NormalC [he/him, comrade/them]

@NormalC [he/him, comrade/them]
0 Post – 73 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Free software advocate and queer bangladeshi muslim anarchy-trans.Refugee from cat-trans

I agree, it's another example of racism being burned into the English language. You should always make an effort to change and adapt your vocabulary, to not do so is to endorse the very racist history that the term is based on.

Also the term just doesn't make sense? I have no idea what "rice" is supposed to evoke outside of its history in the car industry/communities. "Cooking" seems to be the better term because people on Unixporn "cook up" their desktop to make it as appealing as possible (to their tastes or to the tastes of the group). So a submission would be someone's "cook/dish." The whole "let them cook" remark is also a relevant catchphrase.

We can do better, and why disregard that opportunity? "Rice" is a two-faced compliment with racist roots. It deserves the bucket.

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How does it NOT discriminate? Racial coding exists and if you don't believe it exists then you're a racist.

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Why not reclaim a word? Customizing a desktop is a labor of love. It takes a decent amount of time, and is deeply personal, representing one’s own taste.

Or why not find our own words? Words aren't "locked" in on a single definition, but rather carry their whole host of definitions and history with them. You have to judge diction on all its fronts. Reclaiming a word means being part of the group that the term has actively disparaged (ex: reclaiming words like "queer") . Using "rice" is not an act of reclaiming in this context and we shouldn't view it that way.

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“In the real world, we learn to control desire, postpone needs, and resist temptation. This lesson also applies to the digital world. Stealing is wrong and punishable,” it adds.

Yeah these chumps are total tools that'll just boost piracy even more. How do you fail this hard at talking to kids? If you tell a teen to "postpone needs," you don't deserve to be around teens.

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The "most people don't care" and the "find me an Asian person offended by this" are both non-talking points.

  1. You are in a thread about this exact issue, it seems that there are people who care, and you have to engage with that.
  2. So? Does that mean we should stop discussing this? How are we hard-pressed when this thread exists?
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Way to engage with the subject matter, no justification at all, nothing. You're part of the problem you do know that?

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It also can refer to people using rice as a pejorative catch-all term for east Asian people. The next iteration of the term still continues its racist connotations. "Not just Asian men" is a deflection from its racist roots.

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You don't have to prove/have intent in order to perpetuate a racist act. The "racist context" is the use of the term (which originates in the car industry as a pejorative) itself, you're missing the point.

Do you all believe that the majority of people saying "my rice" have racist intents?

That only strengthens why "rice" should be challenged, people are unknowingly using the word just because it's the established lexicon of the group and tied so closely with that group's identity.

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When repos changed to main from master, I got problems.

No you just harbor already racist attitudes. There are a non-trivial amount of people who dislike arbitrary, antiquated terminology used in computer science like "master/slave" "male/female" and of course "master branch." Simply getting out your bullhorn and asking "who's actually offended by this?" is demeaning to the issue at hand which goes much farther than just a historical analysis of racism.

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No, you're just both racists and you feel extremely threatened by it, you don't engage on good faith at all and instead on just preserving the status quo.

That's not a response at all, try harder next time.

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I'm sorry, I didn't know an (generic) Asian heritage absolves you of all guilt and self crit. I'm south asian desi so I should know better right?

Also what is your mental gymnastics. "Imma show those western imperialists that I'm not a crybaby and continue to use their racist slang they invented/popularized for people like me in this tiny niche community."

Pick-me attitudes don't make you any more respectable, you just disengaged from this topic due to your own personal feelings. You've become the token Asian that the same western imperialists use to silence this discussion.

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Asian here and rice eater here.

Ah yes, you need all your ethos cred for this one. No pick-me behavior for the crackers here. Not like there are billions of others with the same description as you (including a bangladeshi immigrant like me). I didn't bring my own race into this until the "Im asian and this is okay" posts happened.

It's better to regain is neutral meaning instead of letting the racist weaponize neutral word.

Racists love "neutral words." It's called dog whistling. Racists get their plausible deniability while they get to signal and exchange with other racists on public forums like this one. It doesn't matter if you didn't intend for this to happen, it's still facilitated here. There's always the possibility of new words, or are you too personally attached to "rice" for that to happen?

Also, this mindset is also Western centric, go to Asia and people in Linux and car community simply use the word without any negative connotation.

We are in a international, primarily english speaking lemmy instance by the developers of the project. Stop moving the goalposts here. We are not in your rhetorical places in "Asia" where there's no negative connotation. Of course it will seem "western centric."

For your last edit, fuck right off. People can see through your crocodile tears and self tokenization. This type of shit only works with white people who will accept your opinions more than others because it means they get to keep their status quo. Nice bringing up imperialism, you'd be great as a lapdog.

The Taliban formed after the fall of the Soviet Union post soviet-afgan war when the communist government collapsed after the withdrawal of Soviet troops.

The US spent decades in Afghanistan (even during the severe weakening of the Taliban in 2001) only to have it result in full Taliban control of the country in 2021. (20 fucking years)

The Soviets couldn't "lose" to a group that hadn't coherently formed yet, unless you count the Afghan mujahideen as the Taliban which is very historically disingenuous in the same war that had heavy foreign intervention from all sides of the geopolitical sphere.

So no: not "fairness."

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I'd hope the moderators here will take a clear and firm stance on the matter instead of making a poll. Polls in this context would only shift blame away from the mods of this comm and onto the community at large. The comm description references the term, so it goes all the way to the top.

You also didn't say anything of note besides pulling your justification out of your ass. I have nothing to really discuss because you didn't give anything worth talking about.

My justification is most people don't care. You would be hard pressed to find an Asian person offended by this.

Source: trust me bro.

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What do you mean by China is lol?

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tl;dr: the meaning has changed and no one cares.

Nobody is asking to change "literature" all were asking is that we develop new and better terminology for this niche that doesn't also come with racist baggage.

The word removed meant a stick of wood but now it means something else and few would use it to refer to someone else

Ooo can you tell the class what that word means now? And what it's used for? Your example falls flat because this situation and the historical pattern you're referring to aren't as comparable as you think they are.

PSA: racists love words with multiple meanings because it gives them plausible deniability. This is happening right now in this thread. Changing the word "rice" would deal a huge blow to racists as it would show that the unixporn comm will not be beholden to the status quo.

You can also use "cooking" or a "dish" to describe a user submission. Then people can use food-related diction to comment on each other's works. It's just a suggestion, but it proves that there are solutions.

"Imma show those western imperialists that I'm not a crybaby and continue to use their racist slang they invented/popularized for people like me in this tiny niche community."

Really beat the racists here by co-opting their dogwhistle. It doesn't matter though, the mods of this comm made their decision and have stopped using the word "rice" with their new comm-wide rule. If you have a problem with it you should take it up to them instead, if not, you can always quietly leave and go back to Reddit.

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have fun being angry at things you really cant control.

mask-off moment lmao.

Not having any control over your computing. CS illiteracy is really scary. The world looks grim from the libre software world.

No, racists don't "win" if we retire the word. In fact, this thread actually revealed a lot of racist attitudes/users. This actually helps weed out racists rather than embolden them.

There's no winners or losers, just a conflict with the group identity where a clear decision has to be made.

I usually just ask them if they believe that all software should be libre. If they say some bs about people needing to get paid then it's safe to say you've lost them.

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Lemmy user when they complain about people commenting on their social media site stupidpol

Youtube invites the user to use nonfree javascript, so there's no telling when their engineers will get the upper hand (it seems that they already have). The only sustainable solution is to drop youtube entirely or support a libre frontend...

And also to educate everyone you can on libre software philosophy so they know to reject the next iteration of this injustice instead of waiting for the bruises to appear.

Valve's contributions to Wine can be used without using Steam's DRM-based client such as in applications like Bottles and Lutris. However, we should call on Valve to release the steam client API to the public and to only distribute DRM free games (like GOG).

It will always take courage to break away from the incumbent vocabulary and experiment with something new. If this comm couldn't survive/thrive without the use of this term, then the comm is as weak as the term itself.

Cook/Dish was my example, using other food related terms are also acceptable since the main conflict is that "rice" has a double meaning as you've shown. Plus, wouldn't it be cooler if everyone had their own personal food related title to their submissions? Or if the literal comm description didn't reference the term "rice" thereby setting it as the de-facto vocabulary?

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You could just call the Free operating systems GNU/Linux or NonGNU/Linux.

"Vanilla linux" is vague terminology and distorts history.

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Correction: POP!_OS has their own APT deb farm that has the latest hardware stack. This includes the proprietary 535 nvidia driver and later as well as the kernel and mesa.

This is part of the history of the distribution as it was made to support system76's latest hardware lineup on top of an Ubuntu base.

Nouveau is the libre driver for Nvidia on GNU/Linux with Nvidia slowly segregating their proprietary driver into a firmware blob.

Proprietary (nonfree) Software.

People still peddle the "muh intellectual property" and "I gotta feed my kids in this fast-paced economy" even though these are irrelevant to software freedom.

An alarming majority (at least in the US) are ignorant of this conflict at all. The money is so distorted in the IT industry that it's tantamount to theft. The skeletons in Congress don't have a single clue.

NixOS rices are always so inspiring to see :D

I would recommend using the flatpak version of steam and seeing if that works before heading any further.

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Technical documentation of API, Language constructs, and usage (a la mandoc) should always have a standard-compliant (any widely accepted help manual format like mdbook or texi) text form licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License (FDL). This is to ensure that freedom 01 ("The freedom to study how the program works") is not obstructed in any way.

Videos are tougher due to having a much wider arrange of factors. First off, you'd want to make your videos accessible (using subtitles, on-screen graphics and not just a narration all the way through, translation to other languages). You'd also want to be able to share that video among your peers without obstruction. Just having it be hosted to a proprietary mass-media site like YouTube will not be enough. I have doubts about the "hit record and magic happens" premise, videos are a lot more daunting than text formats if you don't have the prerequisite equipment and skills beforehand.

If you really want to create videos, you should have a text alternative to the video or at least a technical summary of the video's topics attached alongside the video so that you can leverage both text and video alongside each other.

Bait, lmao. Why do you keep wasting everyones time?

Yeah, it's misleading but technically still correct. GNU/Linux is a variant of an OS using the linux kernel.

Edit: nevermind they didn't even mention GNU tar but instead calls it "Linux"

Since presuming the computer came with Windows activated preinstalled, then the license key is likely embedded into the BIOS of the device. Reinstalling Windows will not void that license key because you already paid for it with the "windows tax." I've reinstalled windows on my pre-built "gaming" PC and the license activated automatically.

There are some pains getting a USB bootable installer image with Windows on a full GNU/Linux system, but it is entirely possible. It's also possible to virtualize windows with GPU pass-through or use Wine/Proton which should always be examined before attempting to reinstall Windows (which is always a last resort).

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The real issue I see is that it increases the risk of dispute, even when there was no intent to start an argument... I believe this is part of why media is creating such chaos in our society

Ah, respectability politics. Dispute is so horrible that it must be avoided at all costs. It's creating all this chaos!

You know your exact rhetoric is used by racists to create plausible deniability for themselves. The reason racists use words with double meanings is because people like you will always come and talk down to others who call it out. Let me guess: which part of the "media" is creating chaos in society?

it's not meaningful when you use the word racism to describe something regardless of intent. What it really means is that you have been offended

The pejorative comes from a history rooted in racism. Racism does not require intent because it's a system of bigotry with the intent to control others and common speech. This is where "dogwhistles" come from, words that on the surface seem okay but are really just signals to other racists. You can't just always assume that people "made a mistake" in every situation.

GNU Jami (pronounced Guh-nu Ya-mi) is a peer-to-peer cross-platform messaging and VOIP application. It uses an API called the Jami Distributed Network, meaning that the Jami network has no single point of failure. If you're familiar with TOR you'll understand where this is coming from.

Best part is that Jami is a GNU package; it will always be free/libre software or else Richard M. Stallman perself will break the kneecaps of every developer on the project /half-joke.