4 Post – 73 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Thank you for the sources. Some comments:

  1. I don’t think a narrowing of the income inequality between races is the same as a generalized reduction in income inequality across a whole nation. Yes it probably contributes, but it doesn’t tell the story.
  2. your article on GINI tells the exact opposite story that you’re saying here. The headline says it all: pre-tax income inequality has fallen slightly (1.2% or so) but after people pay taxes, the income inequality actually ROSE!! Easily demonstrating the regressive nature of the tax structure. The article mentions some expiring tax breaks for low income households.
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I get the cheese argument, but the dairy-free ice cream these days is wild. Oatly, and a few others have some incredible offerings.

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Yeah! Thanks for sticking up for me, stranger.

That does look pretty slick. However, I don’t plan on dropping $800 for my partner to watch Hulu with. Are there used versions I could hunt down?

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The difference is scale.

Looking at just one animal we eat: pigs. Widely known as a quite intelligent animal.

In 2019, 1.3 billion pigs were slaughtered. That’s “billion” with a “B”. So every day that year- 3.5 MILLION pigs are killed by humans. Every. Day.

Literally until the moment I read your comment, I thought that community was “microbiology memes”

Not on topic, but wow.

You are aware that the actual amount of daylight doesn’t change when we move the clocks right?

It really comes down to when you’d rather have more daylight, morning or evening.

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Nice, I like that Time article better. It reinforces the GINI articles analysis: middle class folks wages didn’t go up with lower class wages. I think that’s sorta a good thing? Ideally the top 10% would not grow, but the bottom 90% would. But help getting to the bottom 50% is definitely not a bad thing.

Also, I never said the income inequality growth is Biden’s fault. But more that it’s the reason all these articles about how good the “economy” is doing might not be seen in the same light by people who are still struggling.

We can do better, and I think closing that gap is everyone’s goal, but the methods to achieve it can vary wildly.

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but there isn't a "Big Vegan" industry with deep pockets to financially support astroturfing.

Well then who keeps sending me all this free tofu with envelopes of cash taped to it whenever I upvote a pro-vegan meme?

Do you have a source for this?

Agreed. That’s why DST is best.

Same thing that happens to all the male broilers: meat grinder>dog food.

“Certified humane” doe

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Hahah! This answer works for me, because I was unsure what db0 was. Now I hopefully learn two new acronyms

You forgot v) collaborates internationally for work, requiring them to be awake early to maximize overlapping hours in their workday.

But even I know not to do noisy shit outside until at least 10. Those few quiet hours in the morning where it seems I’m the only person alive are to drink coffee and cherish.

Oooh, I didn’t even think about the aspect… thanks!

Eh. I get your sentiment, but there’s a pretty big difference between “edible” and having a certification from the FDA claiming “generally regarded as safe”

The better question is: why is kokum butter not GRAS? It’s sold everywhere. Has no one filed with the FDA?

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Yup. Learning about animal agriculture was what made me vegan.

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Thank you for making me aware of this. I’ve been searching for a good clean weather app since Apple bought dark sky.

I have needed that graphical view of temp and precipitation. I only wish I could have both temp and precipitation probability displayed on the same graph simultaneously.

I think this is the way forward.

I’d love it if I could find something with a decent GPU so it could run some Minecraft action.

Is eBay my best bet?

Do you have a source? This is the first I’ve heard that claim. Seems a legit reason to disqualify something from a “food” competition, but I’d like to verify before judging.

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Thank you!

I did some digging and found this follow up article about the whole ordeal:

Takeaway: the rules got changed a week earlier, and the fake cheese company didn’t switch to their coco butter version of the blue cheese. (Coco butter is GRAS).

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Yeah… we’re gonna need a source on that. In my small town there are zero libraries, and about 200 fast food joints. I’ve never lived in a city with more than a few libraries, and those with more than 1 are college towns.

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Yeah, you don't have to remove it (I didn't when I tried this 10 years ago) but if you don't you always have to hit ctrl+l when it boots, or it could get stuck looking for ChromeOS. The hardware is so old now, I don't really care if I brick it. I'm just learning about linux by goofin.

I’m comfortable doing the Linux swap on an old dell, but I guess what I’m looking for is a recommendation of a device that is known to work well for that purpose.

Are there any “gotchas” that I should be looking out for in the hunt?

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Invest in a standing desk. Sitting all day, even in a good chair is no good for you. Mix it up.

Bro, if you start a quarterly newsletter preaching the glory of beans, I’m in.

Lots of good advice in here, so I won’t repeat most of it.

One thing that I didn’t see anyone cover is how to tell a culture is “healthy”. My recommendation for this is to use a container that you can add graduation marks to. Put some lines on it to indicate volume. Then when you feed your culture, keep track of what volume you have in flower/water. Then watch the starter volume over time. People often say: feed every x_time. In my experience it’s far more important to time the feedings based on the activity. Once you do this for a short while in your specific environment, you will get a feel for how often you need to feed. My house “room temp” varies quite wildly across my seasons. So I have to feed more in the summertime, and less in the winter.

Your mileage may vary.

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I’m missing your point. Do you think that moving the clocks is having an effect on the tilt of the earth? Or are you just trying to explain to me how daylength and latitude are related?

I know quite well how dark it gets in the north. I live in the north. Luckily, the sun still rises and sets at very predictable intervals. If I want to enjoy sunlight, I simply need to be awake at some point that coincides with when the sun is up.

You are also aware that not everyone works the exact same hours, right? And windows exist?

Use a different example to make the opposite point: I’d like the sun to be out for at least an hour after I get home from my “9-5”, so if the sun sets at 1700 I’m standard time, I am depressed. But in DST, I get to spend an hour in my garden.

See? The debate is stupid. Do you want more daylight in the morning or afternoon. That’s the only question. The amount of daylight is not affected by clocks.

I am a mighty hunter of the most dangerous game: tofu.

Yeah, I actually got ducks for eggs soon after I purchased my house. But after getting the little dudes (in the mail) and watching them grow into full sized birds— I was reading and learning as much as I possibly could about how to best care for them. But this sort of research leads you down the path of agriculture literature. And the more I learned, the more it disgusted me. So my birds are full-time pets. I don’t eat their eggs, and I’ve tried to cook them and feed them back to the hens, but they don’t eat them. So now I just give the eggs away to my friends/family so they don’t have to purchase eggs. My logic is that doing this reduces the overall demand for factory farmed eggs.

(I have 4 hens and one drake. They are the most spoiled ducks to walk this earth.)

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Get ja in here, asap

What’s your flavor? My brain is going mushy, and I stress myself out constantly by worrying about missing appointments/deadlines.

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Nice. That’s the move. I am finding it more and more difficult to find smaller laptops/chromebooks these days. If I want a big screen, I’ll sit down at my desktop!

Thanks again for the resources

Can I import all my Firefox saved logins and whatnot on librewolf?

Also: What browser can I use on iOS?

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Looks interesting! Seems it pantheon is built on top of GNOME, so wouldn’t that make it a bit heavy for my 2GB RAM beater? Or is there really not that much difference between the different DEs with regard to resource usage?

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(I got that reference)

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It looks like libinput-gestures is similar to touchegg/touché in the sense that it only adds support for 3 or 4 finger gestures. It looks like 2 finger gestures are supposed to be supported by your DE or are app specific.

Thanks for the reply!

Never heard of the pinebook pro. Looks pretty neat. I wish it came with a smaller size, it would be perfect.

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Thanks for the resources. I think this could be the way forward. I’ll do some research first, as I need something super stable, since I won’t be the final user. So if it breaks, I’m on the hook.

Do you have any suggestions on possible candidate Chromebooks?

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Dang, that’s a nice deal. I think I want something with a bit more juice, as I would like to play Minecraft from time to time. I’m leaning towards used thinkpad