3 Post – 4 Comments
Joined 3 weeks ago

Audentes Fortuna Iuvat

Trump claiming he won regardless and trying to create as much trouble as possible is the most likely election outcome. I'm not getting my hopes up until President Kamala Harris is in the Whitehouse having a nice cup of tea. In fact after the last few years I'm not getting my hopes up about anything ever again unless there's absolute proof that it's real.

Well I can't draw is the issue. I used Copilot to make the panels and then fiddled around with them to make the cartoon. That's why it's not signed cos I'm not trying to say I'm clever or anything lol. It was just a cool experiment that helped me explore some ADHD related ideas.

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For me it's coffee + environment. If I'm just at home chilling then the effect of drinking coffee is very mild. If I'm at a business networking event, for example, it can really trigger my hyper behaviours. I get extremely enthusiastic, creative and happy.

By the way, one of these business networking meetings I go to is exclusively for business owners with ADHD and I can't tell you how much fun that is!

It's basically 15 people happily talking over each other and not taking it personally and 5 or 6 who didn't turn up because they thought it was another day. We have one neurotypical person there to try and tether the ballons that we are down into some sort of coherent group but it is wonderfully chaotic :)

I'm always in awe of people who can draw :) I love that AI gave me a way to experiment that I never would have otherwise. I have other gifts mind you but sadly drawing isn't one of them.