2 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

These stories of getting laid thanks to videogames seem like fantasy to me (if you're not lying). I've been playing for 25 plus years of my life and still a virgin. I guess I have zero chances in everything.

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Reading all these stories make me really depressed. Some people are cursed to be alone. Not gonna lie I'm bitter that y'all are doing well, actually angry.

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Trying to socialize. Is just impossible and honestly makes me hate people more

I mean, I already explained with playing on pc is a hassle for me...

Also I forgot, Xbox has that resume function, not even PlayStation had that. And obviously it's not a thing on pc.

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A what?

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I just don't give a fuck, when I'm dead I won't care about anything. And my own existence is full of problems and worries enough just to worry about the goddamn sun or sea levels.

Is not the same and you know it. And Xbox does it flawlessly between games. Good luck doing that with a PC without crashing the games plus with a higher electricity consumption.

Do men really shave their balls that often? I did that shit like 3 times in my life so far, I don't think I'm that hairy down there.

And I'm far from being a teenager.

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The problem is the space. I can't have it plug all the time and I don't have a desktop

Also I forgot to mention that it forgets my settings on Spiderman and how I settled it with the TV. So many small things that I don't have to worry when I'm using the Xbox

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Isn't Anastasia above average looking though? Just badly dressed and no, that simple premise could actually happen, but Christian grey would be a 65 year old Bezos/Trump/Epstein looking mf

I only have space for 1 "Rig" and a pc cabinet is probably too heavy for my shelf hanging on the wall underneath my bed (my TV is literally on top of me, I sleep under it) also I have so many more games on Xbox 360, one, X... Makes sense why the X is the one always plugged).

Ohhh i don't get it.

I have. 4 times, I am not finding excuses, just realise that not everyone is like you and not everyone is as lucky as you. And again fuck Joe Rogan, he's a bully on steroids mocking things that I like. If anything I would feel weaker and humiliated following his videos.

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I read 50 shades of grey and 50 shades darker. It wasn't that awful, kinda hilarious actually especially the fact some women would believe that could happen Irl.

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No I wouldn't. Because being alone for the rest of your life a death sentence regardless how I feel, I rather kill myself. A life that doesn't reproduce is worthless, right now I'm worthless.

I've said this before in other comment, my father wasn't a fun person, was almost as anti social as I am, he grew up dirt poor and was hit and lashed by his father, he became a scary muscular man, stone faced... Yet he managed to "secure" my mother for over a decade. He never believed in this bs of loving yourself or being "normally fun" yet he did his role in this world and got me and my brother.

Why not me? Just because I'm not fun?

No I'm not a fun person. But I can't erase myself... And trust me I can't change. I don't have co workers anymore and only did middle school. Nothing around my minuscule town is for me and I'm an poor immigrant, I have everything against me.

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These stupid apps don't work for people like me.

If I hate something I see online I will say it and nobody should stop me. That's it. There's no science behind it.

I don't use it anymore, after playing on my series X the thing is such a downgrade and the lite feels so flimsy in my hands yet gives me cramps due the flatness.

I don't have a dice. I mean cmon these people here are doing basically nothing "I was playing a videogame, got lucky, my cat made us met, a bus stop" Like, I've been in majority of those situations during my 35 years of life and NOTHING happened. Or what, is really mandatory to go to high school/college to get some? Because I never went there.

Well is not possible for me.

Active? Not really. Just love me and be loyal, that's it.

I don't think I understand the question. Language barrier, probably.

I really disliked breath of the wild. Especially how empty it feels and how bad it looks, different strokes I guess.

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Ngl if my country would've sold PS5 during the pandemic I would've bought one instead of the X. Having Spiderman and god of war in my current console would've most likely cancelled the plans of buying a laptop... Domino effect.

It looks dated, the grass without textures looks ugly and the faces look plain, and even with all those compromises the game can't run at stable 30 FPS, cmon

I've never had ANYTHING and I'm old enough to have teenagers as my sons/daughters. Even you are living the life better man... You said that but, If I can't even be upset about their success and my suffering, then what remains? Just crawl and die in silence?

What? Having a wireless controller doesn't solve any of my problems

I've seen all those videos, I grew up with Arnold movies FFS, I'm not him. I don't have his qualities, I really don't some people aren't born like that. And fuck Joe Rogan, he mocks the things i still like.

The illusion of "is a game" doesn't work for me, I've playing games for 25 years, I know the difference between what's real and not, in a game you can try all the times you want, real life failure and humiliation destroys you. You can't repeat anything. And this suffering isn't just on my mind, I feel it on my heart. I don't wanna dream big, especially since that won't make me happy, my family never dreamt big yet my parents got married, eventually divorced but at least got their failed kid.

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To the waiter and people there doing their job when I needed something. Anyone else feels like I'm bothering them or sucking the life of them.

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It is for me. But is not your fault, is probably just me coping. I can't believe someone is this lucky, meanwhile I've been gaming my entire life and I've had nothing, if anything probably ruined me even more.

I love final fantasy X, loved VIII. I didn't got anything for it except realise that the world doesn't work like those places, I'll never get the girl. And nobody gives a fuck about what's your favourite Final fantasy. Especially at my age.

Now you understand why I find it hard to believe?

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I didn't. I just don't talk I have "empty" as a talking argument. Because nothing happens with me and I'm not a generic functional adult.

I don't have money dude and I'm an immigrant in Europe I can't have those type of problems.

I'm not. Even if I had some illness I don't wanna know, it would kill me knowing that. I'm having enough shit on me right now, receiving a confirmation like that would be the final nail in the coffin.

Thank you for understanding, but I didn't gave up

I read about it before but I'm incapable of it, requires certain physical and mental fortitude by default. I've failed enough in my "regular not regular" life already, trying a180 out of nowhere will get me... Well, nowhere.

Ngl following the life of a plant sounds ultra boring, I don't think even Sir Attenborough can do that interesting for me.

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I've touched grass for almost 20 years, eating alone, walking alone, drinking alone, going to the movie theater, going to the arcade alone. IT DOESN'T WORK. I'm not going to do it anymore... That lonely walk back home when you realize you wasted your time destroys you, makes me wanna kill myself. I rather stay in my room safe.

If you aren't like me you wouldn't understand and I don't expect you would understand, that's ok. But I find insulting that you think people give up for no reason.

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Blame Sony for making Spiderman it's exclusive plus not making ps5 available in 2020.

I'm pretty sure you need a pairing thingy isn't? Otherwise you could use a Xbox controller on a PS5 and I don't feel like buying it for a laptop that I barely use.

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I had a job, didn't fixed shit, if anything made me more miserable plus having a body in pain. And I'm low class so I'll not go beyond that. I'm sure that if I had another job it wouldn't fix my life right now either.