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Joined 1 years ago

13 years on Reddit. I was part of the Great Digg Exodus... now the Great Reddit Exodus.

I deleted all my comments on Reddit, all of my posts, and then toasted my user account just before the API deadline. Not looking back.

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Generally, you use the radio network from mobile phone to cell tower, and then fibre optic to the switches. Sometimes they use microwave line of sight for surface-to-surface connections where fibre doesn't make sense, or is unviable (terrain, distance, cost, difficulty of laying fibre, etc.). It's possible that there could be a satellite connection in the process, but unlikely unless you're on an airplane, a ship, etc.

The GPS on the mobile phone definitely does use satellite (receive only though, no transmit).

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Yes... 13+ years on Reddit on my main account (different name than my Lemmy account), and it's gone. I've deleted all my posts and thousands of replies. I was active in several communities, including the Linux and open-source communities.

I used a script to edit my post history and replace my posts with random text, and then after a waiting period, delete the posts entirely. It took a couple of days to sift through it all. Then once I was down to zero posts... deleted my account.

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Snap is a steaming pile of excrement. So much of the crap on the Snap Store is obsolete and out of date. Anyone and their monkey can post a snap on snapcraft, and.. they do. Canonical is just as bad. They took it upon themselves to package up a lot of commercial-level open-source software 3 or 4 years ago... and then have done fuck all with it ever since. Zero updates to the original snaps they put there in the initial population of the Snap store (yes they do maintain a select few things, but only a small percentage of the flood of obsolete software in the Snap store). The result is people looking to install apps who poke the Snap store, go "oh hey, the application I want is there", install it, and then get all pissy with the vendor... who looks about in surprise wondering how a potential customer managed to find such an old version (happened with at least 2 of my employers, and I've come across many more). Go search Reddit (or Google) for obsolete snap discussions. There's no shortage people pointing at the same issue.

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Microsoft office

I'm rather impressed with the MS Office compatibility and comparability of FreeOffice - The free version trails the paid by one release... seems like a fair compromise. It's not pure FOSS, so purists might not like it, but it really gets the job done, especially with rountripping documents. There are always corner cases where things go boink, but hell... things even go off the deep end between versions of MSO.

Harrison says he’s seen photos online that purport to show children who have undergone these procedures. “When I saw them circulating on social media—and honestly, it’s hard to avoid them at this point—of these young, beautiful children post-surgery:

What the fuck??? He openly admitted to this? Hard to avoid? What??? So... is anyone investigating Texas state representative Brian Harrison for CSA? Because it appears they should be....

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Hmmm.... Infineon has been doing work with graphene semiconductors for years. Something seems a bit off with this article.

There’s probably not going to be a civil war.

So.... there's still a chance then....

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Roblox is filled with "quality" content like this:

My kids used to play on Roblox... then they invited me to try it... and I started watching what is going on in there. It's pretty bad. LOADS of grooming going on... shitty games... games that encourage anti-social behavior... horror games targeting under 5s... now they aren't allowed to play it anymore.

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And if you deleted all your comments... they undeleted everything.

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Yeah I see it (as a not American looking in from outside the country). Every time I visit the USA, the changes in things are more and more visible.

It's a problem with Canonical. They stepped up and created the snaps and then abandoned them instead of maintaining them. They still maintain the core that they include with the distro... it's all the extras they created to pad out the store... and then abandoned. "Look the snap store has so many packages"... yeah... no... it doesn't.

Why would a company who makes a commercial level open source package want to add snaps to their already broad Linux offering? They typically already build RPM (covering RHEL, Fedora, openSUSE, Mandriva, etc.) and DEB (covering Debian, Ubuntu, all Ubuntu derivatives, etc.)... and have a tar.gz to cover anything they missed. Why should they add the special snowflake snap just to cover Ubuntu which is already well covered by the DEB hey already make?

Sure, show vendors what's possible, but if Canonical stepped up to make the snaps, then they should still be maintaining them. It's not a business opportunity... its more bullshit from Canonical that no one wants.

Try FreeOffice: I've foudn it better than OnlyOffice and it is German vs Russian... so there's that in favour of FreeOffice.

Personal experience on my part. I deleted 13 years of contributions on Reddit. They are ALL back. My account was deleted... but every single comment (that I checked anyway) is still there. I checked after I deleted them... and they were not visible for almost 2 months after I did the pass to delete... now they're all back.

This is what they are telling each other... technologically advanced mermaids are out to get you:

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They manufacture and sell the buses in Canada... There are BYD buses in operation in at least Toronto, Victoria, Longeuil, St. Albert and Grand Prairie (and probably more by now). If you're in Montreal, there's a decent chance you'll see BYD E6 taxis.

There's been rumors of the cars being prepped for general sale in Canada.... but I can't find any proof of that right now.

The US Regular Army (RA) was founded in 1775. State militias supported the RA through the various wars fought on what is now US soil (including the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812). In the Civil War, the RA was supported by volunteers and fought on the side that ultimately won. The Confederate Army was similar to the RA at the time. Currently, the RA has been absorbed into the US Army (including Army Reserve and National Guard).

Source: and

So... yes there was a federal military, but it was a different thing than the US Army is now. How that would play out if things went bonkers in 2025... who knows. There are a LOT of people around the world watching VERY closely though... and really hoping (not that confidently though) that sanity will prevail.

Linux needs more GUIs for managing complex settings.

openSUSE has YaST which covers almost all complex settings... it's not perfect, but it tries

Maybe that's the thing for me. There are no transphobes in my circles. People I know are either accepting/supportive or neutral (they take a "it's their life" approach) of people whoever they are... and they post travel photos and family event photos on social media.

Son-of-a-bitch. I just searched with Google... and almost ALL my old comments are back. The user attribution is [deleted], but almost all the content of 13 or 14 years of comments has been restored. In a few cases, a top-level comment has not been restored, but everywhere in sub-comment conversations, I see my old content... content I know I explicitly deleted.

So, even though I explicitly deleted my contributions, they ignored and restored it. What an asshole move by the Reddit admins. And of course, now that my account has been deleted there's no way to follow up and re-remove all my contributions.

I wonder. Considering that the vast majority of my comments on Reddit were done while I lived in Europe if I can use GPRD and insist they remove it all.

I used a Tampermonkey script called Reddit History Sanitiizer:

You can modify it to do what you want... Power Delete Suite works too. There's a lot more out there, especially now.

I've been using openSUSE since it's early days when it was S.u.S.E. I started using it in the spring of 1998... so what, 25 years? I've used other distros on a second machine, but my main machine has always been SuSE in some form or another. Today it's openSUSE Tumbleweed.

I wouldn’t go with Opensuse or Fedora for gaming.

Why? I use openSUSE Tumbleweed for gaming and it's been rock solid. Seriously, I've never really had any issues. It has its quirks, but they are easily "fixed" by adding Packman and the Nvidia repos... and running an update.

I've tried Ubuntu multiple times and it was always a shitshow disaster. Mint was OK-ish, but had Ubuntu-related silliness.

I used a Tampermonkey script called Reddit History Sanitiizer:

You can modify it to do what you want… Power Delete Suite works too. There’s a lot more out there, especially now.

Amazing isn't it? There are people saying these insane things... and the audience is lapping it up. Agreeing. Begging for more.

I'm not American. I'm looking in with horror, confusion, and sadness.

Lol. You're not a parent are you?

It's not lazy, it's being involved as a parent. I teach them. I council them. I explain the good and the bad.

They don't have unfettered access to the internet either. I carefully limit to what is appropriate to their ages. As they get older and are more able to understand the implications I relax the restrictions.

My kids will survive just fine not playing in an environment that encourages bed behavior.

Most of the people I know have already bailed out. I deleted 13 years of comments and my Reddit account. Zero intentions of returning even if they do backtrack.

I feel this so much. I own a property. I rented it out. I ran into that exact same lineup of expenses vs income you note here and... I ended up taking my house OFF the rental market. It's just not worth it.

I keep getting into these discussions with people who yell “It’s immoral to buy a house and rent it out. Landlords must provide housing for renters at a loss so I can have cheap housing” and then... "It's an investment and you as the owner must fund my low cost housing because you might earn equity in the property when you sell it in the future."