0 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Whatever makes my dick hard is a woman.

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I'm to understand we are doing each of these once a day, so am I sewing 30 faces on to mine?

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This is a win for the Linux gaming community.

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Unless you are advocating for the mass slaughter of Republicans and Christian conservatives, I am not sure what you think is going to fix anything- because they have a lot of power for some reason, and aren't keen on changing their mind on their whole, "The world is ending but that's good actually" thing.

At which domino did you put on the stripey knee socks?

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It was a meme because it's LoL. I wasn't serious.

They let KIDS drink this stuff in SCHOOLS

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Remember when Lee Harvey Oswald tried to defect to the USSR, and they just said... "Bro do you see this place? Why?"

I'm just trying to figure out how to maintain my current diet and fuck myself every day without making a mess of all of my toys

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Please, we know you're gay if you're a Homestuck fan

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They didn't know she was pregnant until they did the test. Just thought she got fat

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Piracy is always moral against large companies. It hurts literally no one.

power metal and folk metal are kinda similar demographics-wise in my experience as an alestorm fan

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5 is the most metal of the group, so by default it is the best choice.


Is this a job listing to become Sam Porter Bridges?

Brings a whole new meaning to you are what you eat.

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Clearly not the point here.

🔺- Just ignore him ⭕ - turn up the volume ❌ - "Fuck off Greg, this is the 3rd time this week!" 🟥 - Fisticuffs

Gay cat

Guys can also wear bikinis and shove poke balls up their ass. It's where I would store mine.

I only break out the sir/madam/etc for customers, and you bet if I wasn't sure I wouldn't try to guess. It'll be you until I'm told different.

This is how I've gotten away with it for years

I put it on top which makes me a bottom

But if you get rid of it you can get some bitches on your dick


I only have one sister, so I guess it would be her. I'd feel bad about it though, I don't want her to have that burden.

What is 14d2? Also isn't a d2 just a coin?

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I'm currently still straddling that line. On one hand I'm already big and beefy so I could lean into that, but the other side is tempting too.... it would just require a lot more work.

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I followed all of these steps and still got my player blocked. Ublock origin is the only adblocker on my browser too. So now I use freetube

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You guys get ads?

Right? It shouldn't be this difficult

I occasionally get it on Firefox with ublock- usually I just have to update uBlock and it goes away for a while. Eventually they'll give up, I'm sure.

I was just reading metamorphosis, this isn't even the same artstyle

I read this in the voice of The King from New Vegas


I'm on Pop OS and have very little issue with Nvidia drivers.

I believe the game I have the highest number of hours in is League of Legends, but I don't know the exact amount because at a certain point riot changed their API and the tracking site I used reset. But the highest it was ever at was 2,376 hours. The highest games I currently can still track are Skyrim with 789.5 hours and Skyrim legendary edition at 241 hours, then Stardew Valley with 953 hours, Fallout New Vegas with 612 hours, and Final Fantasy 6 with 557 hours(this was one campaign.). Everything after that is sub-500, but I give an honorable mention to Dark Souls 3, at 441 hours.

This is some outer worlds shit