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50/50 that or it gets sexualized and women are told to put it away

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I don't have any interesting secrets or facts from my current ex-jobs, so I'll share an interesting fact from a buddy's. It's one of those companies that offers automated phone systems (and chats, nowadays) that listen to your options rather than taking number inputs.

This may no longer be the case, but these systems were not actually automated. There are entire call centers dedicated to these phone systems, whereby an operator listens to your call snippet and manually selects the next option in the phone tree, or transcribes your input.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if advances in AI have made this whole song and dance less in need of human intervention, but once upon a time, your call wasn't truly automated - it was federated.

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I've been reading up on this very thing today. Let me put it to you in paraphrase as I heard it. What we have to lose is a truly federated network - it has happened before, and it can happen again. Facebook, when faced with an app that most users preferred, chose to buy it, and now Instagram is just as big a project concern as the rest of Meta.

You can't buy a federated network, but you sure can improve on it, just as Google did with XMPP in days of yore. Once a federated chat protocol much as we're on a federated social network, Google introduced Google Talk in 05, and federated it via XMPP in 06. They introduced a variety of features and QOL over the years, and being as big as they were, they held a vast majority of the users across all XMPP platforms.

Then, in 2013, they announced that Google Talk would be phased out and as a result, a huge chunk of the federated community would be walled. All of a sudden, a thriving federated community was mostly just Google.

People join just to talk to their friends, and to make friends; if most of those people went to Google for their features and most of their friends were there too, there was no big loss for them. It'd be like if Reddit used to be an instance all on its own and then suddenly decided to unfederate completely.

That's not to say that all this will happen with Meta, but I guarantee that is their goal.

Not sure if it counts as a first day, but a third interview had me gone. I was quite late and they told me I was out of the running. Reasonable enough, but the company was in the middle of a move, so this interview was in a different location across town from the first two, and the only indication of where it was taking place was a tiny sign stuck in the ground. I must have circled the parking lot 10 times.

It was for the best because I later learned the work conditions there were rotten.

I think the difference is that when you pay discord, they stop advertising to you.

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I use Sync and saw someone suggest to the developer (who is adapting the app to Lemmy) that when the app stops working, it leaves a message indicating that Lemmy is a possible alternative. Not to say that suggestion will be taken, but I think it's entirely possible that a decent chunk of basically uninformed users will find their favorite app inoperable and find themselves, directly or indirectly, referred to Lemmy.

I could be misremembering and I'm not going to look it up right now, but I believe Payday 2 lost to corpo greed long ago when they added a bunch of microtransactions. There was also something about the original devs being screwed over if memory serves.

I was just joshing you, playing a little trick, I think it's for atheism.

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I don't think so. It requires at least some inherent knowledge of tape decks, that they have "head" readers and that those need cleaning.

Honestly, a lot of them bring up necessary questions. AI being developed so quickly means a lot of questions got pushed off until later.

Maybe an un-based take, but these questions do have ambiguous answers, and I don't know if we should expect a machine to give an answer without nuance. If you just want the AI to say yes or no, ask something like, "Was Hitler bad?" or "Is slavery unethical?" and you will much more likely get straightforward answers.

I feel like he addresses this quite well in the conclusion. In regards to cars, "this is not a new phenomenon" and admits to his reliance on salesmen and mechanics.

Ultimately, he's asking that the people who make decisions about how our world is shaped have some knowledge about the things that are going to shape the world. And that essential issue is still unaddressed. Remind me, how many years ago was it that US Congress was asking Google why the bad articles show up when you search their name?

Oh, and our car-centric society in the US largely sucks. That may or may not have anything to do with our general understanding of a motor, but maybe it's worth considering how much thought has really gone into the implications of these massively affecting technologies.

The problem is that multiple unrelated communities also saw a surge of old memes when the original community blew up

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What, no way, that's craaazy...

thank mr skeltal

To summarize: the video opens on a series of games, each one progressively older, overlaid with a review of that game from the time it came out praising it as the best graphical fidelity of its time. Basically, they're saying "Yes, graphics got better, but we always seem to conclude that they're the best they will ever be"

You're talking about nihilism, not atheism. Atheism does not preclude humanism.

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I love this idea. Unfortunately, I think it's just a slightly unnatural vocal performance. Even though AI can perfectly replicate voices tonally, they can't truly generate the same cadence and inflections, or sometimes even get close without a good deal of human assistance. I suspect this will change over time. As with ChatGPT, we'll be looking to AI to solve the problem of AI mimicking humans too well.

Threads is new - unless you meet someone who for some reason only has a threads account, just talk to them elsewhere.

Otherwise, why is it the Fediverse user who has to get the threads account? Tell your people to make an account elsewhere. If you are conscientiously avoiding threads, you're probably the only one in the relationship with a principle boundary to cross in this situation.

It is narrated, "eventually, the Kens would go on to have the same power in Barbieland that women have in the real world" (paraphrased). It's basically kind of a joke and, perhaps more specifically, a reminder that positive change doesn't happen overnight. I think it would be a bit... antithetical to spend the whole movie exploring the issues with a supposedly perfect system and then end by saying "okay we fixed it everything is perfect now".

Most of the technology subs I followed have migrated to some degree, but I've noticed a lot of "normie" subs are still stuck. For me in particular, r/Writing prompts, r/nosleep, and r/YoutubeHaikus are sorely missed.

There is a way to see up votes on Lemmy if you're an instance admin, which isn't a super high hurdle. But point taken. Still a bit funny to see how directly his usage informs the mechanics of Twitter.

I have never strongly identified as any particular religion, so if that is where you're coming from this answer might not be helpful.

My parents both came from religious backgrounds, but they decided not to force me into any particular faith. When I was about 8, I started attending a Unitarian Universalist church, which certainly has religious tones but is very specific about accepting all kinds of faiths, choosing instead to focus on community.

As a result, I've been exposed to many different kinds of faith. I don't tend to believe any creation myths or creators myself, at best I am agnostic. But I do believe that faith is an integral part of the human experience. Faith and hope are inextricably tied together, even if they don't both show up to every family dinner, to strain a metaphor.

I may not have faith in a god or gods, but I find that sometimes I have faith in my fellow man. I hope the goodness of humanity will prevail. In much smaller terms, I have faith in my friends; I know that they will have my back when I need it. Every time I take a risk, I have at least a little faith that I'll be okay at the end, or at least that I can pick myself back up.

Humans rely on faith for a lot of things, and in my opinion, that doesn't have to look like God.

I think with the registration questions they're just trying to solve two things: preventing bots from signing up, and preventing trolls. It doesn't seem so bad, really.

I used to enjoy it, but over time I ended up in a similar boat. Just a huge bust of anxiety, especially socially. But on the other hand, I feel pretty okay in the day to day. I've come to see it as a sort of forced introspection - not necessarily revealing anything I don't already know about, but bringing it all to the surface and forcing the mind to see it. In that respect, it could still be drawing a line between feeling and how things are going.

Not that it makes it necessarily more universal, but I think there's a grain of truth.

In this instance, the moderators specifically refused to be fact checkers and declared that fact checking would be left to the candidates. It was a bit of a missed opportunity that Biden didn't refute more of Trump's falsehoods.

I have a coworker who is essentially building a custom program in Sheets using AppScript, and has been using CGPT/Gemini the whole way.

While this person has a basic grasp of the fundamentals, there's a lot of missing information that gets filled in by the bots. Ultimately after enough fiddling, it will spit out usable code that works how it's supposed to, but honestly it ends up taking significantly longer to guide the bot into making just the right solution for a given problem. Not to mention the code is just a mess - even though it works there's no real consistency since it's built across prompts.

I'm confident that in this case and likely in plenty of other cases like it, the amount of time it takes to learn how to ask the bot the right questions in totality would be better spent just reading the documentation for whatever language is being used. At that point it might be worth it to spit out simple code that can be easily debugged.

Ultimately, it just feels like you're offloading complexity from one layer to the next, and in so doing quickly acquiring tech debt.

Women are so cute and I love you too and I love you too [ad infinitum]

I'll take it.

Dogs are omnivores; cats, on the other hand, are obligate carnivores.

The system leaves us with a binary choice. Even the third "option" of inaction is essentially leaving it up to fate at best, and at worst is just handing the controls over.

The room you're in is sealed, filling with water, and you can access a snorkel or a fire hydrant.

Eh, it's all just personal choice (until someone starts scraping Lemmy for LLM or otherwise mining for data).

  • sent from Firefox on Windows on VMware on Linux

Unfortunately it's burned into my memory one way or another, yet it still blends into the surrounding years.

One of my best friends moved out of state and we went to Colorado to send him off, I got back and my dad was sick (not COVID at least), he passed away exactly a week before my birthday. The next month I went on a trip to Vegas through work (I was encouraged to keep the plan despite the circumstances... Ultimately it was a positive experience overall).

A remarkable year personally in good ways and bad, but another stone in the stream of upheavals in recent years overall.

As a beard haver: them things are sharp when freshly cut. I experience this on a semi regular basis. Helps to soak your finger sometimes, then you gotta be careful not to break it when you pull it out.

Not a big texter anyway but I've never run into anyone who even mentions it outside of techy friends.

In the middle of a move, I hope to homelab a setup at my new location but currently a newb (essentially). Can't use this yet but upvoting for coolness.


I don't think there's really any one universal best answer, really. I agree with the idea that mirroring is the most fundamental answer. I try to ask questions too, where appropriate.

No my eyesight is fine, what are you on about?