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Joined 1 years ago

Mozilla Suite, the thing discontinued seventeen years ago!?

This is not stated accurately. The American versions of pizza and carbonara we're invented in the US, but there were and are original Italian versions.

This is such a clever part of the protocol. So many different UIs are possible with the same underlying framework and data.

Without explaining the actual problems you have with Firefox on Android, your post is really pointless.

Also, "steadily approaching zero" is an intelligent an analysis as saying Edge is steadily approaching 100% just because its share is increasing.

A lot of people, but a motherboard more bots.

This has come up as part of those requests to migrate accounts between instances. "I want a persona that stays with me for years"... Is that actually a good idea though!?

Yeah, OP is on It doesn't help that some apps hide the instance by default, so you don't get any idea of who's local to you or to the post.

Especially Amazon's web hosting infrastructure. It would take down so much of the web, the government would intervene.

That seems to add a single point of failure for some key functionality. And who owns that server? Can they be bought out by Meta pretending to be a good citizen?

So many sites don't even provide RSS anymore. It used to come enabled out of the box for every content management system, now only in the large old ones like Drupal.

This is what's amazing. They could make a good, ad-supported app, but they seem to insist they don't need to while wondering why everyone's angry about third party apps going away.

1 more...

Do you know why its Google Play rating is so abysmal? Everyone seems furious about some redesign, but lemmy loves it.

Tags is a cool idea to help users find posts or communities on specific topics.

But taking away the different communities on the same topic is misunderstanding one of the key benefits of the fediverse over Reddit. I might want to talk about horses in a different way, with different people, operating under different rules, to the way others might want to talk about horses. The fediverse allows that, without having RealHorseTalk and RealRealHorseTalk nonsense.

Better UI and categorisation tools, yes. That'll help make sense of this for new users. But don't take away an actually positive aspect of the fediverse just to make it look more like Reddit.

Not many people had their own website in the late 90s

Your post is pretty nonsensical anyway, but if anything more people had their own websites as a proportion of the web, with Geocities and Angelfire etc. This was before social media, so to have a presence on the web you had to have your own site, and people did.

Voices sounding off are very different to voices calling for execution, possibly encouraging vigelante violence. It's the latter that goes beyond political ideas and becomes opportunistic demagoguery.