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Joined 6 months ago

I preferred when it was a full squared stripe instead of trying to round the edges. Own it if your going to do that.

(As previously mentioned, it allows them to have some of the best phone cameras and let it sit flat on a table)

Part of the problem is that most people will spend most of their time around people of a similar wealth level. They will therefore always be around people richer than themselves and generally see less people that are much poorer (at least in a personal context).

This means that 'rich' people don't feel rich. (Unless they are self aware enough to realise it). It also means that your references for morals etc are now other rich people rather than 'normal' people (although it's normal to them!)

Therefore, they always want to acquire more money, and their references for how to go about that are the richer people who have already done similar things.

Personally, I have cracked open a helmet once. On a quiet country lane, with no traffic. Pot holes can catch you any time.

I don't remember the crash, just the slide.

That is what makes me tell people to wear helmets.

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I messaged the admins on discord, it will be coming up again. Unknown ETA currently.

Small instance problems™

Good to know it's missed though 🙂

Edit: link to their discord (Lemmy is just a part)

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Free trials on most cloud storage providers should be free and remain forever* as long as you occasionally keep the account active.

Obviously, nothing is forever, providers might go bust, close their free tiers etc.

Do Firefox forks support the same Firefox addon ecosystem, or do they have smaller selections/manual steps?

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Is this an American, no animal welfare regulations environmental problem or a global one?

The strange thing here substitution wise is that IMO fake chicken is closer to real chicken in quality than fake beef is (that you can get as mince anyway). So it's easier to substitute out the chicken than the beef.

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They are dropping the Nokia brand then?

I guess this kinda counts:

It gives you points for every unique mile you walk/run/cycle etc with the idea of getting you to go to new places and explore. You then get bonus points for doing 10/25/50% etc of an area.

Works off Strava data, so you would have to actually record the walking. But I found it was great at getting me to go to new places.

Looking it up, it doesn't sound like it. Looks to be planned for later this month.

My understanding is that they are making the economy harder and completely removing the government subsidies that small cities get that make them absurdly easy. Other changes include making utility exports less lucrative and roads etc more expensive.

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Anyone else having trouble with WiFi login pages not loading?

Has the economy 2.0 patch launched?

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They get money from premium views. I believe they get significantly more per premium views than an add view.

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::: spoiler [Secret History] He will make a great villain. (Or already is from one series perspective)

Depends if you like your morally gray characters I guess. :::

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My cycling club mandates helmets, so not a problem. Only really come up with the hire bikes in cities etc.

Nope, I was to busy being miserable about having a broken collar bone.

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Working now? They work in both Voyager and the default web UI, can't do much better than that?

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Do they have enough seats up there without starliner to get everyone down?

I assume they could just stay up there until another Dragon/Soyuz launch if they don't trust starliner?

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Getting cremposting going would be great!

They should have poked the bear with a separate legal entity so the obvious resulting legal loss wouldn't effect their core operations.

I support the idea as long as it's for dead authors/out of print books, but from what I understand they were just letting people 'borrow' anything? That's just stupid (if idealistic)

It's all about risk tolerance. It was thought that improved brakes on cars would hugely improve safety. However it had a much smaller affect as people just braked later... There is a level of acceptable risk that everyone has, increasing safety measures just means they take more risks up to that level.

Helmets make people feel safer so they do more risky things and therefore hurt themselves more in other ways.

Doesn't mean you shouldn't wear one though!

It's up again now! has been great since the admin swap.

It's probably worth going to a specialist shop and asking questions

I really want to try though! Not dared to try on a road bike though...

Are the docking adaptors male/female or interchangeable? Could they do a dragon/dragon docking manoeuvre if they all had to jump in there?

Tasks digitally, thought processes on paper.

Blaze is of every instance! they have so many accounts!