action against a displaced refugee encampment all of those years ago that we would be at this point.

Or when they did it the second time..

Or the third time...

It's unreal that Egypt and Jordan just abandoned their own people in Israel and refuse to allow them to return to the nations they were originally citizens.

... It has always been the fucking Iranian Revolutionary Government...

If not for the Iranian Revolutionary Government... We could have easily have had both a Palestinian state (which has never existed) and peace between Palestine and Israel, with not much stretch of the imagination.

Also in not much stretch of the imagination... Iran could have continued from here...

And who knows where they would be now..

Certainly not here...

I'm guessing they meant 6cm... but I don't know or really care all that much.


Opinions, such as "all methods of decaffeinating coffee are blasphemy" are subjective in their very nature. What makes this more obvious is that the definition of blasphemy is entirely subjective and can't even begin to be assessed objectively until at very minimum a religious dogma is declared for the basis of evaluation.

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Okay... Which one? It's pretty clear that decaffeinated coffee violates no religions that I'm aware of... And in fact for some religions would be the only allowable way to drink coffee. And if you argue that I just meant in general that it is a slight on to any God then how would you interpret that as anything other than humor or sarcasm?

Do you always feel like a victim or is it just when you aren't caffeinated enough?

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That's not how legal systems work... Plenty of things are legal in one place and illegal in another. No Christians are worried about blasphemy against Zeus or Jupiter. Like wise a Zoroastrian is only concerned about blasphemy against Ahura Mazda and not Allah.

3 more...

This is the silliest shit I've ever discussed on the Internet. I will say kudos to you for keeping things mostly amicable. It's been awhile since I've had an argument on topicality and it's been entertaining for me. Thanks my friend, best wishes.

Nice thanks for that. I've been pretty happy with it right out of the box and haven't really needed to do much to it, but nice to know there are options.

Velocity is not suggestive because it is defined as speed in a direction.

In your example you are only taking speed, assuming direction and stating velocity.

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Fails to play for me as well. Not sure if anyone is willing to describe why they believe this is a missle and not a rocket, but would appreciate it.

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For what it is worth, today Netanyahu is exceptionally unpopular among more secular Israelis.

Additionally Lehi, is only one example of Israelis organizations that have committed terroristic atrocities against Palestine over the years. The Kach, and later Kahane Chai are examples of Israeli terrorist organizations with similar objectives as well... At least they were, until the Biden administration decided to remove their terrorist designation last year. The Jewish Defense League which committed attacks against Americans in the 80's is another.

Plenty of awful in the world to go around...

How do you gather? You think there isn't many ways to decaffeinate beans or that some of them aren't gross? Or that most ways used to decaffeinate beans doesn't make the coffee taste bad?

These are the very points James makes in the first 2/3rds of the video.

The only point that he and I might delaminate on was that all decaf is blasphemous, and that's a stretch because he never talks about the religious criminality of drinking coffee?

Why do you think I would offer a video to people about decaf that I didn't watch? Hint: I don't hate decaf coffee.

I mean you could always substitute a witch if you are unable to source the live duck...

That's because words on their own all have definitions. The subjectivity is created contextually. I swear it feels like I'm talking to a bot.

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No no, that was the only reasonable part. Everything else wrapping that was absurd though.

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You do realize that an enormous swath of Israelis are of middle eastern descendency... Not to mention from pretty much every other nation in the world.

So since you Americans love to assign colors to people instead of seeing them as people... What color do you think Israelis are?

I will actually take a moment to explain this to you since I feel bad that most of you have had no exposure to the realities of conflict and American media is hardly reputable.

The truth of war is that there are always collateral deaths. This is probably the most important reason why war should be avoided. Until someone creates a magic bullet that can sort combatants from non combatants this will always remain a truth.

If you care for the people you love, you don't go rape, murder, and behead your neighbor and their children.

The collateral loss of Palestinians is an absolute tragedy. HAMAS combatants fleeing and hiding in civilian populations is the travesty though.

But there are no mental gymnastics here, many islamic groups and Arab nations are on record stating that their absolute goal is the total annihilation of Israel and the genocide of Israelis. Israel has no such message or stance.

If Israel wanted to ensure the genocide of the Palestinians they would have to do nothing more than to expel the Palestinians from their country and to push them to Jordan and Egypt who would shoot every Palestinian at their borders.

Israel is a nuclear power, if it's aim was genocide then this would have been the shortest war in history.

The facts do not support you.