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For some more context this place, reems, really isn't a bakery so much as a middle eastern take out place. The main store is currently closed down though so the only place they have open is a counter serve food court style place in the ferry building, so the cops didn't get kicked out of the place, they either went to the counter and the cashier refused to serve, or more likely, they saw the new policy online and threw a hissy fit without actually going.

The founder is a Palestinian leftist, so this probably was targeted towards cops/military.

I'd highly recommend going here if your on a tourist trip and end up in the ferry building, not just for the cop hate, but there wraps are great as well.

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This is taking the comment out of context, she said the federal minimum wage should be as high as $50 for places like the Bay area, she then went on to say that the national minimum wage should be raised to $20-25 based on affordability but that she's chiefly concerned with California.

Israel is not even a good geopolitical partner in the Middle East. Nearly everyone hates them so whenever we do operations over there we keep them out because we know even their presence will increase tensions and lose hearts and minds. They're good for spying on Iran but you have to take everything with a grain of salt because they could be lying in order to try and get us to be more confrontational because they despise Iran.

The reasons the U.S. government overwhelmingly supports Israel is:

  • evangelicals think the Jews taking over Israel will cause the rapture, which they want...
  • Sheer inertia
  • the idea that Israel is "an island of liberal democracy" in a sea of authoritarian Arab states
  • Heavy lobbying from organizations like AIPAC, and if you don't follow their line they'll spend millions on you opponent's campaign.
  • Military industrial complex loves sales to Israel
  • military industrial complex relies on technology and equipment from Israel
  • Islamaphobia and the idea that they're fighting the good fight against the evil terrorists
  • residual guilt for the Holocaust and the west's antisemitic past
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This is just like Canada banning foreign investment in real estate. It admits there's a problem, data harvesting , homes as investments, but just solves a small part of the problem pertaining to "foreign bad guys" while ignoring the larger domestic issue.

All it does is make the government look like they did something without actually confronting the powerful interests that are causing the problem.

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While it remains illegal on the state and national level, some cities in California have already decriminalized. San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley and Santa Cruz. Come take your next trip in the Bay area!

The u.s. also still holds all their foreign currency reserves, so they're kinda forced to be friendly if they want to keep their economy a float.

Land lords aren't the only option for short term housing. Housing can be provided by the state or the university without a profit motive for cheaper. You can look to systems like Singapore and Vienna where the public housing is robust enough to cover housing needs, without landlords leeching off the work of others.

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Yeah but to be fair it's not like children, or even adults really, are flocking to this app.

Deep down I don't think he wanted it anymore. Trying to wrangle this shitshow of a party for 8 months has probably taken a decade off his life.

Government, at least democratic ones, are controlled and accountable to the people, landlords aren't. If your going to be forced to pay someone to exist then it's better if you get some say in how that's done.

A landlord and the government also have completely different incentives. A landlords incentive is to raise your rent to:

  1. Get more money
  2. Raise the price of their property. The more you can charge in rent the more the property is worth
  3. Prevent you from being able to save up for a down payment to exit this exploitative system. They are also incentivised to obstruct any new construction as it would increase the housing supply and therefore decrease the price they can charge for rent and their property.

A democratic governments interest is to keep voters happy. They can do that by building housing for voters and keeping rents stable for the voters in public housing. These incentives are muddled by corruption but even with that they are more aligned with your average person then a landlords.

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Screw ball golf, disc golf though solves all it's problems

  1. Can play in almost any environment so no habitat destruction needed. Might have to clear a few trees or brush in dense forest but otherwise mostly keeps forests intact

  2. No elitism or arrogance. It's one of the cheapest sports there is, just requires a couple $15 discs and most courses are free and are part of parks. Not much maintenance is needed on the course.

  3. Easier to pick up. Most people can at least throw a disc 10 yards or so after a couple tries. Also more forgiving if drunk or high in that way.

  4. More interesting to watch /play. Courses usually have obstacles like trees and the flight path of discs has a lot of lateral movement so if your good/lucky you can weave it through the obstacles.

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Get ready for even more "apps" that are just glorified web views of their mobel site.

Hsr isn't dead, it's still being actively built, employing thousands of people, still has broad public support and just got a shit ton of funding from the feds. It's over budget and delayed yes but so was the original shinkansen because bootstrapping that kind of project and industrial knowledge is hard.

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Offering examples of the threat faced by the Jewish community, Mr Wray cited a man who was arrested in Texas last week for trying to build a bomb and posting about his support for killing Jews, and another man who was arrested in Illinois for killing a six-year-old Muslim boy.

Was him being arrested antisemitic?

Not saying antisemitism isn't on the rise, the bomb story sounds horrific, but it seems like islamaphobia also is and the article seems to gloss over it completely until it tries to pass off an example of it as antisemitism.

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How would she be supporting terrorism?, she's one of the few in Congress calling for a ceasefire and an end to the violence. Even if she's wrong and islamic jihad were responsible that doesn't mean she accidentally supported them. She said the bombing of the hospital was horrific and unless she changes her tone once she realizes Palestinians did it then this isn't supporting terrorism.

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Seems about right. They don't have a complete monopoly and the industry seems to be making most of their money off micro-transactions these days instead of sales, something valve takes no cut of outside there own games. Meanwhile apple and google do have monopolies and take a cut of micro-transactions which accounts for there significantly larger revenue.

It only comes out to 364 days so you'll still need to handle that 1.25 extra days in a year otherwise it'll drift. You could just add December 29th as a special day past Saturday, but then you lose sync with the moon, eg.if New moon was on Sunday the first in the previous year, New moon would be on December 29th instead of on Jan 1st the next year and all new moons would be on the 28th.

You can keep your calendar in sync with the moon or the sun but not both.

For some more context this place, reems, really isn't a bakery so much as a middle eastern take out place. The main store is currently closed down though so the only place they have open is a counter serve food court style place in the ferry building, so the cops didn't get kicked out of the place, they either went to the counter and the cashier refused to serve, or more likely, they saw the new policy online and threw a hissy fit without actually going.

The founder is a Palestinian leftist, so this probably was targeted towards cops/military.

I'd highly recommend going here if your on a tourist trip and end up in the ferry building, not just for the cop hate, but there wraps are great as well.

What's your definition of poor? Because by the 70s most Soviet citizens had access to modern necessities like food, water, electricity, housing and healthcare, things which some Americans still don't have. Their standard of living was significantly higher than it was in the early 1900s and better than actual poor countries in the global south. They weren't as rich as the western nations, but those countries had a 50-100 year headstart on development so that's to be expected.

People will often compare the Soviet Union to the United States and point to how much less they have and blame it on communism, but that's not a fair comparison. A fair comparison would be to a mexico that also had everything north of Mexico city bombed out in the 1940s. With that in mind the soviets don't seem so poor.

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If you can't actually play it with the new graphics what's it's advantage over original cities skylines?

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You know who you don't see constantly complaining about retail theft, grocery stores. Probably because they have a business model resistant to the real cause of all these losses, online shopping and the decline of retail.

It's easier for the execs though to blame it on retail theft and tell their shareholders that they're gonna lobby Congress to lock up shoplifters and solve the problem, rather than tell them the business is slowly dying and there's nothing they can do about it.

This is why we wear a neck guard kids, the pro leagues really need to start mandating them.

This, there are many reasons people do opiates, isolation, doctors prescription, homelesness, economic depression etc. but the only reason people are doing fentanyl is because it's cheap and available, and it's cheap and available because the war on drugs makes it so the most concentrated substances are the most easily supplied.

If the war on drugs ends fentanyl goes away just like those high proof moonshines that were making people blind in prohibition. Opiate use won't because the other underlying problems would remain, but it would be far more safe.

Anecdotally speaking as someone close to the one they're closing in SF the store really didn't make sense. It was too small to offer the variety of goods you want from target. For the stuff they did have they couldn't compete with other stores in the area. For groceries there's a Costco, trader Joe's and local coop close by that have more variety, and for electronics there's a Best buy across the street. Combine all that with competition with Amazon for misc. Home goods and they have no market.

Guess it's easier to blame theft then a failed business model, especially to shareholders.

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Nah, your thinking of nationalism. WWI and WWII had very little to do with religion but in terms of body count far exceed the likes of the crusades. If you ask your average soldier throughout history why they're doing what they're doing patriotism will come up more often than God. Naked self interest would probably be the actual top reason but people don't usually say the quiet part aloud.

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There are 2 problems with not having enough diversity in training data:

  1. The AI will be worse at depicting diversity when prompted, eg. If the AI hasn't seen enough pictures of black people it may not be able to depict black hair properly as it doesn't "know what it looks like"

  2. The AI will not show as much diversity when not prompted. The AI is working off statistics so if you tell it to depict a person and most of the people it's "seen" are white men it will almost always depict a white man because that's statistically what a person is according to its data.

This method combats the second problem, but not the first. The first can mostly be solved by generally scaling the training data though, which is mostly what these companies have been doing. Even if only 1% of your images are of POC, if you have 1b images 10mil will be of POC which may be enough to train it. The second problem would remain unsolved though since the AI will always go with the statistically safe 99%.

Maybe eventually, it has to do with market share and if the service is a "core platform". Signal doesn't have enough market share to warrant it yet, even iMessage wasn't forced to since it's not that popular in EU. The law was mainly targeted at WhatsApp as that's THE messenger in the EU.

degeneration might be the ONLY way to prevent Faceboom

So we should just start posting furry porn to try and scare them off?

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roaming the streets and causing havoc

What is havoc to you? I live in San Francisco and the homeless and addicts don't really bother people outside of them existing , which does seem to bother a lot of people. They do shoplift and car break ins are pretty common but it's not like they're running around brandishing knives. Most of them are opiate addicts, and you aren't aggressive or chaotic on heroine.

I agree we need more mental health and addiction treatment but you can't force people into it. If someone is in pain and don't see a reason to live outside of drugs, locking them up won't fix that. Either you keep them there forever or they'll relapse as soon as they get out. We need to address the societal issues causing this instead of the band aid solution of detainment.

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local communities managing themselves (something like city states maybe?) and their relations to other communities

Your describing a Soviet you filthy commie.

But for real what your describing is communism as marx originally thought of it. The one example marx gave as a model for what communism would be was the Paris commune which adheres to a lot of what you said. Most leftist agree that that's the end goal it's just a matter of how to get there. Lenin originally pitched the Soviet Union as just that, a bunch of local councils(soviets) freely cooperating and making there own rules. He saw how the Paris commune's openness and military indecisiveness led to it being brutally suppressed though and wanted an interim top down dictatorship and rapid brutal industrialization to handle this threat. The threat never went away though, first with the Nazis almost annihilating them then the u.s. pointing nukes at them, so neither did the dictatorship.

Their end goal was still avowedly the same though, and communism, to me at least, is about that goal. Their are a bunch of different theoretical paths to it, and there's tonnes of infighting as to which ones the best, but all communists agree that the commune/Soviet/city state should have all the power.

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While I agree in principle, the project is already significantly delayed, over budget and under funded. Adding a requirement to bootstrap a high speed train industry in the u.s. would doom the project which is already on Shakey ground.

We don't want this to turn into an unfinished boondoggle that every oil backed think tank can point to and say HSR won't work in the u.s.

Not in California, there's so many elections. In 2022 a similar situation happened here in San Francisco where a state assembly member retired and there was the same primary, main, primary, main election. Also the primary for everything but the president is open and the main acts as a runoff for the top two, this is why they'll do a primary on every election whereas in other states the parties would just nominate someone. So in the state assembly race it was an open field for the first primary, than the same 2 nearly identical Democrats for the next three elections.

Then there was also having to vote for newsom twice within a year because of the recall.

It's nearly all vote by mail these days and they automatically send a ballot to anyone registered though so it's not that bad.

I think you misunderstand what apples value proposition is, at least nowadays. The app store and not being able to use other app stores is not a reason people get iPhones. Maybe back when app stores were first created and the threat of malware was greater people might have considered it but nowadays no one cares. Even the idea of a unified ecosystem isn't as much a selling point any more because Google and Samsung offer similar seamless integrations with their accessories. You can see this in their marketing, they aren't focused on how all the apple products work together easily any more. In their marketing you can see what they think their value proposition is, and what was their big Superbowl ad this year, longer battery life ...

Apple at this point knows it doesn't have much of a value proposition for switching from android. So the only way they're gonna sell new phones is to get the kids who don't have a phone and convince the people who do have an iPhone to get a new one.

They convince the kids through their tried and true aesthetics and lifestyle marketing, this is about half there marketing these days. This along with iMessage in the U.S. and the general fear of being in the out group and obsession with brands that younger people have moved them towards iPhones.

They convince the current users with incremental upgrades, eg. Better battery life, better camera; and maintaining the walled garden and keeping exit costs high so they don't turn to androids for those incremental updates.

All this is to say that apple having a single app store isn't a sign of consumer sentiment, but a sign of apples desire to milk as much profits out of their current users as they can. Other app stores can only benefit the consumers, either they do get them for lower fees or don't because they put some value on the "ecosystem". From a company's perspective yes your right that they want to be able to do anything to their product they want, but the goal of regulation is to step in when the companies desires are at odds with the people or the consumers desire, this is one of those cases.

Not everything, but the Senate position for the most progressive state in the country, that seems fair. Due to the way the Senate was designed progressives are underrepresented. There are probably more progressives in California then the whole population of a couple smaller states combined, and they get no representation. Harris at least gave a little before she shifted right to try and become president, but now even she's gone.

I think you overestimate what the average software developer is doing.

Do I think in 10 years ai will be patching the Linux kernel or optimizing aws scaling functions, no. Do I think it will be creating functional crud apps with Django or Ruby on rails, yes, and I think that's what a large amount of software developers are doing. Even if it's not a majority a lot of the more precarious developers without a cs degree will probably lose their job. Not every developer is a senior engineer working on ML.

The above reply could still be true. If you run this sort of hashtag analysis on other countries you could probably find a bunch that the platform is "favoring" .

Hell you could uno reverse this whole argument and say meta is boosting western aligned content. Claiming Instagram is some sort of unbiased real base for social media is a bad premise.

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Yes to taxing, no to illegality. It's not as if gambling was better when the mob ran it.

This doesn't really effect Californians though, except that security guard, rip. The only people it effects is the owners of Nordstrom who lost $500 of stuff they bought from Vietnam.

most of them have bachelors

Only 30% of people in Europe have bachelors degrees, about the same as the u.s. Thats higher than in developing countries, say India at 8%, but a majority of people in both countries don't have degrees.

It's a common misconception by those with tertiary education in the first world that everyone else has tertiary education because they only talk to people in their social class with tertiary education.

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Not all bad, compared to crypto the vector transformations done for ml are relatively similar to those done by graphics processing. So any innovations on the ml front will probably yield improvements in graphics.