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Joined 6 months ago

After twenty years on Steam, I've been asked three times to participate in the survey on my gaming setup, and on three occasions I played on Windows. No survey in the last five years while using Linux. :)

I've got it twice on my work laptop, where I used it just for the messenger, back when I ran an active community for a game.

Not sure if I want to trust that data.

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I don't believe I've ever clicked on an ad without having been tricked into it by an overlay.

I also believe that the ad-bubble market is the biggest scam in Internet history. A whole ecosystem keeps the illusion alive that it actually does something other than exiting.

30% doesn't sound absurd. 300% would sound absurd. “AMD IPC gains for Zen 5 CPU jumping one generation?” Maybe.

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Or even worse:

Thanks. Send a complete log of every software on your system, two videos of the bugs in action, and a detailed analysis of what you've had for breakfast.

Still holding out for them to have a $10 a year tier with no added features. The $36 bucks a year entry fee is just too much.

Can someone here explain to me why so many free services directly jump to $3, $5 or $9.99 bucks a month? Why not $10 per year? Surely that's better than nothing?

Just call it supporter tier and that's it. I don't want any icons or upload limits either. I just want to not feel like a leech. ;)

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It's their accounts, you just have access to them. They can close the whole thing tomorrow.

I don't even want to know what will happen when the valve guy retires. A publicly owned (edit: meant to write privately owned) company that could just shut down tomorrow. Many gaming publishers are aware, having their own launchers. Are you?

I'm telling you, root server, self-hosted everything and FOSS. If you can't do your things with that, it ain't worth doing anyway.

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Hehe, sometimes I wish that I could be snarky like that. ;) Good for you.

I have been told by numerous people these days that there are no free things in life. I write and contribute to FOSS software, and had that exact discussion.

Apparently, I do it to feel good, and for the prestige, a reward in itself. Also, I probably want to make up for something.

"Doing something for free is no excuse to do it badly."

Some others don't even know what "free" means." And some don't believe it at all, that someone is paying me. Probably thinking about influencers or something. Perhaps they saw an ad somewhere and believed I'd see any of that revenue. ;)

I just went with posting the wiki entry about FOSS, and my ko-fi page, and thanked them for their interest. The first two, because they genuinely didn't know any better, and the third because, well, at least that one is clear. Every user is a tester. Testing is good.

Heh, my wife makes more working for big tech one day per week from home, than i do working full time for service work at a hospital. It's a shitshow.

It's okay when Disney does it. What a world. Poor AI, how are they supposed to learn if all its data is created by mentally ill and crazy people. ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶

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Dreh die Antenne nach links, ich krieg nur rauschen hier unten.

It would be white noise, “weißes rauschen”, but nobody ever said the “white” part.

It is not really an alternative. So many people here complaining about quality, and the constant desire for this not to become the new Reddit.

But that's exactly what it needs to become. A place where mindless users can post the same silly crap every day, without getting shit for it. And without being rattled by entitled mods that feel they should be compensated for doing what they want to do.

Let communities talk and mods just be mods, not critics.

I quit alcohol, carbohydrates, weed, porn and tobacco two and a half years ago at age 42, a few weeks after breaking my clavicle in complicated ways, and while checking for additional damage, a fatty liver was identified.

I never picked up alcohol, weed, porn and tobacco and reintegrated sugar in reasonable amounts, like at social events.

I did it cold turkey. One day to the next. It was absolute hell for three days. I was sick, had a fever and malaria like sweats. Then it was a psychological shitshow for two weeks.

I was overweight, so I fasted completely for six days to withstand any temptations. Only had salt and water / electrolytes. After six days I had eggs and sardines for two weeks or so. Didn't poop for almost a month, even had a colonoscopy to check. Everything was fine. Just adapting.

Then I did keto for a few months, found that to be too complicated, and then went carnivore with social-event exceptions, and never looked back. Keto was fine, but being a carnivore changed everything. All my little ailments went away. Skin issues, scalp issues, rashes, moodiness, sleepiness, urges and cravings, all of it.

Lost 12 kg in those first two weeks, barely slept, but was energetic like hell, only skipped work when having the fever and sweats.

Two weeks of hell, half a year of experiments and two years of a new life. It is like being 20 years younger. I haven't been sick or ill since, either.

Good luck to you.

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The one writing the change-logs should stay though. Hilarious.

But yeah, featureitis usually comes from employees sitting on their hands. I mean, I keep telling myself, just because I only use two features, doesn't mean everybody else does... But I strongly feel that nobody really does. Chat, video, voice, done.

Every single story saturates the perception-pool a bit more. The more normal it appears, the more people will realize that windows isn't all-present anymore, and that it's not a weird thing to do to try Linux.

To me, that would be more like "I stopped eating junk" posts. The world needs more of those.

That is how I see it, at least.

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Rules don't negate anarchy. I don't follow rules for fear of punishment, but because they make sense. If they don't make sense, I seek explanation. If there isn't a good one, I ignore it.

Is this the Rules version for No Morality without God?

Are they? Do they even have a linux client yet? I'd say they are second class citizens at best.

There are people who prefer other people in specific ways, sometimes.

That's about as precise as this ridiculous notion can be entertained.

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This worries me a lot. Why would you want to do any of that? Write a story about that, sure. But doing it? Why? You could seriously harm and hurt people. Doesn't sound right.

I've been using steam since Half Life 2 released and had the survey pop up twice. And both times major data-points were completely wrong. Like resolution (it apparently used my second screen) and HDD space.

That data is about as relevant as a once a lifetime epidemiologic study about diet preferences.

“Put that fork down. You can do it. The urge will go away in 30 minutes. Be strong. Wait a while. Eat an egg. Wait a while longer. Be strong. You are doing it. Love yourself being strong.”

Half Life 2 was mostly noted for the extreme technical advancements. Take a look at what a gaming pc looked like when it came out. It shouldn't have been allowed to be so advanced.

Half Life 1 was the one with the gameplay advancements. I played both on release, and both times felt like I've just entered another multi-verse.

Far Cry 1 managed that, too.

None of them hold up today. They are still as great as they were back then, but the feeling is all gone. I've recently finished all of them again, just to check.

I sometimes feel like I am the only one with that file. Yes sir, I sometimes feel sad when a good piece of software doesn't have a donation button or license to buy. Even if it does nothing.

Ditched Windows long ago though.

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As long as you are able to differentiate between bad language (skills), cultural differences, and bad behavior. On Reddit that's basically the same. Many things may sound harsh, but are often just expressed frustrations, voiced in an imprecise way. And often, nuance is lost in translation. Many foreigners aren't used to nuance like Americans are.

Many Europeans won't hold back. Like, you tell your neighbor that he's an idiot directly to their face. Out of love; how else would they know. Apparently, none of their friends told them. Poor fellow. Just an example. I've learned that Americans won't do that, for whatever reason. they would just call them idiots wherever they are not around, and keep smiling. ;)

Possibly because many users coming to Lemmy are pissed off by something. It's not a platform for fun users, but for grumpy old cats wanting their unachievable utopian discussion forum, where all behave the same as they do. ;)

Criticise lemmy and prepare for downvotes deluxe.

How does that make a difference? Anyhow, I meant to write privately owned. My mistake.

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We are approaching exaxtly this. Got her as a palm-sized mini-furball 17 years ago. A true lap-cat, always on top of us. It won't be much longer; I am absolutely not looking forward to that day. Well, she will be the most cared for elderly cat in the region. That's about all we can do. It's insane how a mostly asleep tiny creature that never learns anything can affect one's life.

I've had serious trouble with pop and usb devices waking up from sleep. Tried for weeks. Also had trouble with many flatpacks. Most help pages and tutorials were outdated or plain wrong, too.

Changed to arch eventually. Never regretted it. Mostly coding and gaming. Eventually deleted windows, because, well, everything just worked. I must have reinstalled pop like eight times. Am still sporting the first arch installation. Well. EndeavourOS, really.

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Since its main purpose is to flush bodily waste, I'd be making it extra happy. Since a toilets' nature seems to be wanting to be clean, it will be very happy with me. My diet produces very easy to process waste.

We'd be best buddies, and I would expect some moaning and groaning. Probably posting about it on their assbook pages.

They'd use it for something else. Certainly not to keep jobs they believe are useless anyway. Someone up there will decide that the project their niece is working at requires more funding, and a few company cars.

No thank you. :)

Just for my personal understanding. How often have you heard about security issues from missing updates in older phones? In real life, I mean, not in some blog or video? I'm having a hard time finding any information about real cases. There are hundreds of articles from tech-sites and security companies.

To me it feels like selling pick-proof locks, a market without actual use-cases. You can pick them all anyway, but nobody actually does it.

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I'm not very political or versed in the science about them, but does anarchy exclude guidelines and collaboration? I'd have thought it would enhance those things.

If there isn't anything enforcing rules and laws, a government would be informational, making guidelines based on what people found to work best. Like a giant kickstarter paired with Wikipedia.

Many guidelines will be followed. Like, boil your chicken before eating it. Good to know, and most will do it. Some won't, for whatever reason.

Think village assembly, fund-raisers, donations.

I might be completely off here. In my mind, people work great together, until there are rules to exploit. The best of us always comes out despite enforcing structures.

It could be done for tech. It is impossible for vegans. That was all I was saying. Or wanted to say.

Shared containers work beautifully for a lot of things, though, many programs aren't all that sensitive either. Making snaps for the tricky ones makes sense. Having snaps for all of them is ridiculous.

I can count the software requiring repo-pins on one hand on my desktop. For those, snaps make sense, replacing the need for any pins. Snaps are less confusing than pins. IMO.

It reminds me of Python programming, with requirements pinned to version ranges. Some dev-teams forget, and their apps won't work out of the box. Sometimes, software still works ten years later, if they only use the most common arguments and commands from the packages.

Snaps <==> Virtualenv.

Because sponsoring doesn't infringe on privacy, is usually controlled by the channel, and is often relevant.

Bad analogy really. Vegans aren't completely self-sustainable in the wild.

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I was told that linux doesn't work on the Spectrum oO

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There seems to be a bug. Sometimes the numbers only show after using them.

Probably language barrier. That figure of speech is not the easiest for Germans to grasp.

The first thing coming to mind is “we tried to add a checkbox, but failed, it just wouldn't work”

To my German mind, failing means “trying and not managing it, giving up in the end.”

Failing to so somehing by forgetting doesn't really make sense. :) How can you fail something you've never attempted.

It's just a figure of speech, I know.

I'm a big Guild Wars 2 fan, though I don't play that much anymore. Often in the game, Guild Wars 1 references, and stories told by players of how great it was, made me want to try it.

It still fully works, and can be played. But for me, it was a no-go. I could live with the graphics, and the environments were fine. Good music and sounds.

The interface killed it for me. Dozens of windows, shortcuts, clunky ways of doing things, the inventory. I couldn't take it anymore after a few hours.

It's not about disliking old interfaces. I basically live on the Linux-shell, and I still play xcom: ufo-defense. But the gw1 one is all over the place, like it hasn't been planned but just happened by random people dropping into the studio and adding some stuff for the fun of it.

Come to think about it, it isn't even about old games. I couldn't play Xenonauts for the same reason. I suppose I just don't enjoy clunky interfaces...

Isn't nix mostly for multi-system install? I did the nix thing a few years ago, spent a month on the config, and then never needed it again. Personally, I don't see a use-case for single desktop installation ;)

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