It is likely that he is going to get shit canned, but, I hope he purchases a bulldozer and modifies it during all legal proceedings.
It is likely that he is going to get shit canned, but, I hope he purchases a bulldozer and modifies it during all legal proceedings.
Damn, spotify truly is a scourge to artists.
I don't know about anyone else, but I started doing it because I want to destroy Western culture.
Don't talk to laywers without a lawyer.
I like to think of it as a modification of a killdozer reference.
Private servers. This game was born without match-making, and it can live without it. Tf2 has, maybe, one person working on it. With their non-traditional structure, if staff at Valve wanted to work on it, they would.
Welp, I'm convinced. I certainly won't be settling for only the FATHER of a felon. I'm going to get the REAL THING.
You know what, you've convinced. Your specific suggestion of 'guillotine' was particularly compelling.
What an absolute bastard.
Who actually makes a decent phone anymore?
Binding legal precedent us only set by appeals court rulings. If this is appealed and upheld, THAT will be a precedent setting. Otherwise, judges can pretty much ignore this case and rule on similar cases with similar facts in a way they see fit.
If you live in the United States, don't talk to cops. You don't know this person. You don't know that the cop isn't a criminal and is now looking for a patsy. Don't discuss your day, don't discuss your travel plans, don't say where you've been. If a cop asks to search anything, don't say yes, don't say no, don't say sure, no thanks. The only thing you say is 'I do not consent to a search', regardless of how it is asked. If a cop asks you anything, say 'I invoke the fifth and I want to speak to a lawyer'. Burghuis v thompkins effect hobbled you miranda rights. And you must verbalize your right to remain silent. You must also verbally request a lawyer in basically eight grade english. No slang. If you say 'I want a lawyer, dawg' state v demesme makes it reasonable for cops to believe you would like a lawyer who is a dog.
Big Fan of Divinity OS 2 and BG3 was very solid. I'm looking forward to seeing them evolve their core formulas and design principles.
Does Fromsoft speed runner count? Apparently, you kill gods using slow, deliberate strikes to their feet.
What is this? Joseph Gordon Levitt's hit movie 'Don Jon'?
Who is Herman Cain? A black man who lost to Romney in the Republican primary. He was a tea party candidate who faced accusations of harrassment and infidelity. He also quoted a song from the Pokemon movie in speeches because he didn't realize it was not an original song by Donna Summer.
Will you be the first Top Mind of Lemmy?
IS it a contradiction? I don't agree with the death penalty or anti-abortion position, but I don't see some essential link between either position. You can hold two different beliefs about two different things is how come.
Ah, a person of culture. A most pristine brown eye.
I'm seeing a lot of negativity here, and I just got to wonder: have you even thought about how the shareholders feel!?
Lord Ruler, is that you?
I would have one of my political allies propose a bill that would fund universal secondary education, then when it is inevitably shot down, I would use my newly granted immunity to have anyone thay voted against it very publicly removed then I would have an ally propose a constitutional amendment creating public education and removing presidential immunity. Then I would resign, and my vice president would pardon me, then my vice president would push a bill, preventing the president from being pardoned for crimes commited* while in office.
If they are going to call me a horse fucker, well, I guess I better own it.
I think a lot of people are preoccupied with the optics of not being HUGE and receiving frequent updates or losing a lot of players. Especially people who grew up with games that didn't really have a lot of competition for their time or were decent jumps over their competitors. Halo 2 came out, and EVERYONE was playing. There wasn't any real competitor. Nowadays, survival crafters are a dime-a-doze.
Blame the Supreme Court. THEY are the dudes making up rules that let cops (and government officials) off the hook. Rules that don't apply to you.
Listen, the only logical conclusion to stop time tavel fuckery is a cascading series of event that cause all time travelers to be killed before tbey discover time teavel, or otherwise foil the discovery. The result is a nice clean timeline. I know this to be true because that technology would NOT be used responsibly
They can't WAIT to inject thag shit into EVERYTHING. Bro, I'm talking about gardening. I don't care that you believe Biden is the worst president of all time.
'CIA stooges killed during CIA directed operation'
Ok? Clearly, Valve isn't able/willing to fix matchmaking. Help isn't coming. A business isn't going to save tf2. This game existed before matchmaking. How do you think it survived? Become a paragon of the community. Be a comrade. Hosting a sever is less than 1 fast food meal a month. You could probably solicit donations, even.
What can I say? I see "Capitalism bad" and I upvote.
I"m out of the loop. Is there a [lemmy sub] that is dedicated to making fun if cranks?
Whatever you say, horse fucker.
High speed first person shooters like Titanfall 2 or the finals; the complete opposite, meticulous, and slow shooters like Rainbow 6: Siege
I run on auto pilot most of the time. I can't forget something I didn't remember to do to begin with. Double, triple, and quadruple check. The double check to be sure and the tripe and quadruple check because I forgot I've already double-checked.
I'm actually mid play through now. Lots of things I wish they carried over, but overall, I've found the sequal to be several steps forward.
You get scrap iron from Skeletons. Also, why not just put mats into storage? You
Man, this shit is already normalized. MTX isn't going anywhere. Zero complaints since horse armor have made a difference. At this point, the best I'm hoping for is not being reminded that there is MTX while playing the game.
The Finals is probably one of the better shooters to come out in a minute, especially if you like lots of gatgets and tools. My only real complaint is that devs are reactive to game balance and don't seem to think about how the game will ultimately be played.
Apparently, everyday people can't be trusted to wipe their own ass.