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Maintaining that an Apartheid state has the right to keep being an Apartheid state is very Nazi-like.

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I mean the US is also doing that. It's not a subsidies issue; it's the fact that Chinese companies are using subsidies to actually make things while US companies are just pocketing them.

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Lemme just grab the world's smallest piano.

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It's a surprise it was considered reliable before, but better late than never I guess.

I legit can't tell if this is sarcasm.

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I mean doesn't help when everyone else is embargoing them.

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Huh? How so? Hezbollah, like everyone else actually doing something, want Israel to stop genociding Gaza.

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It's not far fetched to see antisemitism being an issue and think "they're gonna come after the anti-zionists too". This comes up in the article. This isn't "all lives matter".

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By your standards I could provide a counter argument like: Has any Israeli launched an unprovoked attack on Palestinians and kidnapped 300 of them?

Setting aside the naivety of calling October 7th unprovoked, uh... Yes?

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Muslims do not worship Muhammed, at all. Shia do have a weird obsession with his family that can reach worship according to my knowledge as a Sunni Muslim, but no serious sect of Islam worships Muhammed. "We don't worship our prophet, unlike what the Christians did to Jesus" is an important part of Islamic identity.

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I mean the Bible is like that too and fundamentalist Christians exist no?

Uh... Have you heard of the word "settlement"?

Not this time. Because of the Israeli blockade Hamas's arms are all homegrown or smuggled Iranian.

Okay setting aside the tons of other problems with this statement, "worship" him? Really?

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I mean...even for someone in a wealthy context, that would seem oversized.

How so? Each member is only raising four or three children here. If you're having issues with people having more than two children then that's just kind of ridiculous, frankly.

Also raising children being a ridiculously expensive affair is partly a Western problem with uniquely Western causes. It's not a thing everywhere.

No, now they're going to actually go to war instead of bombing defenseless children. The other front would be Egypt if Sisi hadn't sold his soul to Uncle Sam.

To back up your stats, here's more up to date stats saying rhe same thing..

Countries, as a rule, don't have a right to exist. People have a right to self-determination. These are different things. That said, Israel is fundamentally an Apartheid state. If Israel stopped being an Apartheid state it'd stop being Israel. And if a state needs to treat half the people in it as second class citizens to exist then it can go die in a ditch.

This isn't just an article about a little girl being sexually assaulted; it's an article about a little girl being sexually assaulted and the effect of that on French politics. People saying "but there's a genocide in Gaza" are concerned about the latter half here.

It's true, to an extent, but not because migrants bad. You can look at this, but the short of it is that the stats you see in the news are like that mostly because they're counting illegal immigration and illegal stay as crimes in their stats, which as you can probably guess is pretty flawed. You remove that and the numbers look... still bad but a lot more realistic. Then you realize that migrants are more likely to be poor young men (aka the demographic most likely to commit crime). As the article explains, Syrians for example are actually underrepresented in crime stats, because they tend to be complete family units (most Syrians in Germany were allowed to bring their families over) so the demographics are more representative of a normal society.

BDS has a list of companies to, well, boycott, divest and sanction so you might wanna look at that.

Hmm... For a more realistic answer not necessarily. This isn't the first time they invaded Lebanon. I'm admittedly not aware of why they left the first time, but from what I know at least in the short term they're mostly content with the territory they currently control. Of course "currently control" including Gaza, the West Bank and the Golan heights; ethnically cleansing those was always the plan. Also when Egypt inevitably collapses as a state I could see them trying to go for Sinai.

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Nope I just misremembered.

Okay I did not mean that. I guess the context could make it confusing, but I was using this meaning of kosher:

2: being proper, acceptable, or satisfactory

The fact that the topic is Israel is actually a coincidence.

Also, would you use the term 'halal' to say something similar when a predominantly Muslim country does something bad?

Actually as an Arab Muslim I could easily see halal being used in a similar context in an Arabic conversation, but that's neither here nor there.

It's both.

If you think any of this is new I have a Nakba to sell you.

And? Does that automatically make them the bad guys in anything they do? You just dropped a logical fallacy and left.

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So it's tribalism? I mean at least try to make it sound reasonable. Yes, fuck your greatest ally trying to commit genocide.

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Okay not saying they don't deserve the warrants, but after this if they don't issue one for Netanyahu nobody will take them seriously ever again.

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Definitely. If I'm gonna die in the near future it'd make no sense to continue university.

Huh? Are we having the same conversation?

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You'll need more argument in your argument before you get a response here.

In this case they're the good side because they're trying to stop genocide so... that.

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even in emergencies where the woman will die.

I seriously can't understand this. I mean I'm not even particularly pro-choice but what the fuck is going on in these people's heads?

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My man Israel had to evacuate 200 thousand people from their homes because of Hamas's rockets. And they're much less well armed than Hezbollah.

That wasn't my intention. The ICC is actually called a colonialist tool and criticized for only going after nations opposed to Western interests. If they go after Russia but not Israel that pretty much confirms the accusations are true, is what I wanted to say.

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But Biden has slowed weapon shipments to Israel

He hasn't. Netanyahu is making up shit because he can.

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He paused a shipment. Overall flow of weapons from the US to Israel hasn't changed.

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Uh... Egypt did not collapse in 2011. That was a regime change. I'm talking about a Libya or Syria-style failure to keep existing as a sovereign state.

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I mean okay. I'm not sure how true that is, but what I'm trying to say isn't "fuck Biden"; it's "Netanyahu is making shit up".