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Joined 4 months ago

more drug legalization?

Yes! The war on drugs and prohibition has barely done any good and has been used to justify a police state to lock up black and brown people, made drugs less safe due to lack of regulation and traffickers making increasingly concentrated drugs to hide easier (fentanyl), destabilizes our neighbors and funnels money to criminal organizations that murder people daily to ensure their market. All of this so maybe a few less people will do drugs, even though drug use has gone up since the war on drugs started and the fact that a drug being illegal usually isn't , and shouldn't be, the main reason people don't do drugs.

A huge chunk of cartel funding comes from American demand for drugs. They could be a much more stable country if there weren't billions of dollars coming in to mega Corp level gangs that can corrupt and control large parts of the country.

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These prudes would be terrified of San Francisco, whole city is clothing optional. No one ever really does it cause it's too cold though saw a couple out today for pride. Sucks there banning it in a place that would actually be comfortable to do it.

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I was talking about Cornell west, the article the other commenter linked was saying he was turning hard left because he spoke at a conference that had the PSL (ml tanky party) candidate and some China simp speaking as well, even though he didn't endorse them or even talk about them.

Bidens about to go down as one of the worst Democrats in the last century because of his hubris if he doesn't. His decent domestic agenda will be overshadowed by him ushering in another trump presidency by ignoring all the signs for him to drop out. He didn't early last year when polls repeatedly showed that people thought he was too old. He didn't when unnamed democrat was leading him by 10 points. He didn't when his Gaza policy alienated large chunks of his base. If he doesn't in the next couple weeks when there will probably be polls coming out showing majority support for him stepping down then he's gone full head in the sand.

It's like RBG all over again, if these people could just get it through there heads to quit while there ahead they could preserve a decent legacy, instead of tarnishing it by leading the way to a regressive order that overturns everything they've done.

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That's a pretty fatal mistake when your average person is only gonna watch a 10 second clip of the debate.

Weathers only part of it, a large part is cost of living and especially housing costs. People have this idea that people become mentally unwell drug addicts then lose housing then move to California for the better weather/ more compassionate state. In reality a lot of it is the reverse, people live in California, lose they're housing due to astronomical rents, then they become mentally unwell drug addicts due to the pain and trauma they suffer on the streets.

Last point still stands though, we do need a green new deal to give these people housing and employ them in meaningful jobs to help the green transition.

ultra-orthi battalions

That's what they've been doing. They station them in the West Bank and they we're doing so many atrocities that even Biden considered sanctioning the specific battalions , he didn't actually do it because he's a spineless coward, but he did consider.

For the sake of Palestinians I hope they split up these nut jobs.

Trump said in a Truth Social post Tuesday. “Biden’s hatred of Bitcoin only helps China, Russia, and the Radical Communist Left. We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!! It will help us be ENERGY DOMINANT!!!”

Didn't COMMUNIST China ban it mostly because it was putting strain on their grid? Not sure how wasting states worth of electricity to fuel a glorified ponzi scheme is going to help with energy dominance but who am I to question the self-proclaimed genius.

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It's on the non stick coating for a lot of pans and can easily flake off and be ingested if you damage it by using metal utensils. This is why you should never use metal on nonstick.

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Isn't this normal for tech companies? The IPO is typically the pay day event for most employees paid in stock where you can finally cash in. Doesn't matter where you think the companies going, most people would rather buy a house then stay on the tech stock roller coaster.

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One of the worst parts of this, and one that will get people killed, is they loosened the restrictions on police chases. Now police can chase cars for crimes where there's no longer a threat of violence like robbery through the second densest city in the country. People are so indoctrinated by copaganda that they think police chases always end up with the cop catching the bad guy instead of how they usually end, with a fatal crash.

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The spirit of it still exists in temu ads. Turn off your ad blocker for a minute and you'll be inundated with cheap plastic things that you think are great ideas and you'll use once and forget about.

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How could the leadership have handled this better? Actually hitting Israel hard and escalating the war? Do nothing and set a precedent that Iranian embassies can be bombed with impunity?

Iranian leadership sucks in a lot of other ways but they played this about as well as they could. They had to ride a fine line between a response tough enough to match the aggression of Israel and save face, but not enough that the u.s. would give Israel a blank check in escalation.

Sweet, I'm sure this won't be used by AIPAC to sue all the tech companies for causing October 7th somehow like unrwa and force them to shutdown or suppress all talk on Palestine. People hearing about a genocide happening might radicalize them, maybe we could get away with allowing discussion but better safe then sorry, to the banned words list it goes.

This isn't going to end in the tech companies hiring a team of skilled moderators who understand the nuance between passion and radical intention trying to preserve a safe space for political discussion, that costs money. This is going to end up with a dictionary of banned and suppressed words.

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Yeah, but the best way to get something like this to improve is to make rich people suffer through it too. Letting them bypass a system like this allows them, and the politicians who cater to them, to ignore the issue.

Its like when segregation ended and white kids were being sent to the black schools and tons of money poured into the schools as the white parents realized the conditions there kids would have to suffer through. Like tsa the ultra wealthy just went to private schools/jets but the broad middle to upper middle class still has a lot of sway politically and can change broken systems like this, if it effects them.

If you don't want people injecting in the streets then kicking drug addicts out of shelters and taking away their rent subsidies seems pretty counterintuitive.

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They talk a big game but they aren't actually that unfriendly in practice. They haven't funded terrorist organizations or tried to engineer coups in other countries, mostly because they don't have the money or power to but still there are way worse actors on the world stage that the world happily deals with. Just look at Israel which has almost no international sanctions, and Russia with only about a quarter of the world doing some half assed sanctions for a blatant war of aggression.

They're the hermit kingdom and the leadership is mostly concerned with the brutal subjugation of there own citizens and not international affairs.

They have been making nukes but that's more of a defensive response to the loaded gun the u.s. has been pointing at them since there inception rather than some crazy plot to carry out a suicidal offensive nuclear assault on the u.s. or the south.

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Depends who owns it / who payed to have it constructed. If the tenets own it and payed to have it constructed, or payed someone who payed someone... Then it's a condo or a co-op depending on whether you own a unit in the building or own x% of the building which entitles you to a unit.

If another organization, almost always some form of government, payed to have it constructed and owns it then it is public housing.

If it's anything like cities skylines original, houses just pop up according to demand with seemingly no construction cost calculated, probably because it would add a ton more complexity with mortgages and speculative markets etc. for little gain to players who mostly just want to play with trains and metros.

Your missing another big part and that's unions are hamstrung down there. A lot of places in the Midwest offer similar advantages, ports aren't as good but you can still ship a lot on the great lakes, but they won't go there because they're afraid of unions.

Zionism and white nationalist anti-Semitism go quite well together actually. Even Hitler thought Zionism was a good idea for a while, get all the Jews out of Europe and the u.s. and onto the one barren patch of land in the Middle East without any oil so they can fight with the brown people they also hate is a pretty good "solution to the Jewish question" if you buy into all of that shit.

The north did invade but this wasn't some evil communist dictator attacking an innocent southern democracy. Both sides at the time the war broke out were repressive dictatorships who understood that unification was going to take violence, the north made the first big move but there had been skirmishes prompted by both sides leading up to it. If the south had their military ready Rhee would not have hesitated to invade first if he thought he could win.

After the initial success of the north the U.S. rescued the south and even after recapturing the south continued on to invade the north and carry out a brutal, near genocidal, bombing campaign of the north destroying up to 85% of buildings. Like Israel and Hamas the north did strike "first" but the south and the u.s. hit back disproportionately harder. It is with the memory of that atrocity that the north despises the u.s. and seeks any means of protection against it happening again. They aren't dumb, they know they stand no chance of winning an offensive war while the u.s. is on the peninsula and have given up on doing so, now they're just trying to survive.

None of this is to excuse the kim government for there many domestic atrocities, while the South has opened up since the war the north has remained one of, if not the most , repressive and abusive states out there. Just saying there foreign policy isn't as crazy and aggressive as the west likes to make them out to be.

The tech company life is great until they fire you and 10% of your colleagues in pursuit of even bigger profits. Then when your on the streets you'll probably prefer the current liberal city government over whatever these fascists have planned for the homeless

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So he's gonna do an inquiry and track down the Zionist counter protestors who assaulted both those ideals at UCLA.... Right?


Go UAW, fight for higher wages and better working conditions

Also Lemmy:

I demand the cheapest car possible, I don't care if its built by slave labor in xinjiang. If western companies can't compete with third world labor costs then they're obviously inefficient and don't deserve to exist.

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I think I paid attention pretty well in my senior seminar on the Korean war but if you want I can link you my final paper on it if you want to make sure.

Assuming you have the American high school understanding of the war where the evil north invaded the free south and the benevolent u.s. came to the rescue, I'd recommend you read Bruce Cummings book on the subject to give some insight into what really happened. If you want a more condensed version refer to the comment I gave for the other guy.

China subsidies vehicles, say €5000

EU tariffs vehicles, say €5000

Every vehicle purchase basically comes with €5000 from the Chinese government for the EU government

The CCP doesn't want you to know this one simple trick

the financial parasites that have gotten used to getting free money from the government for so long.

Actually the government is giving out free money now as opposed to 0 interest rates where it wasn't. The fed rate is the overnight rate you get for depositing money into the fed, not borrowing money from it. If I'm a bank and I have $1,000 at the end of the day and didn't find anything to invest it in then I'll deposit it at the fed and get say 5% apy as interest from the fed. If you did that every night for a year you'd get $50 from the fed while taking almost no risk, about as close to free as a capital gain can be called free. This has the effect of pushing up interest rates across the board because why would I invest in some risky business venture for 5% when I can get 5% with no risk from the government. The government is basically paying capital owners to not invest in riskier loans and bonds, cooling the market.

If you want to see financial parasites there are plenty of people right now with millions in Treasury bonds collecting even more interest from the government while doing nothing.

Don't get me wrong their are plenty of parasites and con men that show up in the highly speculative world of 0% interest rates, *cough crypto *cough, but it's not a matter of low interest rates good for capitalists and high interest rates bad.

If the choice is between the u.s. government and the Chinese government choosing what's appropriate for me to watch then I'd choose the u.s government as it is still has some democratic levers which the American people can use to stop it from propagandizing too much. There is no such influence they can wield in the Chinese government. I'm not ok with it though and it's more a matter of the lesser of two evils. Ideally there would be no centralized control over these services and the algorithms would be open source and the servers federated, to allow people to transparently evaluate the biases each service has and make their own decision free from the centralizing network effect present in current social media. If I am unable to inspect it then I want the person who is able to do so to have interests that are better aligned with mine, either an elected representative or at least a worker with similar national interests to me.

As for the book question it's not a matter of a single book. Unless they're advocating for atrocities I'm for any creator being allowed on the platform, the problem is how the platform is showing that content, it's a matter of the book store instead of a single book. If the library has a copy of the three body problem, or even Maos little red book alongside a bunch of other books countering it then that's fine. But if there's no library and only one book store in town then the owner of that book store has a lot of political power and should be under a lot of scrutiny. If the owner of that store isn't a part of the community and doesn't have interests that align with it, or even run counter to it, then the people of that community are right to become skeptical and demand a more open system. This is why libraries are so important, they provide an information repository owned by the public instead of private interests.

Could be very lucrative if you are already in porn and want to make some money from your likeness. This guy's gonna pay me $500 to make a video and I don't even have to do anything?

Could also be very good for porn stars who have "aged out" but can still make videos using their younger bodies as weird as that may be.

You can get the film replaced, for free the first time, then like $20 after. Mine basically came all the way off on the fold for my z flip, but then I went to a galaxy store and they replaced it and it's fine now.

My guess is the fat part of the bell curve is 25-40 here, probably similar to Twitter, younger than Facebook, older than tik tok and maybe Instagram.

That's how it was before, for the police to chase their had to be a reasonable suspicion that the criminal was in there way to commit another violent crime. So if a robbery happened and the police arrive and the criminal takes off the reasonable assumption is theyre heading back home, not off to commit another violent crime, so the police would not pursue them. Now they can pursue them and endanger all the people on the road just to protect the property of the store owner.

Cop shows and movies distort our perception of them but the reality is that most police chases end in a crash and serious injury if not death. This chance goes up even higher with dense cities with a lot of pedestrians around like San Francisco. So they should only be used if they're preventing someone from murdering or seriously injuring someone else. A car at high speeds is just as , if not more dangerous than a gun and should be used as such.

I think it's a bit disingenuous to compare Austin building rates to SF and NYC. Austin is far less built up then those other two cities so there's still a lot of easy gains to be made. Turning two single family homes into a 3 story 10 unit apartment complex is relatively cheap, has a high profit potential and multiplies the housing stock by 5. The problem comes when you run out of cheap single family houses on large lots and have to start turning the town houses and three story apartments into high rises. That is significantly more capital intensive, requires way more permitting and inspections, as it should, and has less potential for gains in housing and profit.

This isn't to fully excuse those cities as they could definitely be building more housing. Just saying their success isn't only due to them getting the government out of the way and letting developers build. Building 9x more housing is easier when your 9x less dense already. San Diego has no excuse though.

This may be true if your working with two assumptions. One society is a meritocracy, which isnt true in most cases success is determined by birth and luck rather than merit, other comments have mentioned this so I won't get too deep into it.

The other is that politics and government are just about getting the smartest most credentialed people in the room and then they will solve all the issues. While we do want smart capable people in office this view ignores the other qualification a representative needs, to identify with and understand the people they're representing. If Congress is just a bunch of lawyers from Harvard they don't understand what it's like to be a single mom working on minimum wage and are unlikely to increase that wage. If there only talking to people in the successful upper middle class that they inhabit they're less likely to see the struggles of the common worker. This is why we need working class representatives to give a voice to those struggles.

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I read it as homeless people, not actually a crime but people associate the two so much that an increase in one "must" mean an increase in the other.

Trump defrauded rich investors as well, one of the big cases against him right now is about him using a Forbes article to lie about his net worth to get loans.

Yeah, police chases are incredibly dangerous and should only be used to prevent a criminal from doing something even more dangerous. Stealing cars is bad but it's still just property and we shouldn't be putting that much risk on the public to protect someone's property.

It's not about the data, it's about the algorithm. Unlike other social media which has followers, subscribers etc. that dictate what you see tik tok is a pure black box recommendation algorithm. Tons of people's world views are shaped by tik tok and a slight tweak to this algorithm can have huge political consequences. I'm far from a china hawk but even I can recognize the dangers of allowing that sort of machine to be in the hands of a foreign rival. Ideally we'd take it out of the hands of the corporate interests running the ones here in the u.s. as well and force them to be open sour e, but that doesn't seem possible right now and at least those companies are more beholden to the American people then byte dance, there are American employees in those companies that can raise a red flag if management is telling them to push the algorithm in a direction.

The youth also probably won't care in a years time. Even if tik tok actually shuts down in the u.s. instead of selling, which I still doubt they will as that would effectively be burning 10s of billions of dollars to prove a point, the youth can just move onto another app like Instagram reels or YouTube shorts which offer the same experience but aren't as good because of the mass network effect tik tok has. If everyone is forced out of tik tok and onto one of the other apps they'll gain that same network effect and have the same experience after a bit of transition/ AI training time. The kids aren't attached to byte dance or tik tok, they're attached to the content and content creators who make it, and those can move to another app very easily.

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Id recommend disc golfing. You can start if with just a mid range disc and that'll cost ~$15 then your good to go. Most major cities will have at least one course that's free at a park so you don't need to spend more after that. It has a pretty low skill floor so you can pick it up pretty easily but a very high ceiling so there is a lot to learn and grow which can help with depression. Also gets you walking outside in nature which can help with depression too. It can be as social as you want it to be, you can invite friends, or just go solo, and even if your solo you can strike up conversation with the people in front of you and sometimes they'll even let you throw with them.