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Yeah, thats how it is in Germany, although they may not have a house, they will most of the time get enough pensions to afford their daily lives.

I am an adult, but my mother would rather give me money than the other way around, but my parents are also upper middle class.

But if my parents ever needed money to survive I would support them, its just unlikely to happen.

I would send him the money if he cared for you as a child and not abused you, and you can afford to send it to him and he really needs it.

This isnt about the official servers being online forever, this is about being able to host your own server without having to crack the game in weird ways.

I am honestly surprised that Ukraine didnt immediately shut them down when the invasion began.

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His health could have gotten worse, or he finally decided that it just wasnt gonna work out and he should rather quit while winning (and also increasing his parties chance of winning).

Him being dead is just absurd, that would have been reported on instantly.

I think it is because the exhaust is much cleaner than with diesel or gasoline.

This kind of right wing populism has sadly arrived here in Europe as well. Here in Germany we have the AFD which basically does the same thing.

My mother, her boyfriend and my brother have sadly also fallen into the right wing disinformation trap, it really sucks, its like a thought virus.

At least I still have my other half of the family whith which I can still have some political discussions where everyone enjoys doing it and its more about smaller details and how to turn the theory into practice.

If you have a (preferably NVIDIA) GPU, you could run one of the many applications that use Stable Diffusion on your PC. I have only used these before:

Fooocus: Really easy to set up, but not really meant to be used with other custom models, has lots of artstyles to choose from.

Automatic1111: Also pretty easy to set up, maybe a little bit harder. You have to download the models from somewhere else, but its much easier to import them and it has lots of options.

Fooocus will probably suffice, just select a fitting art style to get a good look.

Sex work wouldnt exist in an ideal world, as its usually not mentally healthy for the sex worker in the long term.

But since we dont live in an ideal world I would rather legalise it and create laws that protect sex workers instead of criminalising them.

Its the same with all drugs (including cigarettes and alcohol).

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It also breaks the flow of the video, which is why I have started skipping them. I noticed just how much nicer videos without any sponsorships are because you dont have to dedicate time to lead into and out of an ad and can continue the video without explaining everything twice.

I also dont see any value gained by me or the creator if I fully watch the 100th squarespace commercial, as I dont get to hear anything new.

But the most egregious videos are where they try to hide that they are transitioning into an ad, like by creating some minute long argument that leads from the topic to the sponsor. Which leads to me not only having wasted my time for the actual ad, but also the transition.

Here in Germany Burger King is actually cheaper than McDonald's, especially when you use coupons, since the ones at Burger King are actually useful.

Temper proof torx makes me lol, because almost every bit set I own includes them.

If you break it off you will most likely leave some behind, which will significantly reduce the mating area because you cannot insert the bit fully and may lead to stripping the screw.

RIP sunscreen manufacturers lol

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You can also run the Network Controller on any PC or even Home Assistant if you dont need to do any advanced traffic routing features.

The only disadvantage is that updates cannot be automatically applied while the network controller is off, the APs however do work fine without it, as long as they are configured once.

Change it out for a lack of positive perspective for the future and you might even be right.

Thats maybe why the empty promises work to begin with.

Its funny, Sync (at least on my phone) still shows deleted comments or stuff from banned users, it just shows an icon above the comment, next to the username.

But tbh, I like it that way, because I can now decide if I want to read the comment or not.

Ok, thats a bit different, if the house is somewhere where noone wants to live anyway (and if they want there are enough options available), then it really is ok morally, at least for me.

One could argue that the space should be used for farming, but that depends on how big the property even is if that makes a difference at all.

If it has a really big property with lots of grass it would be a good thing to rent that part out to a farmer. If it is more of a forest its probably better if it stays that way.

I would say owning it while not using it very much and not renting it out is the least ethical choice as no one can use that house.

The most ethical option besides not owning it is renting it out at a reasonable price, so someone else can live there and you are not squeezing every last dollar out of them.

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I think it is because having sex is such an inimate thing and as a sex worker you have to do it even with people you are not intimate with and at times when you dont want to be intimate. The sheer number of sex partners probably also doesnt help.

And then there are the assholes who will straight up step over boundaries and directly create trauma.

I live in Germany where sex work legal btw (and I think it should be kept that way).

Comparing the risks to other work is hard, as the risks vary from person to person and from workplace to workplace in each job.

But I would consider doing sex work if I would have to work in a callcenter otherwise lol

I thought that people with darker skin dont need it that much compared to people with lighter skin, especially people with really white skin that instantly get sunburn?

We will never live in an ideal world, we can only approach it.

So, yeah, I wasnt referring to reality.

If you tell me a reason why some AliExpress seller should create fake reviews which appear to come from ukraine or russia specifically, let me know.

You can never be 100% certain of anything.

For me all the signs point to china selling to whoever is buying stuff from them, especially since its not the government or even large conglomerates, but factories and companies of all sizes and shapes that sell drones and other dual use items.

As long as there isnt any blanket ban from the government they sell to everyone, because why would you make less profit if you could make more?

I dont know if there are big price differences when buying wholesale depending on which country you buy from, but there definetly arent any when buying single items.

I also think that china isnt supplying russia because it wants russia to win, but because it wants russia to be dependent on them.

In an ideal world people who just want casual sex would find each other. And people who want love as well. In an ideal world everyone would also have someone they are an ideal match to.

The only way I see people getting paid to have sex in an ideal world is if they get paid because their sex is so good, like top athletes.

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Just look up anything drone related on aliexpress and 90% of the reviews will most likely be Ukranian and Russian.

(I think you might only be able to see the nationality in the app)

While some of those might be fake, I think most of them are real.

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