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Joined 1 years ago

To quote Aesop Rock:

Fifteen years taking prescriptions then a shrink's like "I dunno, maybe get a kitten?"


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I think I speak on behalf of everyone here when I say please fuck off.

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Can I interest you in Sithrak, the god who hates you?

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"Hey man, your house is a war zone now, you should leave"

"Cool, can I leave to a safe place?"

"Well no, we'll shoot you as you're leaving, bomb refugee camps, and prevent foreign aid from reaching you."

"Cool cool, guess I'll go fuck myself then."

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I mean, evidence shows they'll shoot you whether you're armed or not, might as well be able to shoot back.

You never know, there could be Hamas tunnels under that cultural fabric.

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Hey man, there was obviously a Hamas tunnel under that car. No, you can't go check, they blew it up but it was for sure there.

Piece of shit? Maybe. Biggest piece of shit? Not by a long shot.

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At its root it's actually pretty simple. If it involves killing children, do not do it. If you'd like we can get into the more in depth discussion of slowly forcing more and more people into a terrible situation and how that drives them into the arms of Hamas, but at its root, don't shoot kids.

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Given both the source and the poster I'm going to wait for corroborating sources on this.

There could be secret Hamas tunnels under those children!

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It's probably a duck?

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Not murder children

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Oh, that's nice then. I'd love to know, one, how you can know that not being dead yourself, and two, how that's supposed to make anyone feel better seeing as he fucked up the lives of people who are still alive.

Dude, someone got pissed at me for saying I felt bad for the cancer that caught Rush Limbaugh. Lost my dad to lung cancer the year before but "nobody deserves that". Fuck that noise, sometimes karma comes around in the form of lymphoma.

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Good point

Eh, sbrs and sbs' are only a thing because the original MFA was going to ban pistols too and wanted to close a loophole. They're not any more or less dangerous than any other firearm.

That said, I'd be down for disarming cops in this fantasy scenario. We've militarized our police force to an absurd degree.

Listen man, I get you're not arguing in good faith here but here goes. The Hamas attacks on Israeli citizens are inexcusable, but they did not and do not excuse the indiscriminate bombing of one of if not the most densely populated areas on the planet. One that I might add has a population that is on average 14.

Is this an easy or quick thing to resolve? No, absolutely not. Is doing nothing a good option? No. Is killing thousands and forcing the rest into the fucking sea the correct response? Fuck no.

I mean, that obviously worked, not sure why they don't sharpie out all hurricanes going forward. /S

Hey now, they could be dumb and a fascist, we just don't have enough data yet. Sure, being a musk fanboy indicates it, but we have yet to hear their opinion on anything else.

You're right, I've not presented any potential solutions. All I've said is fund public health initiatives, address the systemic issues that are leading to violence, and enact sane limits on firearms sales.

But please, go ahead and continue misrepresenting my argument if it makes you feel better.

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Not shooting civilians. Soldiers have ROE for a reason. Either he was a fucking idiot in which case he should be court martialed, or the ROE allowed for shooting civilians in which case the Hague should get involved.

Dude, if Fetterman ran I'd vote for him in an instant. Doubly so if he took the oath of office in shorts and a hoodie

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My guy, my lad, my beautiful baby boy! One side is a terrorist organization, the other is (supposed to be) a government. No one sane has said that Israel cannot defend itself, or that the events of October weren't anything but horrific. What we are saying is that indiscriminately killing civilians in mass is wrong, full stop. Israel is systematically targeting Palestinians, and I can think that is wrong at the same time as thinking Hamas needs to be stopped.

I apologize

Or you hire an intelligent, capable, and professional pen tester. They'll find the same holes that the nutcase will, they'll document them, and they'll do it without breaking things.

"No" -Clarence Thomas

I'm saying that it's logistically impossible to solve via legislation (on guns) alone. We need to address the systemic problems that we face as a country, and until we do that the violence will continue. I'm all for gun control measures that will make that violence less destructive, but a flat ban will not fix it.

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Holy shit, they took the whole house? That's impressive!

Plus they want to smoke weed while also believing heinous shit.

Culture war induced brain rot

Pretending that the sheer number of "assault weapons" (which is a painfully imprecise word as it is) in the US to any other country is either disingenuous or just foolish. From a cursory search there are about 20 million AR pattern rifles in the US. Let's say we banned the sale and did a stupendously effective buyback that got say 65 percent of them. I don't think it would be that high, but it is what it is. Let's say we give people 500 each for them (no way I'd sell mine for that, but anyway). We've just spent 6.5 billion just on one style or semi automatic rifle and there are still 7 million of the goddam things. Compare that to Australia, which confiscated about 650,000 guns total.

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Make it a three position switch. On, off, and "make the noises with your mouth"

Holy shit my guy. "Someone vaguely disagreed with me and used the same verbiage I used on someone else, time to block them". Touch grass, please, for your sake as much as ours.

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If I could snap my fingers and suddenly get rid of all semi automatic firearms in the US I would. Sadly, that's not the case and there's no way politically or logistically it's going to happen.

Are there steps we can take to make things safer? Yes, and we should take them. Red flag laws, more in depth background checks, etc are all good steps that responsible gun owners like myself support.

At the same time, we need to address the systemic issues that are driving people to suicide or mass violence. People with adequate mental health support and a future that doesn't get bleaker by the day are much less likely to commit violence of any kind.

I know that "just ban them" seems like a good option from the outside, but this is not an issue we can address via legislation alone.

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I vote Democrat because there's nobody viable who's farther left. I'll admit it's frustrating as a gun owner because so many Democrats are tremendously ignorant on the issue, but I agree with them a hell of a lot more than Republicans.

I just want non insane or just plain ignorant gun laws and a decent social safety net, is that too much to ask?

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And my axe!

With cheese no less