4 Post – 96 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

OP is a Mastodon user.

Mastodon doesn't actually have communities built in, so if you want to post in a Lemmy community you have to @ the community. (That means that there's a decent chance this post was an accident, since linking to a community and posting to a community is the same on mastodon)

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Reddit tried to remove, but they forgot that you could also access it by going to

Wouldn't be surprised if they would remove RSS feeds but forgot they exist

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It doesnt no

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I always used it when I had one.

Now, I use an adapter for headphone jack to USB-C. Every day.

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Yeah, just upload pictures in the post body. Like you do in comments you can do it in the post text as well.

Image: Sign that says "Go Away! No Mushroom Hunting. Mine! They are ALL mine!

Lemmy has a way of doing it automatically, but if you want to do it manually the formatting is

![Alt text](image url)
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Lemmy's subscriber user count is usually wrong.

You only see the true number if the community is on your instance

Check the community from the original instance to see the actual number of subscribers

If you're searching for instances, you should use since it lets you quickly compare subscribers, shows you more results and also is just better overall

For F-Droid in specific, you'll need an F-Droid client. I use Droid-ify (GitHub) (F-Droid) (IzzyOnDroid), but you can use whichever you prefer. F-Droid is a good source for open source apps.

If you're sideloading from different sources, Obtanium (GitHub) (IzzyOnDroid) is useful to download apps, and keep them updated. You can even kinda use it as an F-Droid client.

Google is pretty lax on what it allows on Google play, so unless you're trying to avoid using Google services or you want to install apps that aren't on the play store, you don't need to do it.

If you want adbocking and extra features in some apps (especially YouTube), check out ReVanced.

Google isn't lying - there are risks to sideloading if you don't know what you're doing. Make sure what you're downloading is coming from legitimate sources you trust. For example, if you look up ReVanced, some unofficial websites show up which may have malware. Triple check everything is coming from an official source.

I would hate such a change. I can't see emoji reactions ever being better than seeing a single number for vote count.

Reddit did kinda have their own emoji reactions, but they locked them behind a paywall, and called them awards. I don't think anyone liked them, even if it wasn't for the money. They cluttered the UI, they were annoying, even Reddit didn't like them, since they're removing them now.

Now imagine that but instead of a few people who paid Reddit for some reason, everyone can do it, for free. Thousands of emoji reactions per post.

Emoji reactions work for chat platforms since only a few people see each chat, but after a few hundred people see the post it becomes meaningless emoji spam (see discord announcement channels)

You can build your own APK of Infinity with your own API key. You don't need to install any apps (other than infinity) and it can be done from your phone.

Screenshot in case the post on Reddit is removed:
1. Backup your current settings in the App [Settings Advanced -> Backup settings (or so)] 2. Open the Google Colab Script and run the snippets with the instructions (Please read it carefully, you don't need ANY coding experience as you don't touch the code) 3. Uninstall old App 4. Install the APK 5. Login and restore your settings (if needed) If you see the name "{YourRedditUsername}-app" (or whatever you chose) while logging in, you were successful 6. Restart the app for the settings to apply

Important: If the build fails or you can't login in the App because of an Oauth error, try doing the whole process again in another browser (yes, generating a new APl token)

Google Colab Script

Edit: Also, Geddit (Website) (F-Droid) (GitHub) works without the API, but you can't interact with anything, comments don't show properly, and I think the UI doesn't look very good.

Moshidon is really good for android. I especially like that you can have custom timelines for basically anything

I don't see anything wrong with mod bots. I don't advocate their use I an 'authoritarian role', but they can be used for things like preventing duplicate posts, making posts fit guidelines, removing spam, etc. They're just a tool to make moderation easier, it doesn't change anything about the way a community is moderated.

I disagree, they definitely don't want their own mini Lemmy. They want a safe space they are happy with, and defederation the only way they can do that with Lemmy's current mod tools. and make up about 20% of the acitve users in the threadiverse (source). That is a lot, and it sucks, but it's far off from making beehaw an isolated instance.

Imo for now new users should be discouraged from joining Beehaw,, and, since all the content can be seen from other instances anyways.

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I'm not able to install the app, anyone know why this could be happening?

Google Play screenshot showing Voyager and an error: "This item isn't available."

Google Play screenshot showing compatibility, which shows it won't work with Pixel 6a

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If you're willing to go through the pain of sideloading on iOS and you're ok with giving a random app your Google account, uYou+ is pretty good.

If anyone needs to use Twitter but doesn't want to use the official app/website, Squawker (F-Droid) (GitHub) still works, but you need to log in with an account now.

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Ecosia only gets money from ads if you click on a link, so if you quickly scroll past them all the time you might as well leave uBO on.

They also said you shouldn't just click on ads randomly, it won't help.

They say

What if I never click on ads?

That's fine, every additional user makes Ecosia more attractive to advertisers. The best way to support our mission is to use Ecosia like you would use any other search engine.

Don’t be concerned if you rarely click on ads, simply by being an Ecosia user you’re adding to the size of our user base and turning an everyday action into something positive. The more people collectively that use Ecosia means we have a wider reach and ultimately can plant more trees.

This works most of the time, but not all of the time. Even in official apple apps some menus don't let you swipe from the left to go back.

I use gesture navigation on Android. It has some upsides and downsides compared to iOS, but it works 100% of the time, no exceptions.

No; the background colors are the same but it has an edge

iOS button showing it has an edge between the text and the buttons

Lemmy of all platforms is able to work fine without an algorithm. There needs to be some better sorting options, though. 'Hot' prioritizes new posts way too much, so you don't even see posts that are 2 hours old.

Also some way of making posts from smaller communities show up higher since they'll never get as many upvotes as posts from popular communities.

What do you mean by the built in search tool to find communities all over Fedi? From what I can tell the search bar only searches communities that are already federated with kbin, so you'd still need to use something like for small communities anyways.

And also if you want to have access to a community that hasn't been federated already, I think you need to use a different search bar. On Lemmy you can use the same for both.

For me Lemmy is better. The web UI is simpler and easier to understand for me, and I have no use for the microblogging features. And more importantly there are Lemmy apps but no kbin ones. I'm glad there are options for everyone, and hopefully they both get the features that they're missing but the other has!

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The fear is sometimes overblown, though. It's awful for privacy, but it gets exaggerated a lot of the time, even in the comment you're replying to.

(...) enables websites to use Google's new "Topics API" to view web addresses in your browser history.

People are generally concerned because it allows a site like to learn that you bank at and that you also visit frequently.

This isn't true. Websites only see some of the topics you visit, so in this example maybe Banking (or something a little more specific like savings account), and comics and animation. Here is the list of topics.

What can you do to protect yourself? Don't use Google products or Chromium-based web browsers.

It's a good idea to stop using Google products and Chromium based web browsers, but you don't have to if you want to avoid Topics API. You can opt out of it (at least for now), and some chromium browsers like Vivaldi, Brave and Ungoogled Chromium will probably remove it from their browsers.

Imo the biggest problem with it (over other types of tracking), is that like RagnarokOnline said, any website can get the info, not just the advertisers. So say, the company you're working for could be told you're interested in Job Listings, or Retirement & Pension.

I didn't know that was a controversial opinion? Do you think that Apple are as bad as Google or Meta in terms of privacy?

Apple does have privacy violations, but the things I've seen them get caught doing are minor compared to the things that many other companies do openly.

The main point of the article you've linked is that Apple put the equivalent of a "Do not track" option in a browser, and it did exactly the same of a "Do not track" option in a browser (nothing). Does that mean that any browser with a DNT request option is bad for privacy?

Adding an option that is somewhat misleading isn't ideal, but it's incomparable to something like Cambridge analytica incident, or the tracking that Google put basically everywhere on the Internet.

By the way, I am in no way defending Apple. I'm just saying that everything that Apple does, companies like Google and Meta also do, just ten times over.

I believe an iPhone is way better than a Pixel for privacy, even if both are far from ideal. I'd love to be proven wrong, tho.

I think copying Mastodon would be the best for this. You can mark the post as sensitive (nsfw), which blurs the images. You can also add a content warning that can be used for anything (nsfw, nsfl, spoilers, etc).

And then use tags separately for categorizing posts.

On reddit? Vote % is fuzzed a little to prevent spambots or something.

On lemmy I haven't noticed that

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It's probably more expensive and inconvenient.

Also it might only take one report for an active mod team to ban a server. How long can that take? An hour? Less? If they're on servers that real people use, bots have to be banned one by one, so the spam can last a lot longer and reach more people.

Only somewhat. Lemmy Communities show up as users when viewed from mastodon, that boost every single post and comment in the community (so browsing it is near impossible, and there is no sorting). Mastodon users can interact with posts (but can't downvote), and they can post by @-ing the community.

You can't follow mastodon users or view mastodon posts from Lemmy. I heard kbin had some functionality to do with this tho

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At this point vpns are popular enough and have enough ads about them that most people will be able to look up 'free vpn' on the app store and download the first one that comes up. They're not difficult to use at all

Not really, if you browse the big communities it has enough users but for more niche communities its not neatly nearly enough to be a replacement for reddit

Seems like community links are broken in Infinity, the first link gave an error and the second doesn't even show as a link. stopped letting people add new communities. What's up with that?

  • Proper federation of favorites and boosts. You can't see favorites from people outside of your instance for some reason, and boosts are sorta federated from people outside of your instance, but still not fully. Lemmy manages to federate upvotes fine, so it seems like it'd be possible.

    The app I use (Moshidon) loads the actual favorite count when you open the favorites list, but it's annoying I have to go through that step.

  • Quoting Posts

  • Higher poll option count. 4 is not enough. I'd say it should be at least 6, preferably something like 15 or 25.

  • Higher character count per post. No reason for it to be capped at 500. I'd say the default should be 1500.

    Also I think it's hard for admins to change the default character count, so that should be made easier.

  • I'd really like an algorithm (optional, of course). Getting content you want to see is really difficult. It's hard to find people to follow, and when you do you get all of their posts in your feed, not just the ones you want to see.

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If RCS is end to end encrypted, and doesn't use messaging fees, then every reason they decided to drop sms is no longer valid, except for needing to spend more time developing it.

I doubt they'll add it even if they did have the option, but it's not ridiculous that they could.

If anyone wants to leave Twitter, but there's still people that you want to see, I recommend Squawker. You can't interact or post, but you can follow people and you don't need an account.

That's a great idea! I didn't know about Just added it to !

I changed the link a little from the one you posted. Mine is:

[![Subscriber Count](](

Subscriber Count

  • I added alt text (so if the image doesn't load, or people are using screen readers, they can still understand what it is),
  • changed 'Total Subscribers' to just 'Subscribers',
  • and made the badge a link to the community in the original instance, so anyone wondering why the numbers don't match up can click the badge to see where the number's coming from.

The app I use, Moshidon, is able to open shared links in the same way infinity does. Maybe some other apps can do this too.

There's also an app similar to Lemmy Redirect called Mastodon Redirect (IzzyOnDroid) (GitHub). The app says it works with the "official" Mastodon app, Elk, Fedilab, Megalodon, Moshidon, Subway Tooter, and Tooot.

You can also copy the link and paste it into the search bar in the app you use.