2 Post – 289 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

he/him | Electrician | Sysadmin | Landlord
I like and own EVs.
I would like to call myself centrist
but i don't want to support alt-right shits and the extreme left doesn't want me.
So i guess i am left-leaning.

Do we even need Lemmy to be popular?

Yes otherwise this will become a tech and tankie echochamber shithole

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"I think my phone is more interesting than gardenwork"
Bro that's ADHD!
"I sometimes forget where i put my keys"
That's ADHD for sure you should get meds

On ADHD-TikTok everything is ADHD

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Okay sure. Abolish the CCP, free all uyghurs, free Hong Kong, free Tibet, remove the great firewall, apologize for the great leap forward; not to the EU but to your own Population, apologize for the great cultural revolution deaths, Tianenmen square... do i have to go on?

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Do i need to?
Reddit was great because it had everything from baking to bombmaking and itwas popoular in its own communities. Lemmy only has bombmaking and even then nobody in the bombmaking communities go to ! or ! or !bombmaking@federationsite.websitedomainending
They go to reddit/r/bombmaking. Because thats where the people are.

Lemmy is supposed to be a better reddit alternative. But all we have right now is a big majority of "socialism is the best, all problems stem from capitalism" people. And while i totally agree with the sentiment, i do not want to have the 1000th discussion on why capitalism sucks.
Especially not if the discussion is brought up everytime by capitalismhater@capitalismhate.capitalimshate who highjacks all threads to speak about why capitalism is bad.

Edit or rather adding onto my "rant": I do not mean that the majority is literally "socialism is the best"-people. But we have a strong and loud majority of enthusiasts for their fields that are nieches at best in ""the real world""

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Adding onto this: the conflict has been going on since way earlier than hamas emergence.

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This is hatespeech. How dare they tell me i cannot pspsps the cute cat

I didn’t read the article


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Just fill the Country with Solar, Wind and Water... won't take 10 years and will be cheaper too.

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2016 elections and then covid. Now nazis rising to power again.

Plus one. Switched to it from Deezer as i couldnt listen to everything i wanted.
Am happy. Never had ads before but supporting the few youtubers i watch also feels good-er

Oh yes, it's Google who ruined the Internet... Not all the Content farms like facebook, instagram, twitter and online news. Its the search engine guys.

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Oh god am i glad. The amount of tankies is insane. Can't wait for more middle and left leaning people to join.

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Yes. In 2020. After raiding other subs.
Not because they broke any laws or were racist. Just TOS shit.
If you then claim that reddit did anything to combat the alttight uprising i have a bridge to sell you.

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Here is a list of peace offers which would grant the Palestinians a country of their own, they refused all of them

1937 - Peel commission, rejected

1947 - Partition resolution, rejected

2000 - Camp David, rejected

2001 - Taba, rejected. Arafat starts the second intifada and a year later changes his mind.

2008 - Olmert offer, rejected

Hamas have tried to agree to boundaries Despite media attempts to portray it as a new Hamas charter, it is not. The new 'policy document' accepts the creation of a Palestinian state in 1967 borders, but still rejects Israel and claims its territory.

Here are some other noteworthy peace meeting or proposals from Israel to the rest if the Arab world, which were rejected

1919: Arabs of Palestine refused nominate representatives to the Paris Peace Conference.

1920: San Remo conference decisions, rejected.

1922: League of Nations decisions, rejected.

1937: Peel Commission partition proposal, rejected.

1938: Woodhead partition proposal, rejected

1947: UN General Assembly partition proposal (UNGAR 181), rejected.

1949: Israel's outstretched hand for peace (UNGAR 194), rejected.

1967: Israel's outstretched hand for peace (UNSCR 242), rejected.

1978: Begin/Sa’adat peace proposal, rejected (except for Egypt).

1994: Rabin/Hussein peace agreement, rejected by the rest of the Arab League (except for Egypt).

1995: Rabin's Contour-for-Peace, rejected.

2000: Barak/Clinton peace offer, rejected.

2001: Barak’s offer at Taba, rejected.

2005: Sharon's peace gesture, withdrawal from Gaza, rejected.

2008: Olmert/Bush peace offer, rejected.

2009 to 2021: Netanyahu's repeated invitations to peace talks, rejected.

2014: Kerry's Contour-for-Peace, rejected.

Not gonna link Trump's imbecilic peace plan as an example.

Here is a list of peace offers the Palestinians offered to Israel -


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This is Eve. She's pronounced Eevee like the Pokemon but it's spelled different because i am not a fuckign weeb.
She likes getting stuck and absolutely destroying furniture.

Participation in a discussion requires your due diligence to at least familiarize yourself with the topic.

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TD literally was a breeding ground for incel hardcore altright racists and nothing was done about it.

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No, china is endlessly bad. If you think otherwise youre dumb and should just move to a tofudreg highrise in china.

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The donald. The breeding ground for the disgusting republicans we have now.

Bruh those are highly illegal. At least in not backwards countries.
Youre also jamming other peoples services. what happens in an emergency?

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We aren't, Tankies are. That's what the comment says.

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me when i take too long to put my seatbelt on in the passenger seat so the car beeps at me and i decide “well if you’re going to treat me like that then i’d better not put the belt on” so it beeps LOUDER and i decide “well if that’s how it is i’m just walking away” but it won’t let me unlock the door while the car’s in motion so i have to pull the e-brake to get it to stop but they know doing that without a seatbelt can be fatal so was there ever really a choice to begin with

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No, it isnt.
Safety isnt what makes nuclear expensive. You actually got rawdogged by Nuclear fanatics.

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Bruh wtf is your comment history??? Are you schizo?

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I'm sorry. My bias screwed with the tone that i read your question in. I am just way too confrontative.

The Sam o Nella Academy Videos. Short little tales of things that happened. Might be your humor. Might not be.
All the Music you listen to right now. Not much to rewatch, but having music downloaded beats spotify when you dont have an internet connection.

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YT Music is the GOAT. Their client is a bit sucky tho.

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I don't hate the Argonians Nerevar, i Dagoth Ur (the God) just don't like them here in Dagoth Ur (the city) on Dagoth Ur (the Mountain). I am not racist Nerevar, bit you know how Argonians are.

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You're just repeating what all the gas installers keeep repeating so they don't lose business.
Every House built after 1990 or houses that have had insulation makovers in the past 20 years are perfectly fine to heat with a heatpump.

And much worse.


What does the Great Leap Forward mean? What is the great Cultural Revolution? What does Tianenmen square massacre mean? What happens to the uyghurs right now?
The last time we spoke you couldn't or didn't want to answer any of these questions.

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Yep. And everyone disagreeing obviously is just a nazi or doesn't know history

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Yeah, you're right. I can disagree without ableism. But in this case i was curious. Is the guy i responded to judt LARPing or is he really just on another plane of existence?

How the fuck do you think you can say that? Youre not on his base. Youre not even in the force.
Get back into your basement and argue with others about what OS is best.

Deezer also played the same few songs over and over. YT Music even has a mode to only play songs that i don't have in my likes. Awesome.

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No, why?
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences...

Where is the timer? I dont have one. I need to install one through apt

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And chinese laser pointers are also exactly the mw that is specified.

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