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Joined 11 months ago

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I hope every customer is looked into. All of his side projects smell like money laundering operations to me.

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The game is "The Day Before"

Just like... A little bit of healthcare, please

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I hope Game Freak sees this as a wake up call. People will kill for a Pokemon game with a little innovation.

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There is no acceptable answer to "why do you make your own services suck?"

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"A vote for Vivek is a vote for the 'other side,'" Trump said. So Vivek rolls over and supports Trump?

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but Vivek feels like a plant. He was supposed to fail. I think several candidates are being used to funnel different types of Republicans "back home" to Trump by building a following and then dropping out after Trump says something he thinks is destroying. He's setting up a house of cards to blow it over.

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You're either voting for America or Gilead.

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"Why do people have preferences?"

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"We made vehicles children can steal. We blame the children."

Good thing in Colorado my ballot is sent directly to my mailbox and I can send it out directly from my mailbox. This is done for every citizen no questions asked by default.

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I'm never going into a hospital without a mask again. It's just common sense.

Coming this Fall: Apple Dryness Pellets! A bag of Styrofoam rice that'll run you $499.99 and an extra $70 for it to come in colors. Not compatible with CE models.

New question: why did it have rotational symmetry?

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Truth social, last I checked, required a phone number and they're almost exclusively made up of spam.

I suspect money laundering or illegal donations. It'll sell out, just like his NFT playing cards. Not because people like my dad are clamoring for it, but because people that can't give him money publicly will buy them.

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My problem with yaml is if you truncate it at any random spot, there's a high likelihood it's still valid yaml. I don't like the idea that things can continue without even knowing there's a problem. The single opening and closing curly braces enclosing a json object is all it takes to at least know you didn't receive the entire message. Toml has the same issue. I'll stick with json when it makes sense.

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I mean... Yeah, if you want to ignore the Constitution.

As a community, gamers have made a lot of stink about this in the past. Nothing has changed. I'm confused about how they ever thought we didn't care about always-on connections.

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"In the name of starving children you'll never meet, you need to force feed yourself with foods you don't like."

Wait, Robinhood survived their GameStop bullshit?

It's a dark pattern. Maybe at one point in time people would be tricked into believing $3.99 was emotionally a lot less than $4 but we've grown up with it now for several generations. Everyone knows it costs more anyway because of taxes not being applied until the register. The mistrust is built into the system out of tradition more than anything.

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Obsidian, md all the way down

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The swamp was the GOP's money? Drain it! All of it! Give the extra to him, I don't care.

If white space carries any function that the compiler/interpreter needs to know about like structure or scope, it's probably not a very good programming language.

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All of a sudden I'm a little less interested in giving Rockstar my money...

FFS, they figured it out so much faster than America.

After it was supposedly updated to support helping with code, I asked bard about how to access password protected zips in Go and it made up libraries and gave me a very simple non-functioning example. When asked to describe Octopath Traveler 2, it invented a new main character and setting that isn't in the game or its predecessor or the mobile game. I don't have a lot of faith that Gemini will be better.

He's a mod for a conservative community and he's drinking the Kool aid HARD

This was a hit job and news outlets are trying to pretend it's an accident.

Mickey7, a mod of conservativememes2 here on absolutely snapped a week or so ago. It would have been beautiful except he spam commented the autism community to drop the R word and posted scat porn in a technology community. One less echo chamber though.

You too can do your part to end echo chambers in Lemmy.

TOML and YAML both have the problem that if you receive an incomplete document, there's a decent chance you can't tell. JSON doesn't have that because of the closing curly.

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How old is this article? Is this one of those articles that the onion releases every week like "No way to prevent this says only nation where this regularly happens"?

The only difference is I bet Bill Gates will taste better. Elon is obviously too stressed out and that ruins the meat.

Why? Who is this good for?

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And the "nothing" it sounds like you'd vote for wouldn't even punish the father! You'd rather have a kid die for nothing? Or would you rather we took the gun away? Are you saying that the only thing that actually works? Then we might agree on something.


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Still never buying a Hyundai or Kia ever again.

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I really feel for the engineers and devs who don't get to see their project released into the world. Especially after so much effort.

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