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also why does it have 22 upvotes? very scary.

can we stop villainizing a mental illness please? this is the most blatant overblown reaction ever.

also, his girlfriend is just batshit. just say that. it's obvious, but you don't need to insult those who suffer just because it's a convenient tool to use as a villain.

BPD sucks all the way around. don't use it as a catch-all for your hatred.

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what's weird about it, exactly?

good lord. Garvin sounds like a tool.

for those that have trouble with the weird paywall jank on mobile:

Twice before, this Virginia carpenter had awoken in the predawn to start his work day only to find one of his vans broken into. Tools he depends on for a living had been stolen, and there was little hope of retrieving them. Determined to shut down thieves, he said, he bought a bunch of Apple AirTags and hid the locator devices in some of his larger tools that hadn’t been pilfered. Next time, he figured, he would track them.

It worked.

On Jan. 22, after a third break-in and theft, the carpenter said, he drove around D.C.’s Maryland suburbs for hours, following an intermittent blip on his iPhone, until he arrived at a storage facility in Howard County. He called police, who got a search warrant, and what they found in the locker was far more than just one contractor’s nail guns and miter saws.

The storage unit, stuffed with purloined power tools, led detectives to similar caches in other places in the next four months — 12 locations in all, 11 of them in Howard County — and the recovery of about 15,000 saws, drills, sanders, grinders, generators, batteries, air compressors and other portable (meaning easily stealable) construction equipment worth an estimated $3 million to $5 million, authorities said.

“One of the largest theft cases not only in Howard County but in this region,” Police Chief Gregory Der told reporters recently, standing in a county warehouse where the reclaimed loot is piled neatly along walls and stacked high on shelves. “The scope of the investigation is enormous and ongoing,” the chief said, adding, “We believe the tools were stolen from retail stores, businesses, vehicles, residential properties and construction sites.”

Though none of the prolific thieves has been arrested yet, Der said, “we are investigating several suspects for their roles in this massive theft scheme and expect charges soon.”

“Yes, yes, I hope they do,” said the 43-year-old carpenter in Sterling, Va., who helped crack the case and spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect his safety. “Jail for them.” Share this articleShare

Howard police provided contact information for the carpenter, who said his home remodeling business employs 14 workers. He lost about 50 tools in the January theft and has gotten back a half-dozen of them, he said. He is hoping for more.

“They don’t know what they do to me,” he said of the thieves. “They steal our job.”

Seth Hoffman, a Howard County police spokesman, said investigators think most of the 15,000 or so tools were stolen in Northern Virginia and Pennsylvania. Howard County is just where they were stashed. He said about a quarter of the tools are in store boxes with labels that make them traceable. Some were stolen as long ago as 2014, he said. As for the thousands of loose and well-used tools now in the county warehouse, it’s hard to tell who owns them.

“Oh, man, it’s basically every kind of tool you can think of,” Hoffman said. “Basically any kind of tool you can put in a car or a pickup and drive away with. I mean, it’s some kind of inventory.”

Der said detectives have identified about 80 victims so far, “and we believe there are hundreds if not thousands more.” Police created an online form for people to fill out if they think their stolen tools might be somewhere in the piles. It asks for serial numbers, receipts, photos or any “identifying marks, initials, or numbers.” Authorities declined to discuss further details of the investigation

As of Wednesday, Hoffman said, 140 forms had been submitted since police announced the recovery last week, and officers are trying to reunite victims with their implements. “A huge undertaking,” was how Der described it.

“These thefts affect their livelihoods,” the chief said. “We’ve heard from victims who lost work because of their tools. It goes well beyond the cost of replacing the tools.” correction

A previous version of this article incorrectly referred to AirTags as GPS devices. They are a type of locator device, but they are not GPS trackers. The article has been corrected.

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they've long killed any desire to ever give them a single cent in my lifetime again.

"Andrew Wilson had some bots, EA AI O."

I have no idea why, but this made me chuckle.

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if she's happy, I don't see the issue. She's not hurting anybody and seems to have a good grasp of the situation. She's aware it's not real, and still participates.

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Maybe because most people experience the art? and don't feel the need to inflate their ego by thinking their interpretation or experience is the best way to interpret something?

this feels like a bunch of nerds sitting around complaining that gamers miss stuff, while not understanding that most gamers don't miss it. they just experience it and don't feel the need to externalize it.

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This reads like a nintendo representative is holding a gun at the temple of whoever was forced to write this.

trying to make it look like they weren't pressured by nintendo and instead opted to do this willingly kinda destroys their entire image.

maybe they should have listened when it was recommended against having a paywall version of the software. live and learn, I guess.

I was sorta with you until the "Clueless Downvoters Wall of Shame" bit at the end.

You can ask people to try and think about their voting behavior, but that's just a bit weird and obsessive.

I'm all for another game in the franchise, but quidditch isn't a very compelling part of the world for me.

as a sports game, quidditch feels shaky. its fine for narrative purposes, but it's not a real sport. so I'm not sure how they will build it into one.

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I've had a much more enjoyable time on freetube because of this, actually. unlike youtube who feeds you content based on what makes them the most money, it tends to actually show you videos that are relevant to what you're watching. whether it has millions of views or 100.

it feels like the smaller communities are a little more warm and fun.

and one day you'll say why, right?

I'm avoiding everything about it. video game movies are generally a misrepresentation of the source material entirely. so I never have hope for any video game movie. and borderlands is a franchise I actually really love.

and after seeing the cast, I think it's going to be a disaster. 😭

this is what I was honestly most excited about.

good lord, man. that's a lot of empty, teenage-like rage to have to read through. this guy is dramatically clawing his face and screaming in anger over a 20 minute gameplay video.

the game looks fine, dude. can we save the hysterics for when the game is released?

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my steam deck is my main daily device. I use it for most stuff. I own consoles, but its just so much easier to use the deck cause I can keep everything in one place.

steam, emulation, I even use it for youtube. docked to my TV.

this happens a lot on steamgriddb. Nintendo takes down a lot of stuff from the website, but I would just skip over the ones taken down and find one from a more recent uploader.

its why I try to keep an eye on the images I've uploaded just in case Nintendo feels like they can stop me. I just re-upload when they do the silly takedown nonsense.

they can't stop us. just grab another that has been recently uploaded for your game art.

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sounds like some weird mouth-breathing troll shit to me. but enjoy yourself, champ.

whoaaa. that looks amazing. I added it to my wishlist. I dont know if that was what op was looking for but I'm certainly glad you linked it!

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I always thought the whole point of quidditch was to put the protag as the most important position in the game.

but yeah I've seen "quidditch" being played. I'm just not certain how compelling it is without a protagonist player.

I was hoping someone else would mention it. It's quite cool.

I use them in WoW for tricky keybinds. and in terraria they're pretty useful as well

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I had to make a filter that specifically blocks content with his name in it. it was getting to be way too much.

poor baby. he sounds a little bit like a clucking chicken XD

I guess because sex has to be included everywhere now. we can't just have places for normal streamers to go.

it's very annoying.

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do you use google messages or google meet specifically? cause that's what the article is talking about.

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nothing whatsoever. but they need to feel important about something, I suppose.

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switch lite, switch oled

is there an android version?

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been hitting Dragon Age Inquisition hard since the controller fix proton-ge workaround got released.

it looks beautiful in handheld and when I play in docked I'm noticing that textures look nicer than they did on my Xbox.

such a fun game. 🤘

*happy little edit to link the file here. thank you cammoore1 for the workaround!

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are we going to ban youtube as well? which has more than tiktok? or lemmy for that matter? or any other forms of social media?

people who fear monger tiktok make me worry that they fail to see the bigger picture.

tiktok isn't the problem. the fact that propaganda is monetized is the problem. and banning tiktok will fix nothing whatsoever.

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I originally wanted to join tildes, but I never could get an invite. so I just kinda abandoned it and moved to lemmy instead.

they seem to go more with a walled garden approach and I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that kind of environment. but I'm sure it works well for those who participate.

don't waste your time with these weirdos. they throw around labels of transphobia for daring to disagree with anyone that doesn't share their narrow, obsessive world views.

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I experienced this exact same thing and I was never able to find a solution, unfortunately.

I ended up just installing Java edition (prism) with a mod called controlify and that's been working very well.

it's my daily device. I watch youtube and anime in desktop mode. I even have some music on it.

what is ironic is there's a version of 19 that easily allows the transfer of all your stuff from one instance to another. upgrading could help lighten their load and not have so much overloading traffic and downtime.

it varies from person to person. she seems to be aware it's not real. she's not lying to herself. she's just enjoying it.

of course I would. why wouldn't I?