8 Post – 146 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I used them on my old Build! Pretty neat if it got some light up the back, but I went back to air cooling, so I’ve got then holes of glory again.

In the case of Frostpunk, I am not sure. It takes place in a frozen world, but it doesn't have an aesthetic to fit that name so it may just be a title.

I love the Pokémon franchise, even grew up with it. And Palworld was just a way better experience than let’s say Scarlet and Violet.

Yes, it was made for PC, which is way more powerful than the switch, yet it ran perfectly fine with ~50 fps on high on my 10 year old PC, while the switch struggles to keep 30.

Granted, a lot of the monsters look like amalgamates of 2-3 Pokémon - but they looked good, like Katress, that fire-gyrados, even that Dragonite-Goodra-Altaria mix looks good IMO.

The world was generic, but unique enough to be explored - and it is too big for the amount of Pals that existed.

I had fun with Pokémon as well, but I only got to play the DLC after I finished Palworld. I did not catch the legendary turtle as of writing this comment because the game is just… boringly slow.

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I took this text and made ChatGPT translate it to 2008 teenager lingo:

Yo, what’s good? If you peep anything sketchy or straight-up wack, like a jacked-up toilet or whatever, hit me up at -number- ASAP. For real though, we’re low-key hustlin’ to make this campground poppin’. We ain’t stoppin’ till this spot’s lit AF and everyone’s vibin’ with it. We’re counting on you, fam. Much love, thanks!

That’s hella accurate

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I think it’s that one

… fuck you! I have swipe to comment! I expected boobs and now I gotta write an essay about lorem ipsum dolor dolor sit amet

The meat is totally dependent on what that body part was used for! Generally speaking: red meat = constant usage White meat = short burst of energy Chickens run a lot, therefore their legs are considered red meat; Ducks fly, walk and swim, so they are completely red meat. Crocodiles and snakes for example do not do much, besides that one kill for the day or week, so they have white meat, like the chicken breast - because the chicken only does a short burst of flapping.

Having that in mind, T-Rex arms would be like giant chicken wings.

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I think it’s called a ”Fucker-Upper“

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Why not use a small piece of Nori (the salty Sushi seaweed) and moisten it up with water and use that?

I did this for years

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Also, google images sucks now. Try googling for anything specific, like "sand in pc" or "red carb on plate" - all AI generated

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Never use a smart printer. If this is your only choice, make sure this dorker has no internet connection. If it does make any sudden movements, use the 9mm.

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Lemme say that:

If I tell you: The Movie Shrek 2 is the best movie ever made, and then you watch it and it was Ok for you, you’ll say it’s bad.

But if I tell you the movie Shrek 2 is the worse ever, and you watch it then, and you find it OK, you’ll say it’s pretty good.

Saturated fat is good for you. Trans fats are the bad ones, those are unsaturated fats OR saturated fats that just become radicals. The cholesterol you get from eating is nearly nothing compared to the cholesterol your body makes out of sugar you overconsume.

My cholesterol has gone down to normal since I switched to an oil-less sugar-reduced diet. I use butter for veggies and lard for meats. Also, I only use whole-fat variants of diary.

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I‘m a millennial but too… old? Annoyed by it? to have watched blues clues other than by accident while playing Gameboy. According to Google it aired from 1996 to 2006 here, which means that I was ages 2 to 12. It was just too dumb for me. Matt Patt on the other hand, I watched it grow since its start in the golden era of YouTube, the. I stopped when the dark ages started at around 2017-ish. Now I‘m sad that I didn’t do anything good in my life until May of last year.

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I was scratching my balls and one thing led to another…

As someone who 100%ed it on Wii U and Switch (DLCs included) I do not agree with you

Yes. And then, when you ask them 1 simple question they’re like "READ THE WIKI"

Dude/tte I don’t know anything about Linux. I’ve used the command line on my Mac 8~9 times and sometimes on windows and that’s it.

I really want to install Asahi (Arch) on my Mac as a VM before dual-booting but I’m failing for a week now and money‘s too tight atm to get even a cheap $50 laptop for testing.

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Add powdered sugar. Do it.

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First there was WWII, when all men had to be skinheads. Those men continued shaving, and this became a culture handed down to their boys. Now, we’re rebelling against the elders who fucked up everything, so we grow beards to show that we’re different to them.

Source. A lumberjack appered in front of me in a dream I had in 2009.

Ah yes, the awakening of Edgar (Edgy) Edgelord. From here on out he will be the main persona showing through until the early to mid 20s, only overpowered by Holly Horny, the sticky wizard of procreation magic.

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[Me as a 13/14 y/o] that’s so friggin cool!

[me as a 30 y/o] ohh look at Edgy Edgelord from Crinchester over here…

I have 2 toothless cats (immune system fought their teeth) it’s not that creepy

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Either it’s max defensive and evasion, or it’s the glassiest glasscannon since power-trick Shuckle.

Ah yes, the gay fish

It’s blown out the slits (mine has it at the back) Since the air is so hot and it is so little water you can’t see the steam directly but a mirror will fog when put there

Friends of mine are pretty deep in some special hobby subreddits. Most questions are answered by rude people, saying one should stop that hobby and do something else.

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Idk I’d go for big biceps tbh. Like them girls who can lift me from the knees.

"Wait WHAT DID SHE??? I did not consent! Just because the consumption of alcohol does erect my penis does NOT mean it is consensual! She used me for my semen!

While some may say that it is just an impression, it certainly is true. The cuprit is non other than the algorithm. People tend to write comments about why they disagree, and like where they agree. Liking takes less time, so you’re not as engaged as when you’re commenting. Being engaged gives them more money, so the algorithm does as it’s been told and just engages everyone so they are on the site longer to make more money. This enrages people, because everyone else is dumb and wrong and they have to tell them their opinion, which makes the algorithm happy, which leads to more disagreements. It’s a money making spiral.

I think the only thing I didn’t do was…. I don’t know. Nearly everything shown here have I done as a little child.

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I can see it in 1000 ~ 2000 years when they worship Harambe

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I have Wefwef now. I’m not lost, just on substitute.

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Actually, air fryers suck in on top of the tray and it comes back from below while a convection oven just creates some turbulences in there. The difference is that the air fryer removes all the steam that comes off the food, reducing time to crisp up significantly.

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I like the YouTuber DankPods he straight up bought some cheap ass headphones as a joke and was blown away by the sound quality of those, and sometimes even today he puts them on the ears on the stick for comparison with other, way more expensive headphones.

Actually, the number of monkeys they tested the chip on, who got their brains fried, is 100%. So I’ll take the blue pill and watch people die.