Nia [she/her]

@Nia [she/her]
0 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

The funny thing is I wouldn't mind watching their ads if they weren't annoying with them. If the ads were only at the start of a video, not during, and no still image banner at the bottom I have to click X on on desktop. I don't want to actively dismiss anything while I'm watching the video, I want to relax and watch it.

They don't allow me to sit and enjoy the videos without babysitting them to skip after the timer, so that's why I block their ads with absolutely no compromise anymore.

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This is no longer the case as of August last year, they managed to get the terms of the agreement changed

Edit: Duckduckgo's statement on it

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It really takes a huge toll and wears you down keeping up with it, I've found myself having to take breaks so I don't get into a very doomed feeling mindset

You can turn off ads directly in DDG settings

Check if your switch is a V1 model or a V2. If it is a switch V2, Lite, or Oled, you need a modchip. If it is a V1, you only need an RCM jig for like $3-7 (or some tin foil if you're risky, extremely not recommended, do you prefer to save $3-7 but chance frying your $300+ switch) and a usb cable.

If your Switch model number starts with XAW, you have a switch V1, in which case just follow this guide

If you have a V2, you need to get ahold of a PicoFly modchip, which is a Rasperry Pi Pico RP2040 flashed with which you can DIY (or there are other ones, but they're expensive or hard to find) and solder it into the motherboard, and then follow the guide.

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If the launch of these is anything like the original launch, I think I'll pass on this one too. That launch experience trying to get ahold of one really soured me on the PS5

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Basically a trap made to look tempting or valuable, ex: police run a site to buy illegal stuff for cheap to catch the people trying to buy it, like catching flies that want the honey

In this case if Tor Browser is a honeypot it means feds run the majority of nodes and would have a high chance of being able to easily identify users.

Simple SMS is what I use, I use almost their whole suite of apps. The ones on the Play Store are limited, but the ones they put on F-Droid are full-featured (It's an open source app suite, but the play store versions are that freemium donation style kinda thing).

Here's the link to their whole app suite on F-Droid, has all the essentials like file manager, camera, dialer, calendar, contacts, calculator, etc. The "Simple Thank You" app (also on F-droid) works as a theme manager for all the app suite, so you can set a theme you like and then pick "shared" as the theme in all the other apps

Most importantly, they actually seem to get updates unlike a lot of these style of apps sadly, I wish there were more options available that weren't abandoned.

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LanguageTool, a mostly^1^ open source Grammarly alternative, has a Libreoffice Extension. Their LibreOffice extension runs locally instead of using their servers so that's a plus too

^1^ the browser extension is proprietary, but their extension for LibreOffice and standalone app are open source under the LGPL

Most terminals on Linux don't show any feedback when you're typing your password, so that someone looking over your shoulder can't tell how long or short it is.

It's still registering it as you type, type your password and press enter and it will work despite not showing anything.

I had to do some digging on the name since almost every search engine was just throwing articles like this when trying to find a voice clip of him, he voices the statue "Arnold" in this video I think his voice will be pretty good to adapt to Mario. Here's his IMDb page

Welcome to PC! One thing I wish I knew back when I started on PC was, checks a bunch of safe sites to buy games from (most in Steam key form, some just for other stores in general) and can email you when any of them go on sale.

Also, the Augmented Steam browser extension (Chrome/etc) (Firefox) is really nice, sadly no version of it to work in the Steam client itself that I know of, but it adds a ton of QOL to the store.

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Traditional on a mouse, natural on a touchpad. Any other way feels wrong to me.

Looks like they were trying to link here, but the link didn't work, at least on the instance I'm on. Not sure about others.

Edit: The first line says it's not satire, but poking around the site there is definitely some satire articles on there, so I think this is probably malicious satire.

Edit 2:

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When you do that sometimes there's another invisible element covering the page that when deleted lets you scroll down again.

Also, try the element dropper/picker icon beside the element zapper, it does the same thing, except it sticks it into a list to do it automatically every time the page loads, also great for uncluttering needless crap on websites permanently.

They're on one of the tabs for your lists if you need to undo one

It's a cat and mouse game with Google blocking the Piped proxy IP address of popular instances, and then those instances getting a new IP to use for it.

Solution is to use smaller instances or self host your own small/private instance, issue with that solution is that then the small instances become popular and the cycle continues.

On mobile some apps like LibreTube can disable the piped proxy and make a direct connection instead (which also lets Google see your IP), but I don't know any way to disable piped proxy for public instances on PC

I guess that's fair, still worth the warning though

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OP's post links here if it doesn't work on your instance:

The first line says "Seriously. This isn't satire.", but a few of the other posts are satire on the site (not all), such as "KDE Foundation hires Dwarf Paladin as new Executive Director" and "NetBSD Ported to Cheese Sandwich". So this is probably malicious satire.

For now Matrix, but I plan to move to Revolt or Fosscord (now called Spacebar) when they're ready

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If you're open to recommendations, sideloading uYou+ (via altstore or other methods, no jailbreak needed) is sort of like ReVanced but for iOS.

There's also Yattee which is on the App Store or you can sideload it. It can connect to a Piped or Invidious instance to play YouTube vids.

Both of them are open source if that's important for you

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Would like to add to this that invidious on web can proxy your videos like Piped does but you have to enable it in settings first, not sure when they added it but they have that now

Modded discord is the only way I can tolerate it anymore, custom UI and plugins take a lot of the friction away on both mobile and desktop, Discord still needs a viable competitor though so stuff doesn't get trapped only on Discord, and so they have an incentive to improve stuff instead of enshittification

The issue with modded Discord is the ban risk, despite how uncommon it is, the risk is still there

btw its not actually fully private when watching them from DuckDuckGo, they give a warning that the video provider can still track you when watching from ddg. Likely much less, but they still have their ways

Interesting to know that it doesn't have ads from there though

At the time of writing this reply, its at 345k now. I read through the petition and agree entirely with it with that context.

For the last part of the post about restricting Lemmy because lobbyists/investors don't like that it can't be controlled, things like that can actually be protected against happening with Net Neutrality. Which in the US they're trying to bring back finally

Likely wouldn't help with torrenting sites considering the first go-around with it had "Consumers deserve access to the lawful Internet content of their choice." as one of the big things which is a contradiction to what Net Neutrality stands for, but it's at least a step in the right direction.

From the Wikipedia of the game in the picture from OP:

For the first three levels, there is a row of three blocks which move side-to-side on the LED display. When the player presses the start/stop button, the row of blocks stop moving. Then, another row of blocks appear above the previous row, moving faster than the one before it. Blocks that do not align directly above the previous set are removed. If the player misses completely, the game is over. The number of blocks is automatically reduced to two at level four, then one at level 10. The goal is to consistently get the blocks directly above the previous set, stacking them to the minor prize and ultimately the major prize level.

Edit: found a gameplay video

Openboard was good but got abandoned a year-ish ago, but there's a fork of it now that I'd highly recommend checking out, they have glide typing but you have to manually install it but it's a really easy install. I switched from gboard and I've been using it for about a month or two happily. (app in the OP I made but link is to a comment giving instructions for the glide typing)

Archive links in case the link is down: GhostArchive / /

Edit: Installing the glide typing makes it partially non-foss because it uses Google's glide typing library, which is also why it has to be manually installed.

Just enabled this, thanks!

Haven't used it in a while, but in the time I used it I didn't have many issues maintaining it. General rule is to just check out the news before you update because they'll warn you if a package is likely to break stuff or requires manual intervention to update.

I remember installing a package that would prompt me for any packages I was about to update that had a new warning/news since the last update and would link me to it, but I haven't been able to remember what it was called, it was really helpful.

Edit: It was this (, though just reading the announcements before every update would be just as effective

The only ones I've really ended up liking are KDE Plasma, and Cosmic (both the modified Gnome version, and hopefully the Rust version in the future too. Right now I'm enjoying Cosmic more than KDE Plasma so I have high hopes for it, both are great though.

Shelter, Insular (f-droid, FLOSS fork of Shelter), or Android Work Profiles/User Profiles if your phone lets you manually control them. If not, Shelter or Insular manage it for you.

On Samsung, Secure Folder will also do it.

These create a separate user profile that is shown with a little icon on the corner of the app icon, separate from your main phone user profile (this includes being separate from your VPN connection, if any, keep that in mind). They'll all do what you're trying to do if you stick your games in them.

I can't remember for sure but I think that I got Xbox cloud games working on Firefox before with thr user agent switcher back when I had it, it also works well for those sites that don't work in Firefox sometimes.

That's a YMMV thing though because sometimes the sites just genuinely don't work in Firefox rather than just being blocked because they haven't tested it

Another user did some digging too and pointed out that the archive was the only one and was made on the day before the article, so the shaman website seems to have been created specifically for that article

Pretty sure most people just use sudo for everything if they aren't a sysadmin, I use sudo and almost never touch su unless I'm recovering from a major screwup

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The only archive of it was made one day before a satire article writing about it was made, and there are no traces of the website from before that anywhere online. Mods took down the previous thread on this.

It was some writer wanting to get attention who spread it.

Edit: context on why it's fake:

There's also a lot of satire on the original website that posted the article

Not directly, but you can use KDE Connect (Windows, Linux, and Mac are supported) to do it by pairing your phone and PC through it. It's not as nice an experience as Google Messages on PC, but you can send, get notifications for, and reply to sms in your PC's notifications after it's set up

Shouldn't be a linux thing, I use it on Linux and Firefox myself, not sure what could be causing the issue for you though

Funnily enough same for me, I already had a prebuilt gaming PC but after spending the time trying to get ahold of the PS5, I just started saving and made my first PC build as an upgrade to what I already had, feel like it was the better choice in the long run.

Played this back when I was on Xbox, good time killer I was mixing this up with Dungeon of the Endless, this game looks pretty cool though

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Recently moved to PopOS and while I've been generally aware of Cosmic I've been looking into it a lot recently, don't know much about programming languages but from what I understand Rust is supposed to be really fast for this stuff.

Will using Rust cause the desktop to feel really responsive/snappy compared to other ones like Gnome or KDE Plasma (not that they're slow), or is it more like an efficiency thing, less CPU/RAM use, etc? If this has already been answered can someone link me because I haven't been able to find much on it

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