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Joined 1 years ago

As usual another insightful article from Ars. It’s nothing short of remarkable how cowardly and selfishly Reddit management is treating people.

To the reddits still closed: “Don’t open up again like we say, and we’ll just appoint new mods that follow our orders.”

Reddit management stands to gain tens of millions (Never work again in your life amounts of money) based on free content provided by users and free moderation provided by users.

Those users won’t see a single cent of that money. Not one cent. Ever. For all of their free labour that reddit takes for granted and brushes off concerns about. Reddit is the Nestle of the internet now.

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"We've made a business decision we're not negotiating on" sounds an awful lot like "we don't negotiate with terrorists".

Is that what we are Steve-o? Reddit terrorists?

Fucker has lost everyone now, Digging the hell out of watching reddit fail because of mismanagement now. You don't double-down when you rely on your users to create your company.

What an idiot.

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I am sorry to say this, but please be mindful of wearing Reddit gear in public. Some folks are really upset, and we don’t want you to be the object of their frustrations.

meaning: the users are our enemy and they hate us....

No Steve, we just hate management, that's who better not wear reddit gear in public... Not the rank and file who don't make the braindead decisions that kill platforms.

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I'm quite happy here now. Given up on reddit. The day Apollo's API key is deleted is the day I edit all of my comments and give up on the platform completely. It's strange I how feel no regret over saying that. It's just the way it's going to be.

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Possibly the worst translation ever? "Please don't throw away trash here."

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I never gave them money, but I gave them free content. That is now done and gone. As soon as Apollo's API is deleted, I'm editing all of my old comments and posts to remove any content and let readers know what. Some of it was very helpful stuff to help others troubleshoot PC and server issues.

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I refuse to believe that we are the only intelligent life in the universe, even though for most humans that bar is pretty low.

When I finally “die” I’ll no doubt get kicked back out into the real world and have to plug in another quarter.

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Subs have dual hulls so they can fill the void between them with water to sink, or air to float, but they don’t dive anywhere near as deep. Most regular naval subs operate above 800 meters. They only have to be below the surface of the water for stealth, not at the bottom of the ocean.

This craft was a single hull design as far as I’m aware, designed with a rigid hull to try and counteract the pressure at the bottom.

Love app stores pay to play and subscription models? Coming soon to every platform as fast as they can shove it down your throat.

Please link that. I’d like to see it.

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Gaza gonna be gone permanently before this is over.

The fuck all cops? Heck ya. The same people who say this run screaming for help to cops as soon as shit goes sideways. Makes me laugh.

That's why I'm not deleting my account, only editing my posts to something like "I have revoked Reddit's license for this post due to the actions of Reddit's management towards 3rd party app authors. You may contact me on Lemmy instead".

Calling it Autopilot was always a marketing decision. It's a driver assistance feature, nothing more. When used "as intended", it works great. I drove for 14 hours during a road trip using AP and arrived not dead tired and still alert. That's awesome, and would never have happened in a conventional car.

I have the "FSD" beta right now. It has potential, but I still always keep a hand on the wheel and am in control of my car.

At the end of the day, if the car makes a poor choice because of the automation, I'm still responsible as the driver, and I don't want an accident, injury, or death on my conscience.

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Cool ty. FSD is still beta for now. Maybe when it’s final. Fingers crossed.

Oh a homophobe. What a novel approach. Nobody has though of that before.

Go to any YouTube reviewer that’s paid by the click. There you go.

You know what will happen? I do. Apple will leave Europe

Want side loading? Buy android. That’s your choice.

Someone who relies on sensationalism to drive clicks to his business is not trustworthy. Believe what you want.

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After going to Japan, I ordered a genuine Toto washlet (warm water, heated, drying, all sort of goodies) and gave it to my wife for Christmas.

It's her favourite Christmas gift ever, even after almost a decade. The only gift that still gets daily use :). We had a problem with it a few years back and sent to the North American service centre. Flat rate for a complete refurbish. Awesome!

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Not sure if it will get any front page traction, but I've already gone out of my way to write some (hopefully good) posts about my favourite NAS technology, unRAID ( ). I have a number of other information and problem solving posts I'll migate over from reddit before I delete my content there.

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Moderators are either absent or they post generic botty-sounding messages like, “Please be civil” while not actually moderating anything.

So they're refusing to work for Reddit for free. Good for them!

I’ll wear a kilt in a heartbeat!

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Power Delete Suite is the one people seem to be recommending, though I'm sure there are others.

As a Canadian, this makes me really appreciate our one-party consent laws even more (I've never had to use them myself).

Spez really dug his own hole with this one. He thought he was gonna get away with murder and now everyone knows him for the piece of shit he really is.

They may still manage an IPO, but it's not going to be anywhere near as successful as it would've been if this had been handled properly. If they were concerned about Ad revenue, all they had to do was say that all 3rd party clients must serve ads to anyone who isn't paying for a reddit premium account on top of potential app payments or subscriptions. Easy peasy. Nobody would've batted an eye because we've come to accept ads as the cost of a free service.

The end of reddit may take longer than the end of digg, but the writing seems to be on the wall now.

I think that's the point though. I'd rather have all of my posts be edited to vanish instead of contributing them for free to an evil corporation.

I think all of the Toto washlets do?

Look up Japanese Kintsubi - Repairing with gold.

It’s never going to be the same as before it was chipped, so accept that and make it better by making the damage part of the story beautifully.

My experience dealing with healthcare, ambulances and hospitals in Canada.

No matter how you get to the hospital, ambulance, driving yourself, taking a cab, etc. When you get there, a triage attendant will check your condition for severity. If you have something that can kill you quickly (abnormal heart rate, extreme high or low blood pressure, signs of a stroke, difficulty breathing), uncontrollable bleeding, some sort of penetrating injury (shot, stabbed, impaled, etc) they'll bring you in immediately.

If it's something not as critical (broken appendage, bleeding which can be controlled by pressure, etc., unspecified pain), you're going to wait until anyone in the first category has been taken care of first.

Count your blessings if you have to wait, it means whatever you have is not that bad. May be in a lot of pain and otherwise suck, but it's probably not life threatening.

When I went to a hospital with a heart arrhythmia, they didn't break stride as they brought me in and hooked me up to many machines to monitor everything. That's an "oh, crap!" moment. I'd much rather be told I had to wait for a bit, means it's not too bad, and I can keep occupied as long as my phone battery holds-out.

At least in Canada, it will be cheap, if not totally free. Had heart surgery that would've cost $80,000k in the US. In Canada? I complained about paying for parking for the day.

Yup, the one that's been recommended is Power Delete Suite

Since some easily ruffled $0.50 mod erased my post let me explain. Anytime someone does something China doesn’t like they immediately cry racism about it.

It’s all bullshit and we all know it.

It’s long past time for the world to stop putting up with China’s crap and let them know they’ll be entirely cut off from the world if they can’t learn to play nice.

Oh look, I’m being brigaded by downvote bots, it’s just so pathetic.

VPNs are one tool to help. They're not the end-all-be-all. If the VPN provider is reliable, they can protect your IP address and keep your internet link more secure if using public network facilities (wifi or cellular) as the VPN tunnel is (should be) encrypted.

That said, if you are using software that fails to protect your user information by defect or by design, it can still leak data at the endpoint you are using, even though your connection is (hopefully) more secure.

Why would anyone even want the job as a moderator on a dying site that's going to be filled with trolls and spam? Heck, you'd be better-off just getting a job at McDonalds. At least that pays.

It’s nice that it’s out in the open now. Let’s China know it’s place and that everyone is tired of their shit.

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Who cares what some doofus YouTuber thinks?

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And the problem is that people who are power hungry and only doing it to scratch that itch can't be trusted to maintain a valuable community. That's not the type of people they are.

And people who create the content are moving to other platforms. I've deleted all of my reddit links and apps to reduce the likeyhood I'll stumble across a reddit post. Also starting to take some of my better reddit posts and edit them to remove any valuable content, and post on Lemmy instead.

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It’s also being made into a news item now instead of just a sale between nations. They’re definitely using this as a non subtle warning to China.

I've been using PIA for years for my downloading purposes, as well as having a VPN when I travel. No issues at all and completely reliable. Don't know if I'd trust them to leak state secrets, but not an issue because I don't have any.

Just migrated here from reddit. Don't plan on going back. That platform is done.

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[edit: deleted, echo chamber here]

[edit: deleted, echo chamber here. Android good, Apple bad. Moving on and blocking this community, can't have a reasonable conversation, just like reddit I guess].

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