
2 Post – 73 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Gamer, amateur writer, computer enthusiast, power-user, casual audiophile, and digital piracy enjoyer.

Jackett is a program that allows you to configure multiple indexers (torrent sites, like 1337x, EZTV, RuTor, Nyaa.si, etc.) in a single interface, that way you can search through all of them at the same time. Jackett, and another program just like it called Prowlarr, is usually used in conjunction with the .arr suite of programs (Radarr, Sonarr, etc.), but it includes a manual search function that allows you to query all the indexers you have set up in the interface at the same time. That's exclusively what I use it for.

So, for example, I have 22 indexers set up in my installation of Jackett. I can use the manual search function to search through all of them at once, then I can sort the results by seeder count, publish date, and file size, and I can filter through the results to find exactly what I'm looking for. Once I've found the file I want, I can copy the magnet link directly from the search results and paste it into Qbittorrent. It's an extremely easy way to find files quickly, and it's much more efficient than manually going to a bunch of different torrent sites to search for a file that might not even be available there. With Jackett, I've literally never once had a case where I wasn't able to find what I was looking for. That's how good it is.

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Since no one has posted it yet, this site hosts a massive dump of every RARBG release ever, and you can easily search through it. Games, movies, shows, books, everything RARBG ever released is available there. There's 5 and half petabytes of data there, it's absurdly large.

Corpo scum are allergic to saying exactly what they mean, so they insist on hiding their intent behind flowery words that sound "good" to them. I guess they think that if they use weasel words, it'll soften the blow when they decide to strip out features and further destroy their platforms.

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The hilarious thing is how their own bungling of the last season cost them the Star Wars gig. Maybe if they'd actually put in some effort instead of half assing it, they'd have gotten the job. But then again, the show was on a downward spiral since the end of Season 4, and Dumb and Dumber's only talent was adapting the books really well (and even then, they still fudged details), so I suppose this was bound to happen.

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This reminds me of the time Ubisoft developers decided to have a bitchfit about Elden Ring because it didn't have any of the same shitty monetization or trash formulaic design choices as their games.

It's like these developers think that because they're painfully mediocre, every other studio is required to be as well.

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The code for Vanced was never open source, so Revanced isn't technically a fork. They had to recreate all of Vanced's features manually.

Just tried out my custom URL and it still works for me. Site is accessible as normal. The app also works just fine as well.

The login site is down, but the Tor site should still be accessible, so all one would have to do is just go there, generate a unique URL, and then use that on their normal browser. Or better yet, just use Anna's Archive, which isn't prone to getting taken down like this and was specifically made to replace Zlib.

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See, I was hoping this meme would inform at least one person that Qbittorrent comes with an in-built search engine. That's how I found out about it in the first place, through a meme lol

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Holy. The people in comments of those posts are completely insufferable. I haven't seen this much concentrated idiocy in one place in a while, and I've been on reddit for close to a decade.

Don't pay attention to these pricks, OP. All the interesting people are leaving reddit even now, and all that's left are the wretches who made that site a terrible place to be even long before the API controversy. It's not worth even trying to invite these people here. They'd only make the fediverse worse with their presence.

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Funny you should mention it, I actually discovered Jackett through Radarr/Sonarr. I saw a lot of people a few years ago on r/Piracy raving about how much they love their Radarr/Sonarr setup, so I decided to follow a video tutorial on how to set up Radarr/Sonarr. One of the steps was to install and configure Jackett. Long story short, I realized a Radarr/Sonarr setup just wasn't worth it for me (didn't have the time/money to set up a dedicated computer for it), so I uninstalled all the .arr programs and gave up on that, but I forgot to uninstall Jackett. Later, I rediscovered it on my system, and while poking around on the interface, I found the manual search function and used it. Suffice to say, it's all been uphill from there lol

It's not even worth pirating, lol

The notification to enable enhanced safe browsing even shows up when you're accessing Gmail on Firefox. It doesn't even make any damn sense, this feature only works on Chrome. And of course they'll never add a "don't show again" option. Think I might just set Gmail to forward to my Proton account from now on.

Edit: found an article on how to forward to ProtonMail in case anyone else wants to know how. Seems very easy to do.

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You can't. It isn't possible right now, but from what I've heard they're working on adding this feature. No indication of when they'll add it, but it is coming.

For now, you can use Connect to block instances. It only applies when you're using the app but it's pretty useful regardless.

Jackett comes preloaded with 574 indexers, and none of the ones I use are private. All of mine are public indexers, you just have to know the names of some popular torrent sites. I discovered half the indexers I use from people on r/Piracy (before the migration) talking about how much they like how they work. That's how I found Idope, Knaben, and Torlock. Others, like 1337x, Nyaa.si, LimeTorrents, and EZTV are all indexers I was familiar with as I had used them personally and recognized them when I clicked into the "add indexers" drop-down on the interface. Barring all that, you could just ask someone else to send you a screenshot of all the indexers they use on their Jackett setup. Here's a list of the ones I use. Adding indexers to Jackett is basically the easiest part, and you only have to do it once.

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Another recent example of a horrible adaptation of a massive franchise is what Paramount did to Halo with their show. I can't understand why they keep hiring writers that actively hate the source material and are only interested in taking existing stories and mangling them into their own shitty "vision". It's like Hollywood either hates writers who have actual passion for the franchises they're adapting, or they can't find them, which can't be the case since these are beloved universes with millions of fans, many of whom are bound to be writers eager to work on an adaptation. They always hire talentless hacks interested in nothing more than a paycheck and doing what they want, not what the fans want. It's infuriating.

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Weeb wackers

Maybe they're preparing for it so it won't be unexpected

Agreed, I'm really concerned about the fact that email verification and captchas are available but off by default. With the state of the internet now they really should be on by default.

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I actually have done that, but Qbit's built-in search doesn't have the same search filtering options. For instance, I can't sort torrents by upload date on the Qbit web-ui (this is the most important missing feature, imo), or set it to only search certain indexers and not others, and it has no category related options. It has the essentials, but the Jackett interface is just cleaner and more feature rich in my opinion. That's why I stopped using the Qbit search engine in favor of Jackett.

Well for one, they don't actually host anything on the site itself. Anna's Archive is technically just a search engine for searching through backups of all the Libgen mirrors and Zlib. Since they made a point of scraping and backing up these shadow libraries, even if those sites themselves (and Anna's Archive) go down, the backups will still be available. That on its own makes it a thousand times more useful to me than any single shadow library site. The backups are also hosted on IPFS and available via large torrent files, meaning anyone can download everything they have backed up and since their site's code base is open source, anyone can fork the site and rehost everything should the need to do so ever arise.

They seem to have a very sophisticated system in place for ensuring that everything they've hosted will always be available no matter what. It inspires a lot of confidence, in my opinion. I personally don't think they'll ever go down, or if they do, a different team can pick up the slack by rehosting everything on a different site.

Fortunately, karma means nothing here, unlike on the other site. I'd say it's nothing to worry about

Reminds me of this song.

At first I thought it was a joke. Then I saw stuff like this, and now this post. Why is this a recurring thing? Is it just some kind of horrible running joke?

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Gotta say, in over 2 years of using this program, I've never had that happen even once.

Jackett doesn't require a VPN to use? Unless you mean torrents in general, in which case yeah, you do kinda need a VPN for those if you live in a country that prosecutes torrenting. Fortunately, you can just direct download stuff in that case.

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I've considered switching to this program, but from what I've heard, its manual search isn't as good as Jackett's, and I only use Jackett for manual searching. Apparently Prowlarr is more suited for use with the .arr suite, which is why its manual search isn't as good, and it doesn't have as many available indexers. I heard all this a while ago, though. Is this all still the case?

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As I mentioned in a different comment here, I'm already familiar with the arr suite. It's how I found Jackett in the first place, and I've already determined that setting up the .arr programs isn't worth it for me. Stremio suits me just fine, the .arr programs appear to be better suited toward those with the time and money to setup a whole dedicated server for their media needs. I only consume media on my personal computer, so I have no need for that.

I have tried Prowlarr though, just yesterday in fact. I didn't really find its manual search feature to be any better than Jackett's, and in fact it had some issues. In any case, since I don't use the .arr programs, I've no reason to switch. Thanks for the suggestion though.

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You probably have, but did you follow the official configuration tutorial?

I had no trouble setting it up before. Seemed very easy to me. Where are you getting stuck in the process?

Alternatively, you could just search directly in Jackett's interface with the "manual search" option. That's what I do. I find it preferable to setting it up with the Qbit search engine since Jackett's search has more features.

It says a lot about that platform that I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was a new trend. A very braindead trend though, because I honestly can't see the benefit in lying about doing this. Attention maybe?

They handle the downloading, extraction, categorising and naming of the media you want and they can do that automatically.

I'm good with handling this manually, or rather, I don't even have to handle any of this since Stremio takes care of it, and I have neither the hard drive space nor the bandwidth to devote toward allowing a bunch of programs to just start downloading large files perpetually in the background, filling up my hard drive and taking up all my bandwidth lol. The .arr suite is best combined with a seedbox and a dedicated computer. All I have is a 1.5 TB hard drive and no gigabit internet speeds.

And honestly, I don't see what appreciable amount of "time and effort" this is going to save for me. With Stremio, it's as easy as going into the catalog (or using the search bar), clicking a movie, and picking one of the releases from the menu. If I wanna watch a show or movie that isn't out yet or whose upcoming season is yet to be released, I can just add it to my library and turn on notifications.

It doesn't get any easier than that, doesn't require a massive hassle with a set-up process involving several different programs and trial and error, and I don't have to devote hard drive space for every show or movie I want to watch, since Stremio keeps files on a temporary cache that gets deleted at regular intervals, so it doesn't end up filling my hard drive. This system is perfect for me, I have no reason to change it.

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I use a server with low latency when I'm just browsing the internet, watching YT videos, or playing a multiplayer game. When torrenting, I switch to a server with good bandwidth. Fortunately, I just recently started using a VPN that lets you sort servers by latency vs bandwidth, so I can easily switch back and forth depending on what I happen to be doing at the time.

In most cases I don't even need to do this though, since it's usually pretty easy to find a server that has both low latency and good bandwidth.

Is this still a thing? I thought this was mostly popular in the 90s and dropped out of popularity in the last couple decades.

Would be nice if there was an option in the settings to turn on the ability to see upvote and downvote counts for every post and comment. It's pretty much the only reason I keep going back to Jerboa. I really like being able to see the amount of downvotes something might've gotten.

Nobody is denying that the article is clickbait. The post itself isn't though. This post refutes the article.

Both should be turned on by default, imo.

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Yeah, calling him that is an insult to people with cerebral palsy lol

Since it's self-service, I'll just tip myself by keeping the money lol

Holy shit, I could've sworn MySpace got shut down years ago. Looks like it's more of a celebrity and music news site nowadays than a social media site, so it may as well have.

Can't wait for all of reddit to become identical to r/SubredditSimulator

You can just block individual bots if you don't like what they're posting. Might take some work but in time you'll be able to curate your feed such that the only bot posts you see are the ones you want to see